• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
April 9, 2009
Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority

While acknowledging that the recession makes the political battle more difficult, President Obama plans to begin addressing the country’s immigration system this year, including looking for a path for illegal immigrants to become legal, a senior administration official said on Wednesday.

Mr. Obama will frame the new effort — likely to rouse passions on all sides of the highly divisive issue — as “policy reform that controls immigration and makes it an orderly system,” said the official, Cecilia Muñoz, deputy assistant to the president and director of intergovernmental affairs in the White House.

Mr. Obama plans to speak publicly about the issue in May, administration officials said, and over the summer he will convene working groups, including lawmakers from both parties and a range of immigration groups, to begin discussing possible legislation for as early as this fall.

Some White House officials said that immigration would not take precedence over the health care and energy proposals that Mr. Obama has identified as priorities. But the timetable is consistent with pledges Mr. Obama made to Hispanic groups in last year’s campaign.

He said then that comprehensive immigration legislation, including a plan to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, would be a priority in his first year in office. Latino voters turned out strongly for Mr. Obama in the election.

“He intends to start the debate this year,” Ms. Muñoz said.
But with the economy seriously ailing, advocates on different sides of the debate said that immigration could become a polarizing issue for Mr. Obama in a year when he has many other major battles to fight.

Opponents, mainly Republicans, say they will seek to mobilize popular outrage against any effort to legalize unauthorized immigrant workers while so many Americans are out of jobs.

Democratic legislative aides said that opening a full-fledged debate this year on immigration, particularly with health care as a looming priority, could weigh down the president’s domestic agenda.

Debate is still under way among administration officials about the precise timing and strategy. For example, it is unclear who will take up the Obama initiative in Congress.

No serious legislative talks on the issue are expected until after some of Mr. Obama’s other priorities have been debated, Congressional aides said.
Just last month, Mr. Obama openly recognized that immigration is a potential minefield.

"I know this is an emotional issue; I know it’s a controversial issue,” he told an audience at a town meeting on March 18 in Costa Mesa, Calif. “I know that the people get real riled up politically about this."

But, he said, immigrants who are long-time residents but lack legal status “have to have some mechanism over time to get out of the shadows.”
The White House is calculating that public support for fixing the immigration system, which is widely acknowledged to be broken, will outweigh opposition from voters who argue that immigrants take jobs from Americans. A groundswell among voters opposed to legal status for illegal immigrants led to the defeat in 2007 of a bipartisan immigration bill that was strongly supported by President George W. Bush.

Administration officials said that Mr. Obama’s plan would not add new workers to the American work force, but that it would recognize millions of illegal immigrants who have already been working here. Despite the deep recession, there is no evidence of any wholesale exodus of illegal immigrant workers, independent studies of census data show.

Opponents of legalization legislation were incredulous at the idea that Mr. Obama would take on immigration when economic pain for Americans is so widespread.

“It just doesn’t seem rational that any political leader would say, let’s give millions of foreign workers permanent access to U.S. jobs when we have millions of Americans looking for jobs,” said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, a group that favors reduced immigration. Mr. Beck predicted that Mr. Obama would face “an explosion” if he proceeded this year.

“It’s going to be, ‘You’re letting them keep that job, when I could have that job,’ ” he said.

In broad outlines, officials said, the Obama administration favors legislation that would bring illegal immigrants into the legal system by recognizing that they violated the law, and imposing fines and other penalties to fit the offense. The legislation would seek to prevent future illegal immigration by strengthening border enforcement and cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, while creating a national system for verifying the legal immigration status of new workers.

But administration officials emphasized that many details remained to be debated.

Opponents of a legalization effort said that if the Obama administration maintained the enforcement pressure initiated by Mr. Bush, the recession would force many illegal immigrants to return home. Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said it would be “politically disastrous” for Mr. Obama to begin an immigration initiative at this time.
Anticipating opposition, Mr. Obama has sought to shift some of the political burden to advocates for immigrants, by encouraging them to build support among voters for when his proposal goes to Congress.

That is why Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, a Democrat from Mr. Obama’s hometown, Chicago, has been on the road most weekends since last December, traveling far outside his district to meetings in Hispanic churches, hoping to generate something like a civil rights movement in favor of broad immigration legislation.

