America's BIGGEST problem!!!!


New Member
Let me clue you in.

I'll let you figure it out using your own common sense...k?

Bush was in office all of 9 months.

You think he changed all the intelligence? Think so? Think all the info changed in 9 months?

95% of the intelligence they had to work with was gathered from the PREVIOUS administration.

Ppl seem to think Bush was the only one who thought this way.... wrong. How about the UN? They sure felt saddam was a threat. Saddam HIMSELF bragged he had WMD's (nukes). Now I will relent just a bit and allow folks to discount poison gas as a WMD.... even though IT IS 100%, and saddam used it on the Iranians and his own ppl.

As if poison gas is somehow a tolerable way to go. Now saddam lied, as he often did about the WMD's....but that was HIS mistake. The world simply took him at his word. Now it has come to light that saddam did not want to PRODUCE nukes... but he did want to BUY them. He was pursuing those nukes, but was interrupted and set back by Desert Storm (thank you Daddy Bush ). Desert storm 2 killed it forever (thank you Sonny Bush ).

Bush did the right thing, and each passing year, that is becoming more and more clear.

I do agree with the Congress comment. they spend the money...


Well-Known Member
I see what your sayin, and agree Bush did some things right, with todays public you have to tiptoe and sugar coat shit, and dont even get me started on the PREVIOUS administration

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
nahh, the biggest problems are 1.) lobbyist should be done away with. 2.) that fuking decision that corporations are able to donate as much money as they want to campaigns should be repealed. 3.) terms in "all" offices should be limited to 2 and you're out, forever! 4.) the patriot act should be repealed, what a joke! (5.) campaign contributions should be limited to maybe a couple hundred bucks max. (6.) there should be a ceiling on money spent on any campaign. too many elections are bought. these are not necessarily in the correct order.


Well-Known Member
Just read back in the thread a little and wanted to agree with you on the fact that the gov't put us in this "recession" with Clinton-era decisons


New Member
Heh, we all know what needs to be done... well most of us. It just never seems to get to Washington and stick. :lol:

Reagan was the only President to get close to the ideal. Lower the taxes, get the businesses moving, creating jobs (remember what those were?), and a STRONG national defense.

Basically, he handled the true federal duties, and left the rest up to the states and people.

Those were heady times..... he was a true leader. Maybe one of the best ever. He believed in the American people. He knew that the best thing was to get the government OUT OF THE WAY ... and we would take care of the rest. And we did. It worked.


Well-Known Member
The biggest prob with the UNITED STATES, is that most people here are stupid and dont know it. Most call themselves amercians and that the US is amercia.

I was born and raised in the US of A and i hate 85% of the population, because they are stupid. Its so embarassing to me on the world stage. The whole Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence is a lie. Look at the words that were written, then look at the United States' history.


I'll second that I'm pretty embarrassed at about 80% of the rest of this countries population.

From the rednecks in the bible belt to the black people who cannot control themselves when their sport team wins a game...

I see stuff everyday that makes me embarrassed to be an American from my fellow citizens...



New Member
Well, I have been outside the country quite a bit in my life, and I can honestly say I am not embarrassed by Americans.

I am proud.


New Member
Heh, we all know what needs to be done... well most of us. It just never seems to get to Washington and stick. :lol:

Reagan was the only President to get close to the ideal. Lower the taxes, get the businesses moving, creating jobs (remember what those were?), and a STRONG national defense.

Basically, he handled the true federal duties, and left the rest up to the states and people.

Those were heady times..... he was a true leader. Maybe one of the best ever. He believed in the American people. He knew that the best thing was to get the government OUT OF THE WAY ... and we would take care of the rest. And we did. It worked.
I see you are a history revisionist. It must be nice to actually believe the crap that you spew as factual. Reagon was the start of the right wing conspiracy (Neo-cons). The beginning of privatization of previously government run organizations, Can you say (Air traffic controllers)? Look, I realize that government is a runaway leviathan, Bureaucrats are there to preserve their jobs first, and results last. Government has a place in any civilized society. It must be funded, hence, taxation. We can argue all day and night about the size and function of government, but here is where we have our most basic difference: I say government should be By the people, of the people, and FOR the people. You say screw the people, government should stay out of your business and stop this pesky taxation. We can never agree with our attitudes. Do you actually think this country could survive your conditions?