The sakki test is real. And if its a cheap parlor trick. Imitate it.

I only mentioned these skill to affirm my trust in my senses. Budo taught me to ignore certain senses when neccesarry. I use intution and logic.
I'm also sure that astronomy researchers of the old world would love to know the theories used. Please explain how they found the small planet Pluto that is light years away. Especially without a optic device. Someone enlighten me on this.
For a culture that whore rags and sandals.... I believe for them to come up with theories as advanced as astronomy. In such a primitive time period it's impossible. There are peeps on here that would go out of there way to even try and debunk Edward Cayce's abilities.
Please tell me why we have shadow DNA that if unlocked would unleash who knows what type of hidden potential.