Another light question


Is 1 150W MH light sufficient enough for a veg tent thats 2.6'x 1.5' by 2.6' ? In this tent would be 1 mother plant and about 4 clones at a time.


Well-Known Member
That's not a very large tent. Wow long to you intend to keep the clones in there and what type of grow are you planning, soil?


Active Member
How exactly do you plan on fitting a mother plant in a space that small? You better be the master of LST or mommy is going to be scraping up against your bulb in no time.


Well-Known Member
The optium light from the 150 hps is a 14 in sphere around the light.
If you put her in the middle it should cover most of the canopy with good light.
But it would be a bit dark around the edges.

MY cab is about the same size an i went with a 175 Mh an a 150 Hps. Sealed an vented the top with the lights to control heat.

I got 45 day old plant in my cab with 9-10 nodes wraping aournd my buckets edge, only 5-6 in tall.
Keep em close to the lights an they wont stretch tell flower. I like growning leafs an buds not stems.
Training helps even more.
You can keep em low.


Scarhole thanks for the reply. Very helpful. ExDex its not hard to maintain a mother plant in that size of space and thats without being an expert in lst. In fact I have a plant which is going on its 4th month next week which is another test subject for me and i have been able to keep it contained by doing absolutely nothing to it other than taking care of it. Douglas I plan to just keep the clones in there enough to root. Then they will be moved. Thats why I was wondering if a 150 MH would be alright for the area and using hydro as well.