Another gun thread

This is not discussion. It is an emotional jeremiad.
I think it is important to establish a boundary between ordinary realistic gun owners and the sort of worshipers you describe. What I am reading is an effort to entrain all gun owners or reasoned advocates of civil firearm carry as dangerous fanatics.

This is not a suitable basis for discussion. I am not interested in dismantling every one of the distortions in here, nor am I interested into swimming upstream against ultimately emotional opposition.

Funny, the post was placed here specifically for you. I intended to differentiate the true gun owner from the cultural affectation.

Where is the emotion I'm my post?

The "worshipers" I describe are the ones that cause most of the current problems. The ones that are obstructing reason and real discussion.

Sorry I seem to have let you down.
There's also the legal definition, like here in California.
No. Assault weapon is an empty, redundant term designed to demonize some guns. It is meant to suggest that guns are somehow disgusting.

Assault rifle is a defined category if military arm.

The AKs and AR-pattern guns everywhere are not assault rifles with the exception of a very few Class 3 licensed weapons in private hands. Select fire requires individual licensure Federally under class 3.
Guns are tools.


Varmit rifle? Flat trajectory hopefully cheap ammunition, perhaps something where the bullet is frangible enough so that it won't bounce off the ground.

Bigger game? Something heavy enough so the projectile won't be deflected by foliage, a heavy bullet that passes through bone.

Bird on the wing? Shot gun with a tight pattern at the distance you intend.

Self defense in an enclosed space? Semi auto hand gun.

How about a large gage shot gun for those who just aren't that good with a hand gun?

The right tool for the particular job.

Now, if a firearm is a tool, what job is an ar 15 platform (pick a caliber) semiauto with a large capacity magazine, a foldable stock and flash suppressor good for?

It may not be an "assault weapon" but what job is it best suited for?
All weapons are assault weapons. All else is armor. With a weapon, one assails. A weapon used in defense is always used for counterassault.
Guns are tools.


Varmit rifle? Flat trajectory hopefully cheap ammunition, perhaps something where the bullet is frangible enough so that it won't bounce off the ground.

Bigger game? Something heavy enough so the projectile won't be deflected by foliage, a heavy bullet that passes through bone.

Bird on the wing? Shot gun with a tight pattern at the distance you intend.

Self defense in an enclosed space? Semi auto hand gun.

How about a large gage shot gun for those who just aren't that good with a hand gun?

The right tool for the particular job.

Now, if a firearm is a tool, what job is an ar 15 platform (pick a caliber) semiauto with a large capacity magazine, a foldable stock and flash suppressor good for?

It may not be an "assault weapon" but what job is it best suited for?

This is a digression from the firearm erotica aspect, but all angles are fun to discuss.

I was disagreeing a bit going down your list, but I see how you tied it together. To answer your question I have to ask a question, which is: proper firearm etiquette to what end? Because that ports over to anything, using a screwdriver for a chisel, putting barbeque sauce on a hot dog, etc. There could be situations where the wrong tool is legally wrong, like bringing your rifle to hunt deer during archery season, but for the most part, using the "wrong tool" is just a common imperfection, in which what?
No. Assault weapon is an empty, redundant term designed to demonize some guns. It is meant to suggest that guns are somehow disgusting.

Assault rifle is a defined category if military arm.

The AKs and AR-pattern guns everywhere are not assault rifles with the exception of a very few Class 3 licensed weapons in private hands. Select fire requires individual licensure Federally under class 3.

It has a dual definition here in California.
Not an assault rifle. A defining characteristic of such is select fire: safe, semi, full.
You describe a battle rifle.
At the time of it's adoption it was considered to be an assult rifle, as It has more that one shot and could rip off five rounds in less than a minute. Things change in 100 years. :D
Funny, the post was placed here specifically for you. I intended to differentiate the true gun owner from the cultural affectation.

Where is the emotion I'm my post?

The "worshipers" I describe are the ones that cause most of the current problems. The ones that are obstructing reason and real discussion.

Sorry I seem to have let you down.
In that case allow me to explore a little. You seem to me to use gun culturist to describe anyone who values the conferred privilege to own a gun. I do not say gun right because the Second Amendment has undergone several limitations. I applaud some but not others.