Mr. Gutierrez was in Philadelphia on Saturday at the Iglesia Internacional, a big Hispanic evangelical church in a former warehouse, the 17th meeting in a tour that has included cities as far flung as Providence, R.I.; Atlanta; Miami; and San Francisco. Greeted with cheers and amens by a full house of about 350 people, Mr. Gutierrez, shifting fluidly between Spanish and English, called for immigration policies to preserve family unity, the strategic theme of his campaign.

At each meeting, speakers from the community, mainly citizens, tell stories of loved ones who were deported or of delays and setbacks in the immigration system. Illegal immigrants have not been invited to speak.
Mr. Gutierrez’s meetings have all been held in churches, both evangelical and Roman Catholic, with clergy members from various denominations, including in several places Muslim imams. At one meeting in Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, officiated.

One speaker on Saturday, Jill Flores, said that her husband, Felix, an immigrant from Mexico who crossed the border illegally, had applied for legal status five years ago but had not been able to gain it even though she is an American citizen, as are their two children. Now, Ms. Flores said, she fears that her husband will have to leave for Mexico and will not be permitted to return for many years.

In an interview, Mr. Gutierrez rejected the idea that the timing is bad for an immigration debate. “There is never a wrong time for us,” he said. “Families are being divided and destroyed, and they need help now.”
Jeff Zeleny contributed reporting.
At which point are we going to actually have to address the fact that Obama is retarded?

It is clear from his actions that he does not have any coherent beliefs, but is a mindless zombie that is being controlled by the left.

Of course, this fact has been clear from the first time any one saw him away from a teleprompter. It, uh, was, uh, uhm, very uh... painful to have to watch and listen to.

Eloquent? Not Obama, his speech writers definitely.

Skilled Orator. I had a Lab/Pit Bull mix that was more eloquent. When it barked there was no pause between its barks as it attempted to gather thoughts.

Even a duck is more eloquent, when they quack they do not pause to try gathering the thoughts behind their next quack. Not like Obama, who is incapable of real speech, but only capable of flapping his lips in a way that resembles DuckSpeak.

Of course, this is an inherent trait of a politician. They can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk with out actually saying anything at all. It is inherent in their job description.

"Must be able to sufficiently, BULLSHIT, the public until they believe everything that is being said, despite the fact that the everything that is being said actually amounts to nothing."

Of course, this is just related to the above article in a round about way.

What is connected to the above article in more than a round about way is accusing Obama not of being Carter III or Clinton II, but of being Bush II.

He, Obama, is continuing many of Bush's most idiotic policies, and adding his own amazing level of stupidity on top of it.

The real historic first isn't that Obama is African-American. That's irrelevant. What is relevant is that Obama is the first retard to be elected president. Now that's something that shows the stupidity of the majority of the Democrats and RINOs that voted for him.


Well-Known Member
Their is no real change... ever.

Let me get this right:
1. we send a mess of our jobs over-seas
2. we have massive unemployment
3. the government spend billions supporting illegals medical bills and whatnot
4. now we are gonna import people from third world countries to do the few remaining jobs we still have.
5. now we make all the illegals, legal retroactivly

Did you no that you and I can not even own waterfront land in Mexico. Oh, they will sell it to you. but then the government will take it and probably re-sell it to some other stupid gringo.


Well-Known Member
obama keeps 1uping bush at every turn!

bush: wiretaps and can't sue the phone companies.
obama: keeping the wiretaps and added in, can't sue gov't for violating our constitutional rights.
(the um constitutional professor did what?)

bush: war!
obama: 2 wars!

bush: big debt!
obama: massive debt!

bush: pork spending!
obama: pork barrel spending!

did you vote for obama, but now regret it?
hindsight; would you change your vote?

obama is the over-all first round draft pick......thats a total bust!(obama =ryan leaf flop)
the next election can't come fast enough! we need to vote in a constitutionalist!


Well-Known Member
obama keeps 1uping bush at every turn!

bush: wiretaps and can't sue the phone companies.
obama: keeping the wiretaps and added in, can't sue gov't for violating our constitutional rights.
(the um constitutional professor did what?)

bush: war!
obama: 2 wars!

bush: big debt!
obama: massive debt!

bush: pork spending!
obama: pork barrel spending!

did you vote for obama, but now regret it?
hindsight; would you change your vote?

obama is the over-all first round draft pick......thats a total bust!(obama =ryan leaf flop)
the next election can't come fast enough! we need to vote in a constitutionalist!

