Another Oregon Grow

Well everything is coming along nicely so far this season. I've been fortunate so far as to not have the cabbage moths show any interest in my girls. Most everything has stopped stretching except my SLH in the GH (running out of room). The Bangi Haze plants are the latest to show. I will leave one of them out and exposed to see if it holds to its reputation of being a cold and wet weather strain. I'll be covering the raised bed plants this week, never know what September weather is going to be like. Some pics from a few days ago...

Bangi in a 45gal potBangi.JPG

2 Bangi Haze in the raised bedsBangi 8-22.JPG
The top of the PC over the shedPineapple Chunk (3).JPG
My favorite this season Mekong HighMH 8-24.JPG
The GH is packedGH (2).JPG

Hard to get pics.
Well it's been cloudy and damp with showers and some rain for the last week. No issues so far, other than one of the Bangi's I thought I had sexed accurately turned out to be a male...WTF. Hate to put that much time and effort into it, what a waste. Live and learn, I won't be so hasty next time and I'll give the cuttings plenty of time to fully show.
My plans to cover over some of the girls before this weather hit was squashed last week. I was out spraying some tea and felt something snap/pop in my L4,5 area...flat on my back for the next 3 days and still slow to get around now but getting better. So far no signs of PM..

My mistake...BH Male.JPG Bangi.JPG

The GSC is flowering nicelyGSC.JPG

2 remaining Bangi's with PC in the back. The Bangi Haze is the slowest to start and looks like it will be late Oct. for them...Probably won't mess with them again unless they're truly mold, rain resistant and really potent.Bangi- PC.JPG

GH plants
MH.. this will no doubt be my quickest finisherMekong High (2).JPG

White WidowWW 9-3.JPG
My plans to cover over some of the girls before this weather hit was squashed last week. I was out spraying some tea and felt something snap/pop in my L4,5 area...flat on my back for the next 3 days and still slow to get around now but getting better.

Take care of that back. I hurt mine 35 years ago, and never know when it's going to rear it's ugly head. Once I was OOC for a week from tying my shoes.
Take care of that back. I hurt mine 35 years ago, and never know when it's going to rear it's ugly head. Once I was OOC for a week from tying my shoes.
Yep, I second that, take care of that back. Mine can go out doing the simplest task, other times can chop firewood with no issues...girls are looking good!
Hey thanks guys...I should add I'm no newcomer to these issues. F'd mine up when I was 33 at work. I'm 64 now and haven't had it put me down like that for about 8 years. I grew some Afghani last year that was killer for back pain.
Hey thanks guys...I should add I'm no newcomer to these issues. F'd mine up when I was 33 at work. I'm 64 now and haven't had it put me down like that for about 8 years. I grew some Afghani last year that was killer for back pain.
Mine was from a close encounter with a nest of red wasp while bushhogging. This was me for a second or two. I did great until I hit the ground. Then the 23 wasp stings were pushed way back in my mind by the back pain. Luckily the tractor I left behind hit a tree and didn't go into the river.

Got the plants covered over before the rain hit a few days back.Hoop house 9-15.JPG_DSC1663.JPG
Now to get everything buttoned up and pinned down. Got a lot of rearranging to do inside. Need to create a new support system._DSC1666.JPG

Got the GSC covered..she is starting to stack and get frosty. I've grown this the last 2 seasons from clone, both years this was the last strain to finish. This year from a fm'd seed...I'm now thinking this will be the first to harvest..:D_DSC1763.JPGGSC 9-15 (2).JPG_DSC1761.JPG

The GH plants. So far I've been able to keep the humidity down to 55% at night and averages in the 40s during the day. Should be able to run into December of needed.
Mekong High... I see a lot of thai sticks
MH 9-14.JPG

SLH just getting started, this will be a Nov. harvest. This is an awesome strain I love the of my favorites.SLH 9-14 (3).JPG

The White Widow is looking good, got a ways to go.WW.JPG
Glad to see you got them all covered. Beautiful plants, and nice photography skills. It's amazing that you keep an outdoor going as long as you can. Is the hoop house sealed? Are you running a dehumidifier in there? Or it just occurred to me... do you live on "the dry side"?

Unless we get some random extended warm sunny spell, somewhere around October 1st seems to be the cut-off date for me. Whatever is done by then will be this year's harvest, not long after that the fungi simply take over.
Glad to see you got them all covered. Beautiful plants, and nice photography skills. It's amazing that you keep an outdoor going as long as you can. Is the hoop house sealed? Are you running a dehumidifier in there? Or it just occurred to me... do you live on "the dry side"?

Unless we get some random extended warm sunny spell, somewhere around October 1st seems to be the cut-off date for me. Whatever is done by then will be this year's harvest, not long after that the fungi simply take over.
Thanks brother..I've got the GH dialed in and had a good IPM schedule during veg so as long as I can keep the humidity down shouldn't have any issues. The hoop house is sealed up well enough to keep the moths out. I have a 20" box fan set up as an exhaust on one end and the other end is covered in poly fabric so it breathes pretty well. No dehumidifier in there this year, just hoping for these to be resistant strains. I live in Forest Grove which is on the edge of the coast range heading to Tillamook.
Looks like we have decent weather this week, sure need what we can get. I won't have anything that will be done in 2 weeks...I hate to chop shit early.
Thanks brother..I've got the GH dialed in and had a good IPM schedule during veg so as long as I can keep the humidity down shouldn't have any issues. The hoop house is sealed up well enough to keep the moths out. I have a 20" box fan set up as an exhaust on one end and the other end is covered in poly fabric so it breathes pretty well. No dehumidifier in there this year, just hoping for these to be resistant strains. I live in Forest Grove which is on the edge of the coast range heading to Tillamook.
Looks like we have decent weather this week, sure need what we can get. I won't have anything that will be done in 2 weeks...I hate to chop shit early.
The micro-climates in our area have a ton of variation. I'm at the "Gateway to the Gorge", and my weather is often very different from other parts of Multnomah County.

I hear you, I don't harvest before its time, I'll take anything that's ready and we'll let the rest go to see if it can finish, but most likely it will end up as compost. Last year we had two whole huge plants that never fully matured before they had to be chopped up. Taking down a tree on the SW side of the yard helped extend our season, but we still have other things we need to change. We realized we have to stop top watering and put in a drip irrigation system in our non-cannabis garden in general. No small undertaking, but top watering is making for wet leaves and all the issues that brings, which then spread to the cannabis plants. It's a process. This was our third summer here, we're still learning.
Things seem to be moving slowly...need more weeks. Damn rain and humidity beating up on us.
I had to chop the Pineapple Chunk a few days back, started finding small spot of botrytis. After breaking it down I found quite a bit more. My IPM seems to have helped I only found 3 worms in the process. I kept a few oz of nice bud for head stash and froze the rest for bubble hash.Pineapple Chunk Trunk.JPG

The Bangi's are healthy and showing no signs of any issues, they both need weeks to finish though. Hope their resistance holds out.BH 1 10-8.JPG BH 2 10-8.JPG
2 distinctly different phenos the spikey one is a full 2 weeks ahead of the other
Got the GSC covered up and it is getting closer to finish, I'm keeping a close eye on her for any issues._DSC2055.JPG GSC 10-8 (2).JPG
I'll have to get some pics from the GH later...It is blowing up at the seams. Hard to find room to stand in there.
More pics from the GH
White sweet smelling its hard to explainWW 10-9.JPG
Super Lemon Haze...smells like lemon pledgeSLH 10-9.JPG
Mekong High... don't care for the fluffy wispy buds. I cut off a lower branch last week and tried it this morning. Strong electric clearheaded kinda buzz...just what I like.MH 10-9.JPG Mekong High (2).JPG
Happy harvest to those still waiting.
Thanks Larry...its not to be expected this time of year here. I see nothing but cloudy conditions, rain and showers from here on out. Everything I have going now is enclosed from the rain. Hope I can get another couple weeks with my hoop house plants..2 Bangi Haze.
BH 1Bangi 1 10-15.JPG Bangi 1.JPG
BH 2Bangi 2 10-15.JPG Bangi 2.JPG
While I've got some attention maybe someone can chime in on what this might be_DSC2278.JPG
I've had zero issues up until now...found this on just 3 colas and doesn't seem to be progressing very fast???
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