America's "gun problem"

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Clearly, there are some Americans who are not up to the task.
Clearly most Americans are not up to this task. If you believe that we are a organized and well armed militia that have the tactical readiness to repeal an attack by a trained and well funded force then please share this info. There is a well developed fantasy among many gun owners that owning guns will provide them with protection from evil. I often hear tales from gun owners about how they are brave and very well prepared to handle the bad guys. These stories are always short on any details and require me to just believe. Stop the boasting and chest thumping and explain yourselves.
Do you know your history the war with britton we were farmers with pitch forks and won how can you not think that we can not hold our own against anyone sad to see people that dont take pride in americans but want to live here really sad. Why dont you try boasting and thumping your chest instead of cry really i know people that have just about anything you want short of tanks. And that is what our military is for.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Clearly most Americans are not up to this task. If you believe that we are a organized and well armed militia that have the tactical readiness to repeal an attack by a trained and well funded force then please share this info. There is a well developed fantasy among many gun owners that owning guns will provide them with protection from evil. I often hear tales from gun owners about how they are brave and very well prepared to handle the bad guys. These stories are always short on any details and require me to just believe. Stop the boasting and chest thumping and explain yourselves.
No chest thumping from me.

Read up on world history, and US history. It is replete with craven, oppressive governments. It is also replete with those governments being thrown over.

The US government was borne out of revolution from an oppressive government. The US constitution is a small laundry list of allowable functions for the federal government long since over stepped by progressives. The bill of rights is a list of ten sacrosanct prohibitions against the federal government. The fourteenth amendment made the bill of rights sacrosanct in the whole of the US, i.e. no state may legally abridge the bill of rights.

The fact that you have no grasp of what the constitution means is of little consequence.

Look at Syria. The people there seem to be saying, "I have had enough. You murderous cock suckers are going to leave, or die; preferably die." The Syrian people are facing a modern army with all the hardware that Russia can supply. Many of the irregulars have already been slaughtered by the Syrian army, and undoubtedly many more will die, but it looks increasingly likely that Bashar Assad's head will be piked just as Qaddafi's head was pike in Libya.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
A relatively small band of irregular forces gave the American army all it could handle in Iraq. In VietNam, a small band of irregular forces ultimately defeated the US army. A couple hundred years ago a small band of irregular forces fought the world's super power and defeated it. That revolutionary war spawned the United States. You ought to read up on it.

Secondly, the American military is populated by Americans. They are also able to read the second amendment. They also understand our culture and know a bit of our history. Having been in the US army, I can tell you first hand that most of them think like me. Did you serve in the US military?
I realize that the questions that you are asking are meant to shut me up and put me in my place. Don't hide behind your uniform. I appreciate your numbering of you responses so that I don't get confused but it really isn't necessary. I am not questioning or challenging your right to have guns I am asking who are these guns protecting you from.

Did you offer Vietnam, Iraq and the revolutionary war as examples of an armed citizenry overcoming a better armed and financed invading force? Did the U.S. military lose two of those battles or did we just give up and walk away? The revolutionary war was fought with crude weaponry by modern standards, the same basic weapons that regular citizens have available today. Would these weapons be very effective against the far more advanced firepower available to any sovereign state? Or would you be slaughtered?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Do you know your history the war with britton we were farmers with pitch forks and won how can you not think that we can not hold our own against anyone sad to see people that dont take pride in americans but want to live here really sad. Why dont you try boasting and thumping your chest instead of cry really i know people that have just about anything you want short of tanks. And that is what our military is for.
Thank you, that is almost an answer. We had much better weapons than pitchforks but I realize that in order for your fantasy to continue you need to believe that. Where do you get that I don't have pride in America? Why do you suggest that I live in a different country. You seem offended, why is this?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I realize that the questions that you are asking are meant to shut me up and put me in my place. Don't hide behind your uniform. I appreciate your numbering of you responses so that I don't get confused but it really isn't necessary. I am not questioning or challenging your right to have guns I am asking who are these guns protecting you from.

Did you offer Vietnam, Iraq and the revolutionary war as examples of an armed citizenry overcoming a better armed and financed invading force? Did the U.S. military lose two of those battles or did we just give up and walk away? The revolutionary war was fought with crude weaponry by modern standards, the same basic weapons that regular citizens have available today. Would these weapons be very effective against the far more advanced firepower available to any sovereign state? Or would you be slaughtered?


Obviously, better weapons makes for more likely success, but determination counts, being right counts and is the foundation of determination.

I am not trying to put you in your place, I am simply pointing out that you are wrong. Look around the modern world. It is filled with examples of irregular forces prevailing against modern armies.