I think I have the perfect way of explaining what this is similar to.

Giving illegal immigrants citizenship, or making it absurdly easy for them to get citizenship (same diff), is like telling a house robber that while it's horribly wrong for them to rob houses they are still going to be able to keep the stolen loot.

Or it's like giving a rapist a slap on the wrist, and then telling them that they are going to be able to enslave the person that they were raping.

Totally, and completely absurd.


Well-Known Member
Can't we all just agree? Different president, same fist up The President's ass.


P.S. It's a big fist.


New Member
Obama didn't START any wars, he INHERITED 2 wars.

Bush STARTED 2 wars and then ran away like the pussified coward he is.

Bush handed out the really big bailouts with no strings attached, "here take your free money, I'm outie anyway"

Obama is giving smaller bailouts and expecting a laundry list of where the money is going.


New Member
Same old anti-Obama bullshit. Hey, you lost, get over it. Obamanism is here to stay, a lot of us like it that way, and no we aren't retards like you Bush fans, so stop with the idiotic rhetoric.


New Member
ones dumb the other acts smart apart from that they are pretty similar, both manipulators, both schemers and very much alike in many other areas too, i don't think it will make too much of a difference one way or the other, you either get screwed by a white guy or a black, don't make any difference despite all things though, bush did make me laugh quite a lot, a hell of a lot in fact, i can still watch his interviews and speech's now and laugh, his where are the wmd's joke is hilarious


New Member
Yes, let's all keep failed presidents in office... where's the logic?? :lol:

You guys had a failure, now it's our turn? Lawdy...

How about they both suck, but one is digging that hole alot deeper and alot faster than the other.... and it isn't Bush.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
there all scumbags anyway, but your supposed to argue who is best so it takes your mind off the fact they both suck,

our major radio station here in the uk is radio one, they did a special a week ago or so about the top 30 influential people in hip hop.

coming in at 29 they have n.w.a. well ok could be a little higher considering how far back nwa goes.

coming in at 21 is snoop dog, ok, very influential dude in this world, loads of money, probably could probably pick any black guy off the streets and make him a millionaire

surprisingly though who pops up at number 19



hows that work?



New Member
I don't want to kick him out... i want him to be prepared!!! Hillary Clinton was very very right...the Presidency doesn't leave room for "on the job training". So far, that is all I see.

No, leave him there but get rid of that horrid horrid Congress. Obama needs to work a bit harder, and read a few books on economics.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yes, let's all keep failed presidents in office... where's the logic?? :lol:

You guys had a failure, now it's our turn? Lawdy...

How about they both suck, but one is digging that hole alot deeper and alot faster than the other.... and it isn't Bush.

out. :blsmoke:
I am actually starting to think we may have been duped by Obama. It seems his change is rather cosmetic. The real issues like domestic spying and rendition and justice department fopaws are being shuffled off to buffalo. I mean, that was a huge part in my decision making even though they could have run a deaf dumb and blind dog against whomever the repuke candidate was and I'd have voted for him. "Just when I thought I had it made..........................................."
He'd better start on his Iraqi withdrawel agenda soon, or.....................................!


New Member
Yes, it was all glitz and glitter...no substance with Obama. Where the liberals really wanted change in the foreign dept. area...there has been NONE...none at all!! he's just calling the very same policies by other names. Huh???

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I am actually starting to think we may have been duped by Obama. It seems his change is rather cosmetic. The real issues like domestic spying and rendition and justice department fopaws are being shuffled off to buffalo. I mean, that was a huge part in my decision making even though they could have run a deaf dumb and blind dog against whomever the repuke candidate was and I'd have voted for him. "Just when I thought I had it made..........................................."
He'd better start on his Iraqi withdrawel agenda soon, or.....................................!
why, when they are done there its straight off to afghanistan


New Member
yes, and one of the reasons why Iraq was picked as a starting point was because the military said it was winnable. They all saw what happened to the Soviets over in Afghanistan.... that place is a nightmare.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
why, when they are done there its straight off to afghanistan
I think they'll get a few months at home first. there are still troops here to send and they're recruiting as fast as they can, college educations and a 25K signing bonus. Where were all those incentives when they grabbed me for Nam ?