Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre

What are you talking about? I didn’t vote for or support it in any way.

And I already challenged you to prove you can beat this “feeble” Nazi bitch. Lol.

I will come there. I have many friends in Colorado to set things up. Pick a sport. Snowboarding, mountain biking, climbing. Hell I could put you away drinking even though I have grown to hate alcohol. My disability is internal and I am managing it with cannabanoids and exercise.

You are pickling yourself with alcohol and stress.

Boxing? Wrestling? Martial arts? I would prefer not to touch a slimy liar like you though.

My reconstructed shoulder still hurts some but it won’t be a problem against a drunken blogger.

You have already proven you are awful at debating.
You should focus more on getting your fat, sickly wife pregnant you gimpy welfare sponge

Don’t make me invite myself over and do your job for you, ya unemployable brokedick on disability
You should focus more on getting your fat, sickly wife pregnant you gimpy welfare sponge

Don’t make me invite myself over and do your job for you, ya unemployable brokedick on disability

Still classy ya miserable woman insulting white self hating pretend Jew.

So easy to make you upset. Like a child.
When your clientele can just get on the nursing home bus and go to the dispensary instead of having to buy grams of your mids they will and you’ll need a job

You can be a hostess at Joe’s Crab Shack

I dont really sell grams and I will be just fine.

Again it’s yourself you are referring to. I can still sell weed in Colorado. It’s you who failed.

Or I can go back to managing car dealerships although I don’t know if I will be able to keep the long hours.

I guess I could finally claim permanent disability like my doctors suggested years ago.
Why the fuck is everyone fighting? This is a marijuana forum. This "Politics" category has no business being on here, in my opinion. We're all here to help each other. No point in fighting.

That’s all that happens here. I came in almost 2 years ago to join into a discussion. They didn’t like my opinion and have been slandering me ever since.

And I agree. A weed forum is no place for politics but this site is sponsored by an extreme left propoganda website. Buck posts for them.
You said you sell grams of weed to fixed income elderly people

I merely baited you. You claimed I sold grams after I told you I don’t. You claim everything about me is different than I told you last year while you attempted to put me down. You lie all the time. Why don’t you call yourself out.