America holds it's breath as Justin Amash deliberates running for prez

ah, no

I'm not a single issue voter. That's how we got Republicans. Libertarians are just Republicans who can't admit they are totally corrupt.

Libertarians are not Republicans. A good argument could be made that Republicans and Democrats are more alike than Republicans and many libertarians.

If you vote on issues rather than from a consistent philosophy, you could be either a Republican or a Democrat. A libertarian is supposed to base their position on philosophic standards.

What are the underlying philosophic standards an "issues voter" like you relies on?
Libertarians are not Republicans. A good argument could be made that Republicans and Democrats are more alike than Republicans and many libertarians.

If you vote on issues rather than from a consistent philosophy, you could be either a Republican or a Democrat. A libertarian is supposed to base their position on philosophic standards.

What are the underlying philosophic standards an "issues voter" like you relies on?
Yes, Amash backs up his voting record with reasons for his decision. PolitiFact even discounted the idea that he votes more with Democrats.
I would say I'm looking for someone who stands up for the people instead of "following the leader" for big Govt.
Yes, I agree Libertarians are not Republicans. They are in no way alike.
Yes, Amash backs up his voting record with reasons for his decision. PolitiFact even discounted the idea that he votes more with Democrats.
I would say I'm looking for someone who stands up for the people instead of "following the leader" for big Govt.
Yes, I agree Libertarians are not Republicans. They are in no way alike.

I would add Libertarians and libertarians are different from each other too.

You may already know, but Libertarians are "small government" supporters. While libertarians are not.
Yes, Amash backs up his voting record with reasons for his decision. PolitiFact even discounted the idea that he votes more with Democrats.
I would say I'm looking for someone who stands up for the people instead of "following the leader" for big Govt.
Yes, I agree Libertarians are not Republicans. They are in no way alike.

Libertarianism is a philosophy made up by right wingers because too many people who vote Republican are ashamed to call themselves Republican.

The last discussion I had with a Libertarian, it ended when he said as an employer (he does pools), he has the right to demand a blow job in exchange for the paycheck a person earned working for him. "If they don't want to, they can just go work elsewhere".

It would be funny if he weren't so serious.
From your reaction I understand you are incapable of have a normal conversation. If I was like that I would call you a ass and be done with you. But I am not like that. Instead I will try to educate you so you can reply in a intelligent way. Amash was in the state legislation before he was in the US. He was elected to his current position due to a wave of popular governor among other things. Because I want to make this simple I will direct you to a simple site. Go to wickpedia. You will notice even that site is critical of his many responses to votes as "present". A present is not a helpful vote. It's like not understanding something and getting nasty and telling someone a lier. It makes someone look petty and stupid. Now go look that up and then look at some other places and come back with a intelligent response
From your reaction I understand you are incapable of have a normal conversation. If I was like that I would call you a ass and be done with you. But I am not like that. Instead I will try to educate you so you can reply in a intelligent way. Amash was in the state legislation before he was in the US. He was elected to his current position due to a wave of popular governor among other things. Because I want to make this simple I will direct you to a simple site. Go to wickpedia. You will notice even that site is critical of his many responses to votes as "present". A present is not a helpful vote. It's like not understanding something and getting nasty and telling someone a lier. It makes someone look petty and stupid. Now go look that up and then look at some other places and come back with a intelligent response
Sure, maybe Amash can pull off as many voters as Johnson and Stein did in Michigan and flip the state to Trump again. I still think Biden pulls it off, it just depends what Trump trolls have in their back pocket to attack people who would otherwise vote for Biden from the left with.

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From your reaction I understand you are incapable of have a normal conversation. If I was like that I would call you a ass and be done with you. But I am not like that. Instead I will try to educate you so you can reply in a intelligent way. Amash was in the state legislation before he was in the US. He was elected to his current position due to a wave of popular governor among other things. Because I want to make this simple I will direct you to a simple site. Go to wickpedia. You will notice even that site is critical of his many responses to votes as "present". A present is not a helpful vote. It's like not understanding something and getting nasty and telling someone a lier. It makes someone look petty and stupid. Now go look that up and then look at some other places and come back with a intelligent response
Libertarianism is a made up political movement by right wing Republicans.

Tell me, where has this form of governance been successfully employed?

It's all just about killing off social security and other safety nets, it's about killing off government oversight of industries like the food and drug industries that actually WANT regulations to keep the level of safety and quality at acceptable levels.

What's a "market force" anyway?
Right. Just because you can't look something up I lie. I'm in Michigan I seen the ads with references. I look things up in non-biased articles. I vote in his district.
Libertarians reject science and the scientific method in favor of belief. Hasn't this epidemic taught your kind anything?
From your reaction I understand you are incapable of have a normal conversation. If I was like that I would call you a ass and be done with you. But I am not like that. Instead I will try to educate you so you can reply in a intelligent way. Amash was in the state legislation before he was in the US. He was elected to his current position due to a wave of popular governor among other things. Because I want to make this simple I will direct you to a simple site. Go to wickpedia. You will notice even that site is critical of his many responses to votes as "present". A present is not a helpful vote. It's like not understanding something and getting nasty and telling someone a lier. It makes someone look petty and stupid. Now go look that up and then look at some other places and come back with a intelligent response
Sorry you got caught lying

That’s your fault

Libertarianism is a philosophy made up by right wingers because too many people who vote Republican are ashamed to call themselves Republican.

The last discussion I had with a Libertarian, it ended when he said as an employer (he does pools), he has the right to demand a blow job in exchange for the paycheck a person earned working for him. "If they don't want to, they can just go work elsewhere".

It would be funny if he weren't so serious.

A libertarian is a person that believes in individual liberty, basically a philosophical voluntaryist.

A Libertarian is a confused person that thinks individual liberty can be had while still having a very small amount of coercion in a governmental system, but they aren't nearly as confused and self contradictory as Democrats or Republicans.

I'm sorry your boss was so mean to you too. Did he make you swallow?
I told you to come back with an intelligent answer. Now I am done with your stupidity I ability to want to learn and your insults. So you are a stupid ass. You will always be a stupid ass. I hope you don't have children and pass the genes to your children from a general pool that needed the filter changed. I hope your dick is long enough to reach your ass so you can go fuck yourself because with a low intelligence and a insulting manor that may be all the sex you get.
My daughter is quite advanced and my wife fucks me quite a bit especially during this quarantine

Sorry you got caught lying
A libertarian is a person that believes in individual liberty, basically a philosophical voluntaryist.

A Libertarian is a confused person that thinks individual liberty can be had while still having a very small amount of coercion in a governmental system, but they aren't nearly as confused and self contradictory as Democrats or Republicans.

I'm sorry your boss was so mean to you too. Did he make you swallow?
what would you know about bosses?

You’re an unemployable loser