Another gun thread

Guns are tools.


Varmit rifle? Flat trajectory hopefully cheap ammunition, perhaps something where the bullet is frangible enough so that it won't bounce off the ground.

Bigger game? Something heavy enough so the projectile won't be deflected by foliage, a heavy bullet that passes through bone.

Bird on the wing? Shot gun with a tight pattern at the distance you intend.

Self defense in an enclosed space? Semi auto hand gun.

How about a large gage shot gun for those who just aren't that good with a hand gun?

The right tool for the particular job.

Now, if a firearm is a tool, what job is an ar 15 platform (pick a caliber) semiauto with a large capacity magazine, a foldable stock and flash suppressor good for?

It may not be an "assault weapon" but what job is it best suited for?
There ya go bud
Dont care stay up North. If you dont like it. You will never control guns !Just keep defunding the cops im sure that will help
You do realize the concept of defunding the cops is that it is not their job (or are they well equipped) to deal with people that have mental health problems or sociological problems? That people whe are licensed in these areas might be better to send out rather than cops taught how to deal with criminals and not sick people?
It there job to deal with any problem.And when they dont..Well that it why i carry .Serve and Protect...Nobody can make someone get help...
I made some snide remarks about gun culture in other threads and I know at least several here proudly own firearms.

I was a journeyman gun Smith long long ago under the instruction of my grandfather.

I have nothing against guns, nothing against one's constitutionally specified right to keep and bear.

I do not believe in background checks or any system of connecting any firearm to any individual.

What I dislike is American gun culture. The typical American gun creature. This person has an affliction that taints his "cause" (there should be no such "cause".

This affliction is the notion of "gun as talisman".

They actually believe that mere possession of a firearm wards off all evil. They are certain that brandishing their arm will in itself keep them from succumbing to political disruption, that it will automatically safeguard the owner's rights. It will magically put food on his table, keep his daughter from being raped, make him equal in all respects.

It will right all wrongs and indemnify him from all misfortune.

These owners are impervious to facts and statistics and driven by a uniquely American fear of...crime mostly from those of black persuasion but still. They actually believe that they are protecting their family and home with these weapons.

Gun as talisman.
I would agree with this. Interested to see where this thread goes!!
I deleted my response. Wouldnt want to incite or encourage violence. I hope people die. I just wish death on them. Always. I cant help it. Thank you.
And specified as an individual right. I seem to remember Justice Sotomayor suggesting that the right is institutional and not individual. That angered me. . . . . . . .
You do realize that the SCOTUS only decided it was an individual right in 2008, right? So for the first 232 of the 245 years we have been a county, it was considered an institutional right. You know, the well regulated militia and all that.

Mother nature will defeat you gun owners any day of the week. When tsunami wipe out islands and volcanos smite the earth and covid turns into zombie apocolypse I will be cheering, for her. More powerful than an atom bomb she is. But our living, dying proccess of slow decomposition will get us all at the end, so hey.
I really don’t care about the overall danger percentages. What if someone has a gun and is attempting to harm me or my family? Who, because we bought into the those danger stats, are left with only our powers of persuasion and foot speed??
I’m the most peaceful guy on the planet....52 yrs old and never been in a fist fight. Me having a gun is not going to make any situation any more dangerous, for me at least.
If I’m misinterpreting your points, I do that sometimes and will amend my opinion......But one thing I’m not going to be is an easy mark or sitting duck. Gun free zones are the most dangerous places one can my opinion. Only the law abiding will respect the rules anyway, and those are not the ones facilitating the trouble. Sorry I’m rambling. Be well all.
I don't care if a peaceful person owns a gun for sport or a hobby. I just want the US to have the same low of a rate of gun homicides that other countries have.
It is sad to think .That ya'll think guns are the problem...Always someone on the other end There the dumb ass...Here everyone carries a gun on side or consealed ..Just the way it is. Nobody can change that
You are absolutely right. I don't care if people carry. What I care about is that my kid had nightmares the night after he went through a school shooter drill. Other countries don't have to do that in their schools. Why can't the US be as safe a place to live as there?