Well-Known Member
Back in the day “well-regulated” meant “correctly sighted in and can hit point of aim”.this is a different time, a different society, than when the constitution was written. they had no idea what this country would evolve into. weapons were single shot, someone well practiced might be able to get off a round every 45 seconds or so. there was no chance of a mass shooting, unless you were shooting catatonic paraplegics...
i have no idea what they would have said differently if they had known what was coming, but i'm sure they would have said something different than what they did.
the constitution calls for a well regulated militia, because at that time, there was no easy, fast way for armies to travel, and outlying towns and villages had to be able to protect themselves until help could arrive, if it was coming at all. it's too bad they were so vague with the terminology...a " well regulated militia" to some means a body akin to the national guard, to be called out in emergency, and commanded by "officers" they all knew and respected. to others, it can mean a bunch of fat old assholes who may or may not have had military training 20+ years ago, and who get together once a month to shoot each other with paint balls and then talk about what they'll do to the jews, blacks, hispanics, and gays once they're finally in charge.
i tend to lean towards the "national guard" scenario...
E.g. a well-regulated timepiece shows the time with a small and maybe calculable error.