America Is Disgusting

Are you as sick of the daily shitshow that is the Trump Administration as i am?


    Votes: 22 78.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters
Of course they are happy, they are revelling in those poor kids anguish :/ its the main thing that set me off to actually post about the shitshow that Is America, its fucking infuriating :/
They've been using this tactic to tear down anybody who criticizes them for years. The wealthy people who fund the conservative/radical right wing movement has no remorse or sense of decency.

It would not surprise me to hear that the families of these outspoken kids are getting death threats and are stalked by menacing characters too.

A bright spot is that they recently lost a senate seat in a historically strong state for Republicans. I think the upcoming mid-term elections is going to be more of the same. The outlook is good that Republicans will lose the House in 2018 and they will no longer be able to do whatever they want. Trump's approval ratings are historically bad for a first year president. 2020 looks to be a bloodbath for Republicans but there is a lot of water still to go under the bridge before then.

But yeah, what's going on and how that team manipulates their base is infuriating.

As far as the gun lobby is concerned, it's every bit as vile as other wings of the reactionary right. What radical gun rights activists fail to recognize is that only 35% of households in this country own a gun. 65% don't. Until now, a majority favored our loose gun regulatory system. Not all gun owners are for the wild west attitude seen today either. I think it's just a matter of time before the super majority of non-gun owners loses patience and allies with the more reasonable faction of gun owners to flip the politics against lax gun laws. It's just a matter of time before things tighten down. We may have reached the tipping point now. It might be later but it will happen.
They've been using this tactic to tear down anybody who criticizes them for years. The wealthy people who fund the conservative/radical right wing movement has no remorse or sense of decency.

It would not surprise me to hear that the families of these outspoken kids are getting death threats and are stalked by menacing characters too.

A bright spot is that they recently lost a senate seat in a historically strong state for Republicans. I think the upcoming mid-term elections is going to be more of the same. The outlook is good that Republicans will lose the House in 2018 and they will no longer be able to do whatever they want. Trump's approval ratings are historically bad for a first year president. 2020 looks to be a bloodbath for Republicans but there is a lot of water still to go under the bridge before then.

But yeah, what's going on and how that team manipulates their base is infuriating.

As far as the gun lobby is concerned, it's every bit as vile as other wings of the reactionary right. What radical gun rights activists fail to recognize is that only 35% of households in this country own a gun. 65% don't. Until now, a majority favored our loose gun regulatory system. Not all gun owners are for the wild west attitude seen today either. I think it's just a matter of time before the super majority of non-gun owners loses patience and allies with the more reasonable faction of gun owners to flip the politics against lax gun laws. It's just a matter of time before things tighten down. We may have reached the tipping point now. It might be later but it will happen.
They are getting death threats, I saw that on Twitter when I woke up this morning :/ My GOD haven't those kids suffered enough, how HEARTLESS can some cunts be!? (Pardon my French there) I hope you are right about that tipping point, ive always felt once nothing happened after sandy hook, nothing will get through to those sociopaths :/
This is a disheartening time in history. It seems like much of our society at home and even abroad to a degree is wanting to cash out some of the centuries fought for societal advancements...

Trump disturbs me deeply

The fact that a third or so of my countrymen think this way scares the hell out of me..
its scares the hell outta me too buddy and I'm Aussie :/ I never though thered be a leader ANYWHERE that worried me more than Kim Jong Un1 (sorry without the 1 it kept changing Un1 to In and I cant get it to f$$king stop) and Putin ANYWHERE, let alone the US President, but lo and behold here we are :/
They are getting death threats, I saw that on Twitter when I woke up this morning :/ My GOD haven't those kids suffered enough, how HEARTLESS can some cunts be!? (Pardon my French there) I hope you are right about that tipping point, ive always felt once nothing happened after sandy hook, nothing will get through to those sociopaths :/
Heartless is a word for it. Remorseless is another. It's not just guns, either. Women's rights, civil rights, economic issues, all of them trigger the goons. Like you, I register that they are doing it. I don't understand it.

Paycheck is $400 more per month thanks to the tax cut. I don't watch TV so I'm not influenced by Propaganda rages.

No lost sleep here.

Just look at the post from that asshole. It's just all about himself. Everybody else can die. It's a common viewpoint of these assholes. The worst part is, obviously, he's fooling himself. What he said is false.
apparent Chump even has his supporters in the world of the 'erb :/
Arseholes puff too.
The view from here in Canada is like watching the drunk neighbors across the street through the front window, wrestle naked on the front lawn. Interesting for sure, but it kinda brings the neighborhood down, if ya know what I mean mate, no class. The Americans seem barely civilized at times...:lol: Trump is the face of America, and if yer an American with a heart and a brain, that can't feel good, if yer a patriot yer fit to be tied and many are so pissed they could fucking near spontaneously combust.:cuss:

I might add that Trump is not liked in Canada either, something we have in common with most Americans.
They've been using this tactic to tear down anybody who criticizes them for years. The wealthy people who fund the conservative/radical right wing movement has no remorse or sense of decency.

It would not surprise me to hear that the families of these outspoken kids are getting death threats and are stalked by menacing characters too.

A bright spot is that they recently lost a senate seat in a historically strong state for Republicans. I think the upcoming mid-term elections is going to be more of the same. The outlook is good that Republicans will lose the House in 2018 and they will no longer be able to do whatever they want. Trump's approval ratings are historically bad for a first year president. 2020 looks to be a bloodbath for Republicans but there is a lot of water still to go under the bridge before then.

But yeah, what's going on and how that team manipulates their base is infuriating.

