I honestly cant see why anyone would want to get into the rec market right now unless youve got investors that are going to pay for everything. I know someone going through the process right now. The cost to build out a micro indoor is going to be 750-a mill depending on how you do it and if you own the land. Will most likely take 2 years min as well to get through the licensing process. The retail market is so flooded with mid grade garbage, unless you have killer genetics, know how to grow quads and have a connection to a LP or processor good luck. In terms of doing an outdoor micro, again good luck, unless you are connected to an LP or processor that is guaranting to buy your product, there is no chance any established lp will buy your product when they are already sitting on TONS of mids they cant do anything with. The market was created to cater to the big coorperations and create big money for the insiders and early investors. If the market was opened up to anyone really and all the unregulated growers were able to sell on the open market, all the big companies would go bankrupt. Theres a reason theres so many med licences for 200 plus plants out there, the downside to that is there is alot of bud on the market and the prices are continuing to go down.