Ants, help!

Thurgood jenkin$

Active Member
I have a ant colony setting up shop about 1-2 feet from my plants. They had quite the ant mound when I found it a couple days ago. I smashed it but every day since they start to rebuild and everyday I smash what they have. Yesterday, I took a bar of soap and cut of shavings all around the plant and on the ant hill. No improvement.

The ants haven't messed with the plants at all, so wondering if this is a problem? and what I should do to get rid of the little bastards?


Well-Known Member
google for a borox recipe. its soap and suagar and some butter. i made it last yr. and it killed them all.


Well-Known Member
What kind of ants? I have ants on mine but they arent hurting anything. Sometimes they will herd aphids but Im not seeing any. Personally I wouldnt worry about it unless you are sure they are damaging the plants.