American Wildfires

“The entire defund the police is ridiculous. What are you going to do when there are no police and meth crazed lunatics run rampant across cities.”
Sure sounds like a Fox News headline :(.
Again the actual defunding argument has merit and perhaps caring for and help the “crazed meth heads” instead of buying more guns to shoot them just may work better? The existing model sure doesn’t seem to be working now does it? The police budget for my city is the highest portion of our expenditures and keeps rising at double digits yet our opioid deaths have kept going up, fueling the crimes we keep hiring more cops to stop ........ just think about that and does that seem logical?
You can check your air quality at this site:

I was 21, hungover on a Monday. We'd spent the day at a creek in the mountains nearby the day before, when the sheriff came and said to evacuate. I woke up to orange sky and smoke smell, then turned on the radio when they played this song. I still kind of resent the DJ for playing it. I love the tune, but it didn't do me any good with that fucking hangover.
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Well now it’s the far left running around setting fires in the lawless land that ...........oh wait that comes later with Joe running things. But wait, it’s happening now with Captain Bone spur as leader, that’s weird :(.
From what I’ve read there is no one purposely setting any fires and the reports if it happening are all fake news bullshit :(.