Are you talking about the most recent one? It was good. That part about the rats eating the dude alive in the caves.
Sick shit! The stuff he would do to animals was too terrible to even repeat
Are you talking about the most recent one? It was good. That part about the rats eating the dude alive in the caves.
Sick shit! The stuff he would do to animals was too terrible to even repeat
sounds like the book lol. the whole book was a bunch of terrible shit. the fact that someone was actually that fucking crazy was what made it hard to put down once i started it
sounds like the book lol. the whole book was a bunch of terrible shit. the fact that someone was actually that fucking crazy was what made it hard to put down once i started it

Fucking scary. People scare me sometimes. If you seen any of his interviews it's crazy how cold he is..
Have you seen the movie.