Another gun thread

^most people today don't go around armed. Same as in 1800's.

I don't care if you carry. I don't care if you believe it makes you safer. I'm just trying to keep it real.

For decades, Republicans suppressed research into gun violence because virtually all research finds the childish fantasy that guns make people safer is false. So, it's thin but here is what was found when data was analyzed to see if good men with guns actually do stop bad men with them:

*Guns are hardly ever used in self defense. This study , in which victims of violent crime were surveyed, 2/3 fought back in some manner, shouting, pushing, using a weapon, etc. A gun was used less than 2% of the time. So, carrying in case you need it to defend yourself, most times is just something people do to feel good. Not that there is anything wrong with that but be real.

*People who use a gun in self defense during an assault are more likely to get shot, injured or killed. This study, in which victims of assault were surveyed, the investigators found:

Association Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault
After we adjusted for confounding factors, individuals who were in possession of a gun were 4.46 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.16, 17.04) times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not in possession. Individuals who were in possession of a gun were also 4.23 (95% CI = 1.19, 15.13) times more likely to be fatally shot in an assault. In assaults where the victim had at least some chance to resist, individuals who were in possession of a gun were 5.45 (95% CI = 1.01, 29.92) times more likely to be shot.

(underline added for emphasis)

Carry that gun all you want. Believe what you want. I'm just posting stuff to say that guns don't make people safer and probably make them less so especially when they are up against somebody assaulting them.
IM sorry but that I do not agree.
we have learned to live with them. we regularly see them on our trail cams. Lots of Mountain lions around our farm
I hear they mostly go for kids and women but as we don’t have any I’ve only encountered one while fishing in Calorado and one in Alberta while hunting and they both wanted nothing to do with us.
Never thought they would be up there this is where i see alot. Making hole.They srart moving good then..Copperheads are the worst
I don't kill snakes anymore. Unless they are right at the house and the wife sees them. I walk at night sans headlamp, and have not stepped on one so far.

We do have panthers, but I don't view them as a theat. I view them very rarely as a matter of fact. The last time I saw any was when the guys opened up the road to the creek for me, and I was pulling cedar posts from the creek land down to my river camp. That would have been in the spring of last year. Two young one ran across the three trail road in front of me. They were hauling ass.
No fogfuck you shouldnt.!!!
People have opinions. I value opinions of informed people and you aren't on that list.

I've invited you to explain but all you can come up with is an opionion based upon your own circumstances. What a hick thinks has no bearing on what a person in a developed part of this country would or should do.

Mind you, I don't care if you carry or fuck pigs (with their consent) but I don't understand why your beliefs should matter to most people who don't live like you.
People have opinions. I value opinions of informed people and you aren't on that list.

I've invited you to explain but all you can come up with is an opionion based upon your own circumstances. What a hick thinks has no bearing on what a person in a developed part of this country would or should do.

Mind you, I don't care if you carry or fuck pigs (with their consent) but I don't understand why your beliefs should matter to most people who don't live like you.

But he's special.
This is a digression from the firearm erotica aspect, but all angles are fun to discuss.

I was disagreeing a bit going down your list, but I see how you tied it together. To answer your question I have to ask a question, which is: proper firearm etiquette to what end? Because that ports over to anything, using a screwdriver for a chisel, putting barbeque sauce on a hot dog, etc. There could be situations where the wrong tool is legally wrong, like bringing your rifle to hunt deer during archery season, but for the most part, using the "wrong tool" is just a common imperfection, in which what?

Please let me be clear, I advocate the individual ownership of what ever non military firearm you want, no background check, no registration.


My issue is with American gun culture and the foolish lies gun owners tend to tell themselves and others.

This thread was meant to address those little lies.

"Suicide by firearm just means they would do it some other way".. so that same bunch who are upset by the declarations of those uneducated about firearms somehow believe that their ignorance of the particulars of suicide and depression think they are entitled to make proclamations little different than those who call magazines "clips".

And the "a gun is 'just' a tool" so I posted what I did.

A chainsaw is just a tool, I see few who are as motivated over their chainsaws as they are over their glocks. There are measures being considered in California prohibiting leaf blowers and gas weed wackers, i don't see large movements setting about protecting those "tools". Guns are proven to increase the levels of testosterone in the user, not so with an electronic level.

Again, I am in no way in favor of demanding a bonified "reason" for ownership of a certain class of firearm. The fact that a person wants it combined with a measure of safety should be enough. (Saturday night specials, guns with too light a trigger, that sort of thing).

Using "the wrong weapon" is not my point. My point lies solely in dealing with those tired gun owner arguments. (There is a not insubstantial list of anti gun arguments that fail as well)

If one wants to own a "utilitarian, military appearing" firearm, fine, but that person should likely not be using the "guns are but tools" argument unless they have a good response for "what is your tool for", that does not include "protection from the zombie apocalypse
People have opinions. I value opinions of informed people and you aren't on that list.

I've invited you to explain but all you can come up with is an opionion based upon your own circumstances. What a hick thinks has no bearing on what a person in a developed part of this country would or should do.

Mind you, I don't care if you carry or fuck pigs (with their consent) but I don't understand why your beliefs should matter to most people who don't live like you.
I can imagine the consent form.
Just curious, those CI's look jacked up.
95% Confidence intervals tell part of the story. Yes the interval is broad but it is still greater than zero.


Depending on how the interval is calculated there is 5% - 10% chance that the investigators made a type one error and virtually no chance there was a type two.
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95% Confidence intervals tell part of the story. Yes the interval is broad but it is still greater than zero.

View attachment 5050753

Depending on how the interval is calculated there is 5% - 10% chance that the investigators made a type one error.
I was curious on the range because normally the number reported falls directly in the middle of the interval, I tried to find it in that paper but couldn't.