Am I in trouble? Cloning issues...


Active Member
I just started to do some cloning about 4 days ago. I am seeing bumps on the stalks BUT my leaves are starting to look funky; some old growth and some new growth. I was told the old growth wasn't an issue but I'm worried that it is an issue because of the new growth exhibiting the same symptoms. pH is around 6 ppm is between 600 and 700 (just water and clonex) and the water temp is around 70 and air temp is between 75-82ish. i'm running an 18/6 light cycle and i put these in the cloner 2 and 4 days ago (two different sets) here are some pics. thanks in advance for any help everyone.

PS. those little yellow spots on the leaf were from a spidermite infestation that I exterminated finially last week (the plant was given to me with mites but the genetics were worth fighting for)

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Well-Known Member
Okay, First let me reasure you that yor not completely gonna crap out here. Those little white bumps your seeing on the stem are your new roots starting. as for the rest I have to believe they are the disappearance of the nutrients as the plant yses whats stored to maintain life. FYI I am fairly new to this cloning bit also but I used Dip-N-Grow and have had a 100% success ratio.

Good Luck to ya but the only choice you have at this point is to set em and let em...


Well-Known Member
They always look worse before they look better.

Its only been 4 days? Give it more time buddy, 2-3 wks you should be seeing pretty lil roots if you've done it right.
RO water would be better to use than tap. My clones water ppm is zeroed out. Dunno how yours is up at 700...?


Clones can look pretty gruesome after a few days. Mist them once or twice a day, and keep your dome fogged but not dripping. Then, most importantly, leave them alone; don't move them around or fuss with them. STEP-AWAY-FROM-THE-CLONES. There is little you can do to control the outcome for a couple of weeks. So give them a lot of quiet and tranquility. It wouldn't hurt to play some jazz or Bach for them, light some incense, and think harmonious thoughts.


Active Member
Yes they will get worse before it get's better. Ive never seen clones cutt like that at the stock or that system, it's prolly stressing them too much cause the energy and growth hormones is going toward healing the huge exposed slits. I personally take a scalpul and just cutt on a 45 degree angle and scratch the green off just like 5cm on one side and that's considerd optimizing your membrane for root growth, opposed to a flush cutt butt I also dip in hormones. I think splitting is to much stress for when you just need a little bit of the inner stock exposed, so the growth hormones in the plant can go toward the roots and not forming a skin around the slits. And mabey just dip them with some gel or #1 red root hormone besides the strait h20 or humidity method you got going on. mabey if you did both methods it would help you alot. Butt it looks like your not completly gone here I'm just sayin how I do mine. that system looks over kill in every way to me. I use cheap humidity domes with cubicals and pour in perlite and vermiculite you can cutt hundreds of clones and it cost about 15$


The problem with the leaves looks like they're drying up to me.. Spray them 1-2 times a day and make sure you have them under a humidity dome. :)


Well-Known Member
This look very much like a phosphorus issue, must be carried over from the mom, nothing you can do now but see what happens.


Well-Known Member
My advice, dude, you need an RO system and pronto. 700PPM tap water!!! Who knows what the fuck is in there but I can tell you right now, that is an extremely high PPM. How are you ever going to feed the plants without fucking up the salt concentration gradients?


Active Member
My advice, dude, you need an RO system and pronto. 700PPM tap water!!! Who knows what the fuck is in there but I can tell you right now, that is an extremely high PPM. How are you ever going to feed the plants without fucking up the salt concentration gradients?
it was 700 with nuits. i'm now using less than 4 ppm base water and and the ppm is usually between 300 - 400 now

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
must snip the ends of the leaves, just the tips.It stops transpiration and keeps the leaves from drying out and dying. This tricks the cutting into using all viable energy for root production. you shouldnt have 700 ppm water stays zeroed out....


Active Member
Yes they will get worse before it get's better. Ive never seen clones cutt like that at the stock or that system, it's prolly stressing them too much cause the energy and growth hormones is going toward healing the huge exposed slits. I personally take a scalpul and just cutt on a 45 degree angle and scratch the green off just like 5cm on one side and that's considerd optimizing your membrane for root growth, opposed to a flush cutt butt I also dip in hormones. I think splitting is to much stress for when you just need a little bit of the inner stock exposed, so the growth hormones in the plant can go toward the roots and not forming a skin around the slits. And mabey just dip them with some gel or #1 red root hormone besides the strait h20 or humidity method you got going on. mabey if you did both methods it would help you alot. Butt it looks like your not completly gone here I'm just sayin how I do mine. that system looks over kill in every way to me. I use cheap humidity domes with cubicals and pour in perlite and vermiculite you can cutt hundreds of clones and it cost about 15$
I only slit them because I had seen somewhere that it was suppose to increase the rooting area of the cutting. and I'm using a power closer typer method

IMG_0045.jpgIMG_0044.jpg pics taken 1 day or 2 after i took the clones

IMG_0046.jpgthe first sign of the problems

IMG_0043.jpg my M.I.L.Fs (Mothers I'd Like To Flower)
1 White Widow
2 Blue Berry
4 Jimmy Chu