"Who are the guns protecting us from?" Exactly the enemy identified by the authors of the US constitution. Do you know who that enemy is?

Besides that, guns are useful tools for self defense against the odd bandit, and they are useful for hunting, and they are fun to shoot at the skeet range and the combat pistol range.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
No chest thumping from me.

Read up on world history, and US history. It is replete with craven, oppressive governments. It is also replete with those governments being thrown over.

The US government was borne out of revolution from an oppressive government. The US constitution is a small laundry list of allowable functions for the federal government long since over stepped by progressives. The bill of rights is a list of ten sacrosanct prohibitions against the federal government. The fourteenth amendment made the bill of rights sacrosanct in the whole of the US, i.e. no state may legally abridge the bill of rights.

The fact that you have no grasp of what the constitution means is of little consequence.

Look at Syria. The people there seem to be saying, "I have had enough. You murderous cock suckers are going to leave, or die; preferably die." The Syrian people are facing a modern army with all the hardware that Russia can supply. Many of the irregulars have already been slaughtered by the Syrian army, and undoubtedly many more will die, but it looks increasingly likely that Bashar Assad's head will be piked just as Qaddafi's head was pike in Libya.
You keep referring back to the U.S. Constitution for support. My questions have nothing to do with the Constitution. They are an attempt to understand who people with guns are trying to protect themselves from. I appreciate the history lesson but it really is irrelevant to my question. It seems that you are just hiding behind your responses. Who does your gun protect you from?


King Tut
Please mention in more detail how these guns will protect us from foreign invasion. Do you imagine a bunch of us Americans standing on the beach, in a line, aiming our motley collection of guns in the general direction of the ocean waiting for the enemy to walk out of the surf into range. Maybe we can get the people in San Diego with guns to hide behind the grass blades and shoot the foreign invaders as they stagger onto American soil. If our own military can't stop a foreign invasion then do you expect that you and Smith&Wesson will be able to pick up the slack. Who are you guns protecting you from?
Well, the commander of the Japanese military in WWII sure viewed it as a deterrent. i would think others would as well.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Thank you, that is almost an answer. We had much better weapons than pitchforks but I realize that in order for your fantasy to continue you need to believe that. Where do you get that I don't have pride in America? Why do you suggest that I live in a different country. You seem offended, why is this?
Condescension is often perceived as offensive.


King Tut
The simple answer, CC, is they protect me from nobody. i protect myself. And i choose to use a tool that is very capable of assisting me in that endeavor.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member


Obviously, better weapons makes for likely success, but determination counts, being right counts and is the foundation of determination.

I am not trying to put you in your place, I am simply pointing out that you are wrong. Look around the modern world. It is filled with examples of irregular forces prevailing against modern armies.

"Who are the guns protecting us from?" Exactly the enemy identified by the authors of the US constitution. Do you know who that enemy is?

Besides that, guns are useful tools for self defense against the odd bandit, and they are useful for hunting, and they are fun to shoot at the skeet range and the combat pistol range.
Being right doesn't mean shit when the other person has a bigger gun. Who is this enemy that the authors of the Constitution identified?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Being right doesn't mean shit when the other person has a bigger gun. Who is this enemy that the authors of the Constitution identified?



So, you don't know the purpose of the second amendment and the US constitution. That explains your posts.


Well-Known Member
we DONT have a gun problem we have a crazy people problem that get their hands on guns!
thats like saying we have a drug problem because so many people smoke weed and people get busted for it....rediculous....

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Well, the commander of the Japanese military in WWII sure viewed it as a deterrent. i would think others would as well.
Are you talking about the beach invasion in Santa Barbara where a Japanese sub launched a few mortars at the beach and then left? If you are referring to a military operation overseas then that is not at all comparable to you and our neighbor hiding behind a sand dune waiting for the enemy to come into range.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member



So, you don't know the purpose of the second amendment and the US constitution. That explains your posts.
Are you asking me to believe that the authors of the Constitution named Libya, Vietnam and Syria as reasons that we should have the right to have any weapons that we want? Who is the enemy that the authors of the U.S. Constitution identified?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Ok getting a little petty now grow up. our guns protect us from the crazys and from our goverment and anybody else that threatens us better to have and not need than not to have at all.
Guns will not protect you from crazy people. Do you honestly believe that the citizens of this country could fight and win against the U.S. military. Who else is threatening you?
Do you forget that the us military is made up of american people how many do you think are willing to kill there own people you are so sad do you have nothing better to do.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Are you asking me to believe that the authors of the Constitution named Libya, Vietnam and Syria as reasons that we should have the right to have any weapons that we want? Who is the enemy that the authors of the U.S. Constitution identified?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "