Another Ohio Grow


Well-Known Member
@ bob thanks bro im trying no there's one in Columbus i'm going to

plants are loving this weather they are thriving. I gotta get some cloning gel i'm bout out and want to pick up some organic fert's for the ones
i will be running organic. The rest will done with heavy harvest from AN. That and those are the kinda stores i can spend forever in just browsing and reading.


Well-Known Member
man i have to start getting more than 2-3 out in a day i'm trying to spread them out and keep an area down to 5-9 so that i dont get to many in one spot but it sure is alot of work this way. Anyway here's to Aurora indica's. Hopefully they grow up to be big girls.

bob loblough

Active Member
cool man
i second the thing about a lot of work. i bought an old army surplus backpack and have been hauling bags of peat and dirt and shit about two miles down this trail. its crazy hard and i dont even have any in the ground yet. hahaha. it would be way easier to have like 20 to a spot, but...

anyway, did you use femed seeds?


Well-Known Member
Yea, for the most part i used fems i got ten short rider's im gonna breed to each other for more seed. And my partner started 72 county seeds that are regular's.

Next year if this short rider is any good ima grow the hell out of it. try and cut 2 maybe three times. With them, but still do my other plant's.


Well-Known Member
Yea, for the most part i used fems i got ten short rider's im gonna breed to each other for more seed. And my partner started 72 county seeds that are regular's.

Next year if this short rider is any good ima grow the hell out of it. try and cut 2 maybe three times. With them, but still do my other plant's.
Well if your Short Ryders are anything like mine, you will love them.
us mid-west growers gotta stick together....lookin good bro im subbed no doubt:eyesmoke: posted a couple pics of my current grow...holla at me

bob loblough

Active Member
those look pretty good desert. i read the reviews on them and like half said they didnt autoflower. guess they sorted that out.

i got some auto freebies id like to breed, but they are all fem and theyre all growing like garbage so maybe ill order up some short ryders
was nirvanas shipping really discreet?

@tristy you guys will be busy as hell. lol


Well-Known Member
those look pretty good desert. i read the reviews on them and like half said they didnt autoflower. guess they sorted that out.

i got some auto freebies id like to breed, but they are all fem and theyre all growing like garbage so maybe ill order up some short ryders
was nirvanas shipping really discreet?

@tristy you guys will be busy as hell. lol

Nirvana's stealth shipping about fooled me! They are very discreet.


Well-Known Member
those look pretty good desert. i read the reviews on them and like half said they didnt autoflower. guess they sorted that out.

i got some auto freebies id like to breed, but they are all fem and theyre all growing like garbage so maybe ill order up some short ryders
was nirvanas shipping really discreet?

@tristy you guys will be busy as hell. lol
I bought my seeds through Attitude and couldn't be happier. I have ordered from them a few times and have never not gotten an order. You can pay to have your seeds sent in a t-shirt or wallet or something. Very discrete and very quick. With my short ryder, 4 of 5 popped, of those 4 all were female like they were supposed to and they autoflowered perfectly.


Well-Known Member
i might try attitude next year just for their selection but nirvana has treated me great very discreet and quick shipping

@ desert those do look good bro im already busy as between working and growing my summer is packed thankfully in my line of work i can choose when i work and when i don't.

I hope we all have a great season thanks for stopping by guy's....tristynhawk


Well-Known Member
today was a great day went to the hydro shop picked up supplies and when i got home my fertilizer had arrived finally.

Now iv'e got to re-visit most of them and fertilize them i will try and post pic's soon

happy growing all...tristynhawk

jimmy jones

Active Member
Hell yeah man everything is looking nice. I havnt gotten mine out yet. Been super busy at work. But on the plus side...... I think I may have found some deathstar clones. Dude has lemon g too. Gonna be pickin em up here soon hopefully. Gotta scrape up a few extra bucks. That or trade him some of this bluegrass that's almost finished.


Well-Known Member
well here's a few i have left the one with four in pot is my short riders and i cant believe they aren't showing yet