As far as the gun lobby is concerned, it's every bit as vile as other wings of the reactionary right. What radical gun rights activists fail to recognize is that only 35% of households in this country own a gun. 65% don't. Until now, a majority favored our loose gun regulatory system. Not all gun owners are for the wild west attitude seen today either. I think it's just a matter of time before the super majority of non-gun owners loses patience and allies with the more reasonable faction of gun owners to flip the politics against lax gun laws. It's just a matter of time before things tighten down. We may have reached the tipping point now. It might be later but it will happen.

I have a serious question, I would like to hear your response to.

It sounds like you are advocating for some people, using legislation, which is ultimately a threat to use guns, to disarm people who aren't using guns offensively in order to reduce threats of gun violence ? If so, how could that logically occur?
Ok now that weve gotten that out of the way, I don't mean the millions of decent people living in the US. I mean all these ARSEHOLE politicians that trot out the SAME DAMN RHETORIC after every mass shooting, all the brain dead Trumpers that jump on Twitter having meltdowns screaming that those kids don't have any right to demand action, that they DESERVED TO BE SHOT BECAUSE THEY DIDNT BELIEVE IN GOD!! What that C$$T Dinesh Desousa and his ilk have been doing, TROLLING SHOOTING VICTIMS ffs! America is a steaming pit of injustice, uneducated racist hicks and corrupted politicians, and I feel so sorry for the millions THAT DONT DESERVE THE SHIT! What is WRONG with so many people over there?? Do you REALLY think guns are more valuable than human life, that potheads should be rounded up and imprisoned (that obviously wouldn't apply on here but is a common trumptard standpoint, look at Jeff 'Keebler Elf" Sessions) that Democrats are satanic child murdering cultists?? the FUCK goes wrong in a country to let millions of people become SO RETARDED?? And this is just the reaction to the SHOOTING that just happened, theres been a year so far of blinded Trump culters defending the undefendable, when they wanted to attack Obama over a BS conspiracy theory, or what suit he wore! Meanwhile Trump fucks a porn star but that's A-Ok according to the 'family values' mob! Bunch of racist uneducated HICKS using patriotism and conspiracy to mask their hatred and I'm frigging SICK of it. America has always been bad but Trump is the ANTITHESIS of a decent president, or even decent human being!

Come visit but I'd recommend the summer months. Money has been substituted for votes. Our SCOTUS (supreme beings) have decided that corporate money is the same as speech so this is what we get. Along with gerrymandering and voter suppression by the GOP and the help of Russia, we're basically fucked for some time. Unknown if the worm will turn but it usually does... most likely the pissed off kids will have start their own revolution and make America sane again.
I have a serious question, I would like to hear your response to.

It sounds like you are advocating for some people, using legislation, which is ultimately a threat to use guns, to disarm people who aren't using guns offensively in order to reduce threats of gun violence ? If so, how could that logically occur?
it works the same way that laws against child fucking do.

if we catch you trying to fuck a 12 year old, which you apparently think is OK, we put you in a prison.
It's funny but about a month or so after the Dumpster got elected I made a negative comment about him in one of the threads in this forum and got trashed by all the supporters on here so don't bother saying much in politics. Only came in to see how badly my Aussie cousin fared but for some reason those supporters for the most part are silent.

What's changed I wonder? Is the reality finally sinking in? Do his supporters hate Canadians more than Australians?

I feel sorry for the good Americans trapped in the cluster-fuck that the US is becoming under Trump's rule but have hopes that the youth now raising their voices will get things changed.

I just hope it doesn't take as long to effect change as the youth movements of my day did to get pot into the mainstream. 50 more years of this will turn the US into a 3rd world country for sure. ;)

It's funny but about a month or so after the Dumpster got elected I made a negative comment about him in one of the threads in this forum and got trashed by all the supporters on here so don't bother saying much in politics. Only came in to see how badly my Aussie cousin fared but for some reason those supporters for the most part are silent.

What's changed I wonder? Is the reality finally sinking in? Do his supporters hate Canadians more than Australians?

I feel sorry for the good Americans trapped in the cluster-fuck that the US is becoming under Trump's rule but have hopes that the youth now raising their voices will get things changed.

I just hope it doesn't take as long to effect change as the youth movements of my day did to get pot into the mainstream. 50 more years of this will turn the US into a 3rd world country for sure. ;)

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don't let garbage bag trump supporters shut you down.
It's funny but about a month or so after the Dumpster got elected I made a negative comment about him in one of the threads in this forum and got trashed by all the supporters on here so don't bother saying much in politics. Only came in to see how badly my Aussie cousin fared but for some reason those supporters for the most part are silent.

What's changed I wonder? Is the reality finally sinking in? Do his supporters hate Canadians more than Australians?

I feel sorry for the good Americans trapped in the cluster-fuck that the US is becoming under Trump's rule but have hopes that the youth now raising their voices will get things changed.

I just hope it doesn't take as long to effect change as the youth movements of my day did to get pot into the mainstream. 50 more years of this will turn the US into a 3rd world country for sure. ;)

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don't let garbage bag trump supporters shut you down.

It wasn't just the Trumptards either. Liberals where buying right wing propaganda that they were to blame for Trump. It wasn't too long ago that so-called liberals like @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and @st0wandgrow were claiming that we should make nice with right wing racist radicals because we were hurting their feelings and hardening their resolve to destroy democracy. In the words of tty, if we would only stop talking about racism, it would go away

The more the right wing movement has revealed itself for what it really is -- an authoritarian antidemocratic pugnacious nationalist and violent misogynistic white supremacist movement, otherwise known as fascism, there seems to be less appetite for people to defend them.

They are still around, however. They just don't currently have a black president or woman presidential candidate to rail against.