Another gun thread

Well, well, well

Finally some payback for the gun industry's cold calculations regarding their valuing profits over broken lives.

Sandy Hook Families Win $73 Million In Lawsuit Against Remington Arms

“For the gun industry, it’s time to stop recklessly marketing all guns to all people for all uses and instead ask how marketing can lower risk rather than court it,” Koskoff said in a statement. “For the insurance and banking industries, it’s time to recognize the financial cost of underwriting companies that elevate profit by escalating risk. Our hope is that this victory will be the first boulder in the avalanche that forces that change.”

What with the SCOTUS a lock to protect the right of gun manufacturers to enable the killing people with their guns, this is the only way forward right now to address gun homicides in the US. Make them pay and pay and pay until they become a force in solving this problem.
An assault rifle is a carbine-length weapon with a control that allows the operator to select. “safe, single shot, full auto”, and generally chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power.
Exactly this: if a rifle isn’t capable of at least burst fire less common now than full auto?), and isn’t chambered for a standard military cartridge, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, or what the magazine capacity is. If it IS capable of auto-fire (full or burst), the mag capacity becomes a risk multiplier…but not otherwise
Exactly this: if a rifle isn’t capable of at least burst fire less common now than full auto?), and isn’t chambered for a standard military cartridge, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, or what the magazine capacity is. If it IS capable of auto-fire (full or burst), the mag capacity becomes a risk multiplier…but not otherwise
it does make it easier to carry more rounds if they're loaded into fewer magazines, and doesn't require them to stop and reload as often...which aren't desirable traits for most people. i get what you're saying, but high capacity mags do make it easier to commit mayhem, even with a semi auto
Thanks for the minutia. I don't think the jury will care. Remington marketed that gun as a mass murder weapon and the company didn't want to risk your analysis with the jury.

So they settled.

Was this a one-off? We will see. Hundreds of cases will test that. So, happy days for lawyers and fuck you to the gun industry.
Exactly this: if a rifle isn’t capable of at least burst fire less common now than full auto?), and isn’t chambered for a standard military cartridge, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, or what the magazine capacity is. If it IS capable of auto-fire (full or burst), the mag capacity becomes a risk multiplier…but not otherwise
This case wasn’t about “what’s an assault rifle”. Remingtons marketing for this gun was a campaign of owning power and a symbol of that power. The AR was definitely not designed as a hunting weapon and Remington admitted this with their ads, that cost them 75 million, much more IMO if they didn’t settle, they had that opinion as well :o!
Let me rephrase that, it’s the insurance companies that settled, Remington in it self no longer exist.
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Exactly this: if a rifle isn’t capable of at least burst fire less common now than full auto?), and isn’t chambered for a standard military cartridge, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, or what the magazine capacity is. If it IS capable of auto-fire (full or burst), the mag capacity becomes a risk multiplier…but not otherwise

Some states have assault rifle definitions, so there hasn't been a universal definition for decades.
Exactly this: if a rifle isn’t capable of at least burst fire less common now than full auto?), and isn’t chambered for a standard military cartridge, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, or what the magazine capacity is. If it IS capable of auto-fire (full or burst), the mag capacity becomes a risk multiplier…but not otherwise

why does it motherfucking matter? one round, three rounds, twenty fucking hard is it to pull a trigger? you can discuss this kind of ignorant shit in hell with ted bundy and kyle rittenhouse...
dead motherfuckers are dead, no matter what you call the weapon that killed them
well looks like the Air Force has to pay up.....little late for me getting to this...

this moron shouldn't even have access to one in the first place
why does it motherfucking matter? one round, three rounds, twenty fucking hard is it to pull a trigger? you can discuss this kind of ignorant shit in hell with ted bundy and kyle rittenhouse...
dead motherfuckers are dead, no matter what you call the weapon that killed them
I don't get it either. These gun threads always devolve into minutia regarding hardware.

Hundreds killed in Las Vegas and the thread went to talking about bump stocks. Shit like that.

Boys and their toys.