Anita Hill 2.0

How much investigation has been done by the dems since they received this letter months ago? Senators have access to extra staff to investigate SC picks. Clearly a delaying tactic. Ford need only show up and testify in private and Kavanaugh is likely gone. Repubs clearly want the seat settled before the midterm as they could lose the senate. duh.
So you just say it's a delaying tactic. Hell yeah, Democrats oppose Kavanaugh's appointment for very good reasons and waited until the last minute to make this known. That does not mean the accusations are invalid. There is no hard deadline on this appointment and so why is the political nature of the rush to judgement by Republicans OK and the use of clever tactics by Democrats not?

So, now Republicans can either railroad this through in a partisan manner in spite of the very believable story by Ford or they can investigate it. Given their behavior over the treasonous Trump collusion with Russia, I'd say they are incapable of performing an honest investigation.

Turn the investigation over to the FBI. From the letters already in the hands of Senators, there are about a thousand people who can help us understand the validity of Ford's claims. Or, Republicans can nominate somebody else.
Speaking of delaying tactics were you outraged when Republicans delayed filling a supreme court position for over a year?
Elections have consequences. Right now the repubs have control of the senate and they will do everything they can to fill this seat before the midterm winners are seated. Don't be so naive.
Elections have consequences. Right now the repubs have control of the senate and they will do everything they can to fill this seat before the midterm winners are seated. Don't be so naive.
How many times has kavanaugh lied under oath?
So the nub of your argument is partisan and has no bearing on the character of Kavanaugh.

You might as well bring up Clinton now.
Yes, this is 100% partisan, as are all political matters. There will not be a long investigation of Kavanaugh because they can get someone else seated by pulling him. The choices are seat Kavanaugh now or seat someone else before the end of year.
Yes, this is 100% partisan, as are all political matters. There will not be a long investigation of Kavanaugh because they can get someone else seated by pulling him. The choices are seat Kavanaugh now or seat someone else before the end of year.
Someone who believes the President can be investigated and indicted would be perfect
"It's a rigged process"

So we might as well put Kavanaugh on SCOTUS without taking the time to find out more.

Don't you find something wrong about that?
It is what it is and no, I do not like it. You want Kavanaugh to be pulled for lying under oath, it will only happen if there is a public outcry that could affect a senators chances of getting reelected. I am not hearing a public outcry over Kavanaugh lying under oath. The attempted rape charge IS big enough news to kill the nomination.

Pulling him will charge up the repub base and I agree with you that the left is already supercharged. So I'm betting that Trump will pull him very quickly if Ford shows up to testify. He will try get another conservative in and charge up the electorate. This is not a threat, just my take on what I think will happen, so don't soil your panties, Strawdog.
It is what it is and no, I do not like it. You want Kavanaugh to be pulled for lying under oath, it will only happen if there is a public outcry that could affect a senators chances of getting reelected. I am not hearing a public outcry over Kavanaugh lying under oath. The attempted rape charge IS big enough news to kill the nomination.

Pulling him will charge up the repub base and I agree with you that the left is already supercharged. So I'm betting that Trump will pull him very quickly if Ford shows up to testify. He will try get another conservative in and charge up the electorate. This is not a threat, just my take on what I think will happen, so don't soil your panties, Strawdog.
You completely misrepresent my statements.

I believe Ford. I find her statement consistent with her earlier statements made when Kavanaugh wasn't up for an appointment to the SCOTUS very convincing. It's you who are casting about for other reasons that are not nearly as important.

There are times when people should stand on principle. Kavanaugh is a known liar. Ford is believable. I don't think Kavanaugh is a good candidate for the SCOTUS based upon principle alone and would say so if the candidate were one of Obama's nominations.

I have no idea what your principles are. "Don't want to set a precedent so we should just put an accused rapist on the bench without checking the story carefully" doesn't seem very principled to me.
You completely misrepresent my statements.

I believe Ford. I find her statement consistent with her earlier statements made when Kavanaugh wasn't up for an appointment to the SCOTUS very convincing. It's you who are casting about for other reasons that are not nearly as important.

There are times when people should stand on principle. Kavanaugh is a known liar. Ford is believable. I don't think Kavanaugh is a good candidate for the SCOTUS based upon principle alone and would say so if the candidate were one of Obama's nominations.

I have no idea what your principles are. "Don't want to set a precedent so we should just put an accused rapist on the bench without checking the story carefully" doesn't seem very principled to me.

Lol. You are upset someone mis represented your statements?