Where do I see you differentiating between culturists (what all the other gun owners call gun nuts) and all the others? Do you see why I sense propaganda?
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At the time of it's adoption it was considered to be an assult rifle, as It has more that one shot and could rip off five rounds in less than a minute. Things change in 100 years. :D
No. The term then and now is battle rifle. The first assault rifle (technically line all its successors an assault carbine) was the German MG43, if I have the designation right.
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But let's examine the next aspect of gun culture. The American gun culturist will not abide by any opinion other than full and complete acceptance of their viewpoint. One phrase that might cast a different perspective on anything but full endorsement of all guns and all gun mannerisms, will be enough to have the persons view denied as foolish, dangerous, un-American and unacceptable.

There can be no discussion, no introspection. If I am not completely for every aspect of gun culture I am not a "patriot" and must be a simpleton liberal who naturally wishes to confiscate all firearms.

See if I'm not right.
Idiot claims he is right or he will use his weapon
Please let the flintsone culture die
Guns are tools.


Varmit rifle? Flat trajectory hopefully cheap ammunition, perhaps something where the bullet is frangible enough so that it won't bounce off the ground.

Bigger game? Something heavy enough so the projectile won't be deflected by foliage, a heavy bullet that passes through bone.

Bird on the wing? Shot gun with a tight pattern at the distance you intend.

Self defense in an enclosed space? Semi auto hand gun.

How about a large gage shot gun for those who just aren't that good with a hand gun?

The right tool for the particular job.

Now, if a firearm is a tool, what job is an ar 15 platform (pick a caliber) semiauto with a large capacity magazine, a foldable stock and flash suppressor good for?

It may not be an "assault weapon" but what job is it best suited for?
School shootings? Is all I got
Thank you.

A legal definition is often at variance with what the things are.

It's true, but it's also good to be flexible. I have a couple christian friends that oppose gay marriage and they often start talking about how the definition of marriage is(was) a union between a man and a woman, as if the issue is because they're literarians frustrated with society's decline of an appreciation for semantics. In reality, it's just a proxy for something else that they're unhappy with.

I have my hangups too, like with possum, or expresso, or irregardless, because they're kind of words now and they only exist because others don't know they shouldn't. It used to drive me nuts, but then I realized there's a degree of narcissism in that frustration, "I know the thing, why don't all you idiots know the same thing, it must be because I'm so awesome!!!", so....fuck it, irregardless of what the expresso drinking possum thinks.
It's true, but it's also good to be flexible. I have a couple christian friends that oppose gay marriage and they often start talking about how the definition of marriage is(was) a union between a man and a woman, as if the issue is because they're literarians frustrated with society's decline of an appreciation for semantics. In reality, it's just a proxy for something else that they're unhappy with.

I have my hangups too, like with possum, or expresso, or irregardless, because they're kind of words now and they only exist because others don't know they shouldn't. It used to drive me nuts, but then I realized there's a degree of narcissism in that frustration, "I know the thing, why don't all you idiots know the same thing, it must be because I'm so awesome!!!", so....fuck it, irregardless of what the expresso drinking possum thinks.
My real beef is that “assault weapon” is a scare word. It’s a way to sneak in value judgment content. Sort of like whenever there is a story about violence on the evening news, they’d flash a pic of a semiauto pistol as the emblem of all violence. It’s on the propaganda spectrum.

I have no problem accepting more gun restrictions. But the two things I want to see bundled with them are

1) a leveling of gun and carry privileges across the fifty States. Gun law in Wyoming and Hawai’i and DC should not differ substantively.

2) apply these laws to ALL civilians, notably police and security workers.
My real beef is that “assault weapon” is a scare word. It’s a way to sneak in value judgment content. Sort of like whenever there is a story about violence on the evening news, they’d flash a pic of a semiauto pistol as the emblem of all violence. It’s on the propaganda spectrum.

I have no problem accepting more gun restrictions. But the two things I want to see bundled with them are

1) a leveling of gun and carry privileges across the fifty States. Gun law in Wyoming and Hawai’i and DC should not differ substantively.

2) apply these laws to ALL civilians, notably police and security workers.

It certainly can be. For me it's fine, just because I was interested in AR's back when they were blowing up around 15 years ago, so it was something that was discussed all the time as part of the rifle configuration to be legal in California. It's all about context though, so if it were used by Piers Morgan in a rant, then maybe it would sound inflammatory. I don't think lives on the propaganda spectrum, but sometimes visits.

I love the idea of state's rights, because without them we'd all be at the bare-minimum federal level, which typically operates a good twenty years behind the times, so if you want more uniformity, then you'd have to be okay with a big step backwards and smaller/slower steps forwards.