America Is Disgusting

Are you as sick of the daily shitshow that is the Trump Administration as i am?


    Votes: 22 78.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters
If somebody breaks in and steals his gun and they go next door to your house and decide to rob you, because they know you don't have a gun, will you laugh at them and say...

"hey buddy, you're breaking the law and what you're doing is impossible because there are laws which prevent you from doing this so when I count to 3, you will disappear and I will smoke some more of this marijuana that the FEDERAL LAWS made illegal and hence nobody can ever ever possess, grow or consume any because "the law" !!!! ?

Or will you call a person with a gun, (who will arrive to identify your body and file a report) the same badged person who will willingly use his gun against you to enforce the law that was magically going to make all marijuana disappear just like gun laws will magically prevent people from possessing them ?

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Predictable, old, boring, irrational and racist are words I would use to describe you. Most would prefer to give up their milk money in the unlikely event of a robbery, not get in a gun fight.
People like me. You seem to be the only with trouble being served. I probably wouldn't serve your racist ass either. You're a sad echo chamber. You've been asked several times now from multiple members, when are you going to stop spamming the forum with white nationalist talking points?

English please. Thank you.
Predictable, old, boring, irrational and racist are words I would use to describe you. Most would prefer to give up their milk money in the unlikely event of a robbery, not get in a gun fight.

So, lay there and take it up the ass against your will? I did not know you were masochist AND a sadist.

I'm curious if you have ever presented any kind of an argument other than an insult? Could you give an example please?
So, lay there and take it up the ass against your will? I did not know you were masochist AND a sadist.

I'm curious if you have ever presented any kind of an argument other than an insult? Could you give an example please?
Thanks for confirming you feel insulted, you have made my day.
If somebody breaks in and steals his gun and they go next door to your house and decide to rob you, because they know you don't have a gun, will you laugh at them and say...

"hey buddy, you're breaking the law and what you're doing is impossible because there are laws which prevent you from doing this so when I count to 3, you will disappear and I will smoke some more of this marijuana that the FEDERAL LAWS made illegal and hence nobody can ever ever possess, grow or consume any because "the law" !!!! ?

Or will you call a person with a gun, (who will arrive to identify your body and file a report) the same badged person who will willingly use his gun against you to enforce the law that was magically going to make all marijuana disappear just like gun laws will magically prevent people from possessing them ?

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more to the point, who will be held responsible for the gun being used in a crime?
i should be, if i didn't take reasonable measures to secure my weapons while out of the house.
i know these are dangerous items, and that i do not want anyone else to be able to get them, and if i'm not in my house to use them, they need to be in a safe, locked up. if i don't bother to take that slightly inconvenient step when i leave my home, i deserve to be prosecuted along with the person who stole my weapon and used it in a crime.
That all depends. If any person forces another person to serve them against their will, I'd say the person initiating the force is the person in the wrong, regardless of the race of either party.

I'm a little surprised you'd threaten force to make a black person serve you though, given that you claim not to be a racist. Why don't you think black people should be able to decline serving you against their will?

this is like the third or fourth time i've seen pretty much that same paragraph in different threads....if you're going to keep asking the same irrelevant to the thread question, could you at least put some effort into wording it differently each time?
this is like the third or fourth time i've seen pretty much that same paragraph in different threads....if you're going to keep asking the same irrelevant to the thread question, could you at least put some effort into wording it differently each time?

Yet, it has never been addressed and generally my repetitive posts are in response to repetitive off point questions. I'm glad you are reading my posts, thank you.

more to the point, who will be held responsible for the gun being used in a crime?
i should be, if i didn't take reasonable measures to secure my weapons while out of the house.
i know these are dangerous items, and that i do not want anyone else to be able to get them, and if i'm not in my house to use them, they need to be in a safe, locked up. if i don't bother to take that slightly inconvenient step when i leave my home, i deserve to be prosecuted along with the person who stole my weapon and used it in a crime.

So if I find a stick in your yard and go and beat somebody to death with it, you should have locked up your tree and you are partially responsible for my harmful action?
no, it's a matter of degree. sticks fall from trees naturally, and while you could kill someone with a large enough one, i doubt you could tuck it into your waistband and use it to beat multiple people to death in the matter of a few minutes.and while you could use it to rob a store, i'm pretty sure all but the dumbest fucks wouldn't try.
as far as sneaking into a school with a large enough branch to commit mass murder with...i guess its possible, but i just don't see it happening
more to the point, who will be held responsible for the gun being used in a crime?
i should be, if i didn't take reasonable measures to secure my weapons while out of the house.
i know these are dangerous items, and that i do not want anyone else to be able to get them, and if i'm not in my house to use them, they need to be in a safe, locked up. if i don't bother to take that slightly inconvenient step when i leave my home, i deserve to be prosecuted along with the person who stole my weapon and used it in a crime.

