Ancient nanotubes, Our history is still a mystery.


Well-Known Member
Just found this article, very interesting.
Goes to show you, most people think the first place to look for the past of our history is under the sea, buried after thousands if not millions of years of earthquakes, land shifts, storms, and volcanic ash. While it's completely possible there would be more clues buried in the deep sea, which we don't even know half of whats down there. Everyday were still finding clues on land, this being one of the many found this year alone.

"In the Ural Mountains in 1992, a Russian geologist accidentally discovered what would later be known as Russian nano spirals. The discovery of the Russian nano spirals, or more correctly miniscule spiral-shaped objects, was made while investigating mineral deposits. The artifacts were made from copper, tungsten, and molybdenum. The objects ranged in size from the largest that was about 1 1/18 inches to the smallest which was only 1/10,000th of an inch. These curious findings bore an eerie resemblance to the control elements used in recently developed “nano-machines”all of the pieces were found at depths between 10 and 40 feet, embedded in gravel and detritus deposits. These deposits corresponded to the lower region of the Mikulinsk Horizon of the upper Pleistocene Era, suggesting that the objects themselves may be around 100,000 years old. There is no possible way such objects could be embedded so deeply without having ancient origins.
All of the objects appear to be manufactured as no type of natural process known could explain their creation. How humans 100,000 years ago would have been able to be technologically advanced to such a degree as to be able to create them is unknown. Is this mysterious discovery evidence that humans may have been more technologically advanced than previously believed or are the objects evidence of extraterrestrial contact or presence?

A great many detractors continue to assert that these tiny objects are just discarded debris from rockets being tested and launched from the area nearby Plestsk. This argument doesn’t hold water for two main reasons. First, no one has ever found any materials comparable to the ones that were found near the area where the launches took place and finally with these materials being found at depths between 10-40 feet below the surface would not be consistent with it just being debris left over from rocket launches.
The structures have been studied by the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow, Syktyvkar and St. Petersburg and also at the Helsinki Institute in Finland to no avail. No official satisfactory conclusions have ever been made about the artifacts. Unfortunately any further researches on the objects have been stalled due to the death of Dr. Johannes Fiebag in 1999. He was the principal researcher in charge of the find.
The jury is still out on determining exactly what these tiny structures are and many varying theories have been proposed by supporters and detractors alike. No defining conclusions have ever been made and no satisfactory conclusions have been offered.
Is it possible that ancient humans were more technologically advanced than previously believed? Were all humans this advanced or were just a small portion of humanity capable of producing these?
Another definite possibility is that these objects are extraterrestrial in origin and were either technology provided to humans or discarded by an advanced alien race. Who knows?
The possibilities are endless but it is certain that much more study of these objects should occur and that they should shouldn’t be discarded by the scientific community without exploring all viable possibilities. Hopefully someone will pick up Dr. Johannes Fiebag’s mantle and continue to study these curious artifacts."

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Hey dude,
Pretty cool shit. Have you ever checked out the story around the ancient sumerians technological advances? Better yet: a couple places, one in India, where they found melted glass in the geology? In a low key way, they confirmed that the heat required meant the glass had been melted by a nuclear explosion. The carbon dating of the melted glass was, i believe, over 50, 000 years ago. If so, who the hell set off the bomb? Freaky shit dude. Just like this stuff. Make you think.
My theory is were recycling society every few thousand or millions of years.

It makes sense if you think about it, even for mars. (I'll save that for another day, but its clear the planet once had life, maybe even intelligent that left for earth after mars became unhabitable?)

Civilization settles, civilization peaks, civilization brings itself down.

My theory is there were many species of us humans, we either settled out and left, or died every time we tried to advance.
It makes sense if you think about it, and makes even more sense that we find ruins UNDERGROUND and UNDERSEA and not above.
If they are thousands or millions of years old, everything would be buried, very deep.

Which also makes sense of the nuclear bomb theory you said, they bombed themselves not thinking it would cause an explosion but maybe they thought they were unlocking a super power or energy source and failed to contain it.

I do a lot of research and type out quite a bit of essays for school on history, ancient history, technology, space, and theories.
Subjects like these are very exciting to me.

Just like the planet they just found that ORBITS OUR SUN! Yes, another planet that ORBITS OUR SUN.
The orbit is so huge and unusual that it was never discovered until recently.

Or the first asteroid to have rings! They won't classify it as a planet, because it's not, yet it has rings like one, very interesting indeed.
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