• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



New Member
I hardly thought Wagner knew that he could be fired by popular edicts form a president...did you? What kind of a government is that? Venezuelan?

Look at it from another perspective. You either give the PEOPLES money to corp's you think are a good INVESTMENT or you DON'T. There shouldn't be ANY strings to that money. That's not the most efficient way of utilizing bail out money. It's about CONTROL..... careful what you wish for.

out. :blsmoke:
Again I must ask: Since when does anyone get money given to them Carte Blanche? Helping the corps. when they fail? What about when they rape and pillage? BTW, you said investment, doesnt that entail some complicity with the government?


New Member
So when you invest in a stock and own a paltry 2%, you think that gives you majority opinion? cause that's what is happening bub...wake up.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
we will have soviet style commassars . they will run the banks and say who gets worthless paper money and who does not.
at least i think that is what they are attempting to try.
AND MED NO ..NO ONE KNEW WHAT THE RULES WHERE BEFORE THEY WERE FORCED TO TAKE THE MONEY. after they took the money then the government started making up rules EX POST FACTO.
just like your congress is making laws EX POST FACTO.
no one knows what the fucking rules are..that is why the markets are in such termoil.
the fucking democrats are just making up bull shit rules as they go along.
they have lost all credibility . with their money printing and their bull shit laws and tax's
i wonder what happens when a government has lost all cred. normally through out history this has been a bad thing.
just so everyone knows normal every day competitive capitalism is a good thing.
you are not seeing capitalistic greed you are seeing government corruption on the highest scale.
right in front of your very faces they are paying the companys they used to work for..OBAMAS admin.
with your money. trillions of it..in fact so much money that the average american tax paying family will owe by the end of the yea 200K dollars more in federal debt.
funny shit hu med. ? and not a republican in sight to stop them.


New Member
Actually, there were banks that tried to refuse the money right from the beginning, but were told if they didn't take it, they would be subject to FDIC audits.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Government forcing banks to take bailout money
By Wing Chun Geologist on April 5, 2009 at 04:12 pm 1 Comment

EXTORTION, that's the word Judge Andrew Napolitano is using to describe the Obama Administrations tactics when it comes to banks that don't want taxpayer money. The superior court judge and legal pundit has reported that the Treasury Department and FDIC are forcing banks to take TARP funds, even if they don’t want the money.

The Federal government committed extortion and they’re not being held accountable. What’s next? Listen to this: I recently met with the Chair and CEO of one of the country’s top 10 bank holding companies. His bank is worth in excess of $250 billion, has no bad debt, no credit default swaps, no liquidity problems, and no subprime loans. He told me that he and others were forced by Treasury and FDIC threats to take TARP funds, even though he did not want or need them.

Basically the administration forced healthy banks to take TARP money at swordpoint. The sword in question was the threat of expensive public audits.

The FDIC — with Treasury backing — threatened to conduct public audits of his bank unless his board created and issued a class of stock for the Feds to buy. The audit, which he is confident his bank would survive, would cost it millions in employee time, bad press, and consequent lost business.

He pleaded with the Feds to leave his successful bank alone. He begged his board to let him tell the Feds to take a hike. But they gave in. The Feds are now just a tiny shareholder, but want to begin asserting more and more control. This is a classic extortion: Controlling someone’s free will by threatening to perform a lawful act. (Blackmail is the threat is to perform an unlawful act in order to control someone else’s free will.) There are no exceptions in the statutes prohibiting extortion for government persons

This happened in September 2008, but the demands for more control are more recent. It sounds to me like Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, and Sheila Blair have all read a biography of Benito Mussolini. I guess they skipped the last chapter.

There is simply no authority in the U.S. Constitution for Congress to exercise the level of control it now seeks over private industry. In fact, this level of control will wind up costing the businesses that took TARP (voluntarily or involuntarily) money since they will lose key employees who will go to work elsewhere and because the reporting requirements will take time and time is money. The Constitution basically says that if the government wants to take time or freedom or money from someone or something, it must sue for it. It cannot just give itself the authority to do so via legislation.

So the administration uses threats of audits to force banks to take TARP money. Then once the banks take the TARP money, they are now partially owned by the government. But even a tiny bit of government puts big pressure on bank executives to do as the administration says.

Napolitano concludes…

Our liberties are slipping away right before our eyes.



New Member
So when you invest in a stock and own a paltry 2%, you think that gives you majority opinion? cause that's what is happening bub...wake up.

out. :blsmoke:
I own even less than that in one company, and they send me invitations to attend the stockholders meetings every year. They also let me vote by proxy, so I have a vote on what happens. I say, " you took the money, it comes with strings, if you don't want the strings, return the money, plus interest, and go bust".


New Member
I own even less than that in one company, and they send me invitations to attend the stockholders meetings every year. They also let me vote by proxy, so I have a vote on what happens. I say, " you took the money, it comes with strings, if you don't want the strings, return the money, plus interest, and go bust".
And what are your feelings about the federal government FORCING some of the banks to take the TARP money under the threat of audits?