Bullshit. A locked home by definition is considered a secure environment. Stop talking, you sound stupid.
Of course they are happy, they are revelling in those poor kids anguish :/ its the main thing that set me off to actually post about the shitshow that Is America, its fucking infuriating :/
No nation that fails to protect it's children can long survive.

The only difference with America is how many others we can take down with us.

It wasn't just the Trumptards either. Liberals where buying right wing propaganda that they were to blame for Trump. It wasn't too long ago that so-called liberals like @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and @st0wandgrow were claiming that we should make nice with right wing racist radicals because we were hurting their feelings and hardening their resolve to destroy democracy. In the words of tty, if we would only stop talking about racism, it would go away

The more the right wing movement has revealed itself for what it really is -- an authoritarian antidemocratic pugnacious nationalist and violent misogynistic white supremacist movement, otherwise known as fascism, there seems to be less appetite for people to defend them.

They are still around, however. They just don't currently have a black president or woman presidential candidate to rail against.
Lol if misrepresenting what others have to say is the best you can manage why should anyone listen to you?
Was it Russia or right-wing propaganda that made Hillary Clinton accept hundreds of thousands of dollars for a few hours of speaking to a group of Wall Street bankers? Or that she voted for the Iraq War that killed at least 200,000 Iraqi civilians, 6,000 American soldiers, and by the end, will cost America $7 trillion?

Adrian Chen, author of the NYT report that initially broke the story about "Russian trolls", says that he believes it did not affect the outcome of the election


The only people pushing that narrative are establishment Democrats and corporate media to distract from the legitimate reasons they failed to put a Democrat in the White House in Hillary Clinton in the hopes that enough of them will win during the midterms so they don't have to address it. So they can still keep throwing people like you a bone in support of identity politics while not actually making any significant changes their corporate donors wouldn't like, like raising the minimum wage to a living wage or enacting universal healthcare. Supporting single issues seems to be enough to get your vote. It's not for me.

Also, I don't recall anyone you cited suggested "being nice" to racists in order to sway them. We suggested simply not being an asshole to everyone who doesn't believe the exact same thing that you do because acting like a child definitely won't sway them while treating people you disagree with politically while being respectful and making valid logical points based in reason, history, and science has actually been proven to help people with seeing the error in their thinking, ie. Daryl Davis, Wade Watts, and the entirety of the non-violent response MLK pushed during the Civil Rights Movement.

Multiple members, including you, have said many times that you're not interested in changing these people's minds, you're only interested in berating them and mocking them and harassing them any way you can because you think it's funny and get a kick out of it.
He has to lie to make his points. It's not just a pattern by now, it's policy.
Whew, what a wall of text. Triggered, were you?

Regarding Russian interference in our election, as spelled out in the recent indictments, it was sponsored by the Russian government to at least the tune of $1.5 M per month and it achieved their objectives of discrediting our elections. If you are OK with that, then I disagree.

Regarding the election, I still think that Clinton was the better choice over Trump regardless of her vote in 2003 over the Iraq war.

Regarding campaign finance reforms, I have no idea what you propose. I propose we hold Democrats to their promise of reforming the system and repealing CU when they hold power to do so. My reps have held that position for a long time. If yours don't then do what you think is right.

Regarding your desire to coddle racists, I think the right thing to do is confront them like the people in the picture you posted of the Walgreen's sit in did. Racists were absolutely livid over his participation. The sit in was peaceful but raised their ire. That was a perfect example of how to confront racism in spite of how racists felt about it.
Whew, what a wall of drivel.

Can't stand it when someone calls you out on your bullshit, huh?

Get used to it.
Whew, what a wall of drivel.

Can't stand it when someone calls you out on your bullshit, huh?

Get used to it.
Four posts in a row? Woke up triggered did you?

Did you see that wall of text I replied to? I replied to four points in pads sprawling post using eight lines of text. It would be nice if he could stop those drunken maunderings but he is what he is. Drunk and verbose.

Do you have anything to say or are you just here to vent?
Four posts in a row? Woke up triggered did you?

Did you see that wall of text I replied to? I replied to four points in pads sprawling post using eight lines of text. It would be nice if he could stop those drunken maunderings but he is what he is. Drunk and verbose.

Do you have anything to say or are you just here to vent?
I've had plenty to say. You just don't listen, typical.

You haven't had anything to say in a long time, ball washer.
ok, i'll try it without my personal opinion at the end.....
in who's opinion is a locked door "a secure environment? the dead school kids shot with handguns, mostly by other children who should never have been allowed to have them in the first place?
people who get robbed and shot with stolen guns, because it was too inconvenient to put your gun in a safe when you left your house?
what about the inner city kids that get shot in drivebys, just because they're in the same general area as someone else? wonder what their opinion on a "secure environment" is?