Angry Black People please dont shoot just any lightskinned people!

You are part of the problem. You`re a race baiter that lives in a land that "wont let you". So why you still living in the land that "wont let you" ?

You`re a phony. As phony as Snoop Dog. That man is walking through LA asking. That snoop in his early day did nothing but sing about violence and being Gansta, all those young black kids grew up listening and living the Gansta life, Now he walks and asks. He already fucking knows, he don`t need to ask. Where you think his money come from ?
slime ball #1, you stupid motherfucker where you been???

Your idiot drivel, incoherent posts and imbecile racist nonsense are uniquely sickening. I've missed you in a fucked up mean way.

That`s because you live under an asshole. I`m still in the corner, just checking out Kat`s new ride.

Since when does talking about Race apply pressure to oneself ?

Talking about Race isn`t a bad thing, you and I just did it.

But a Racist being Racist is. So you got a half point and a half star. Since two halves make a Whole, all you need is to meet and ass and you`ll be defined at destiny.
Hypothetical : What if one of those white cops had an adopted black kid they treat like one the family

im looking at this from Australia and it pisses me to see the problems in America solved or dealt with bullets

did the white cops fuck up ...yes
should the blacks shoot white cops

so whats the answer ?
Hypothetical : What if one of those white cops had an adopted black kid they treat like one the family

im looking at this from Australia and it pisses me to see the problems in America solved or dealt with bullets

did the white cops fuck up ...yes
should the blacks shoot white cops

so whats the answer ?
One of the major issues I have is how this had been building up and up and up...

Anyone paying attention could see this coming from a mile away. Instead of the rotting ass, corrupt police trying to make some changes and repair their image, they have DOUBLED-DOWN on what they are doing wrong. Just look in the last 2 days, there have been atleast 3 more people killed by police. You would think, if at ANYTIME, those in charge would be telling their officers HOLSTER YOUR WEAPONS, USE BEAN BAGS OR MACE!. Instead they are out shooting 5-6 bullets into people.

I will call it now, if police dont take a huge step back and remember they WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, this is only going to get worse and more and more people vs cops violence will rise.

I couldn't have said this better myself.

The scripting is terrible. "Bob deserves food". Who says that? Does Bob say "Bob piss now" before he uses the restroom?

Assuming Bob was invited to dinner, Bob needs to fill his plate. You know, like an adult:
"Pardon me, Jerome, would you pass the mashed potatoes. Margaret, the roast beef is delicious. etc."

All lives matter. Black lives are just as worthy as every other life. Michael Brown is counter-productive example of unfair treatment of African Americans. Violent criminals killed while assaulting a victim do not create sympathy in the minds of reasonable people.

A more convincing slogan would be "innocent lives matter", but that doesn't stoke the "us versus them" anger that you guys want.

Your turn, BK. "Bearkat42 piss and moan now."

I couldn't have said this better myself.

This is an accurate description of the idiot level of the BLM mind set.

The scripting is terrible. "Bob deserves food". Who says that? Does Bob say "Bob piss now" before he uses the restroom?

Assuming Bob was invited to dinner, Bob needs to fill his plate. You know, like an adult:
"Pardon me, Jerome, would you pass the mashed potatoes. Margaret, the roast beef is delicious. etc."

All lives matter. Black lives are just as worthy as every other life. Michael Brown is counter-productive example of unfair treatment of African Americans. Violent criminals killed while assaulting a victim do not create sympathy in the minds of reasonable people.

A more convincing slogan would be "innocent lives matter", but that doesn't stoke the "us versus them" anger that you guys want.

Your turn, BK. "Bearkat42 piss and moan now."