Well-Known Member
Actually, there were banks that tried to refuse the money right from the beginning, but were told if they didn't take it, they would be subject to FDIC audits.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Government forcing banks to take bailout money
By Wing Chun Geologist on April 5, 2009 at 04:12 pm 1 Comment

EXTORTION, that's the word Judge Andrew Napolitano is using to describe the Obama Administrations tactics when it comes to banks that don't want taxpayer money. The superior court judge and legal pundit has reported that the Treasury Department and FDIC are forcing banks to take TARP funds, even if they don’t want the money.

The Federal government committed extortion and they’re not being held accountable. What’s next? Listen to this: I recently met with the Chair and CEO of one of the country’s top 10 bank holding companies. His bank is worth in excess of $250 billion, has no bad debt, no credit default swaps, no liquidity problems, and no subprime loans. He told me that he and others were forced by Treasury and FDIC threats to take TARP funds, even though he did not want or need them.

Basically the administration forced healthy banks to take TARP money at swordpoint. The sword in question was the threat of expensive public audits.

The FDIC — with Treasury backing — threatened to conduct public audits of his bank unless his board created and issued a class of stock for the Feds to buy. The audit, which he is confident his bank would survive, would cost it millions in employee time, bad press, and consequent lost business.

He pleaded with the Feds to leave his successful bank alone. He begged his board to let him tell the Feds to take a hike. But they gave in. The Feds are now just a tiny shareholder, but want to begin asserting more and more control. This is a classic extortion: Controlling someone’s free will by threatening to perform a lawful act. (Blackmail is the threat is to perform an unlawful act in order to control someone else’s free will.) There are no exceptions in the statutes prohibiting extortion for government persons

This happened in September 2008, but the demands for more control are more recent. It sounds to me like Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, and Sheila Blair have all read a biography of Benito Mussolini. I guess they skipped the last chapter.

There is simply no authority in the U.S. Constitution for Congress to exercise the level of control it now seeks over private industry. In fact, this level of control will wind up costing the businesses that took TARP (voluntarily or involuntarily) money since they will lose key employees who will go to work elsewhere and because the reporting requirements will take time and time is money. The Constitution basically says that if the government wants to take time or freedom or money from someone or something, it must sue for it. It cannot just give itself the authority to do so via legislation.

So the administration uses threats of audits to force banks to take TARP money. Then once the banks take the TARP money, they are now partially owned by the government. But even a tiny bit of government puts big pressure on bank executives to do as the administration says.

Napolitano concludes…

Our liberties are slipping away right before our eyes.


The option of course is to withdraw from the FDIC.

Actually, I'd probably opt for a bank that was not a member of the FDIC.

Of course, that begs the question of if they are not a member of the government sanctioned monopoly, then is there another Depositors' Insurance Company that they are a member of (though it would seem to me that with out government interference the market would have created an insurance that depositors purchase to protect themselves from bank default on their deposits.)

So, perhaps the FDIC is an anachronistic agency of an era marked by a Fascist Son of a Bitch (FDR) being president.


New Member
I own even less than that in one company, and they send me invitations to attend the stockholders meetings every year. They also let me vote by proxy, so I have a vote on what happens. I say, " you took the money, it comes with strings, if you don't want the strings, return the money, plus interest, and go bust".

While you may be invited, you don't get to set the agenda... is this a difficult concept for you or something?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

bush: wiretaps and can't sue the phone companies.
obama: keeping the wiretaps and added in, can't sue gov't for violating our constitutional rights.
(the um constitutional professor did what?)
This lead to the stopping of the bombing of a jewish community, leaving the attacks on America still at zero. I hate giving up my civil rights, but if they can keep to just stopping terrorist attacks and major violent attacks then a computer randomly listening for key words of phone calls may be worthwhile.

Only sad that eventually they will go too far into what is a "Terrorist activity"

bush: war!
obama: 2 wars!
The difference, Obama is letting the Generals dictate the wars that are going on, while Bush decided to direct them in the directions he wanted to, like leaving Afghanastan to fight in Iraq.

bush: big debt!
obama: massive debt!
Bush: Debt increased caused to fight wars and bringing in less money to cut taxes to people that directly profited from it.
Obama: Massive debt used to pay for crumbling infrastructure to help avoid a great depression.

Oh and thankfully Bush gave the money to the banks (even if it could have been watched closer), so score for him.

bush: pork spending!
obama: pork barrel spending!
Pork is a convienent term to describe anything spent on something that someone doesn't care about. So... yes?

did you vote for obama, but now regret it?
hindsight; would you change your vote?
No I am very happy with it, as well as the 60% population (job approval rating).

obama is the over-all first round draft pick......thats a total bust!(obama =ryan leaf flop)
the next election can't come fast enough! we need to vote in a constitutionalist!
Be nice to get a couple new parties to be able to vote for, the 2 party system is really gotten out of hand.

We need to move the government out of governing personal decisions, and using the money they get from taxes in much better ways.

I don't disagree that Obama is not the greatest mind ever, but he is smart enough to put people in his offices that are the best minds in their fields and not just have a group of old cronies that had worked together for decades behind the political curtains.