Alternative Methods of Smoking H?


Well-Known Member
we've got a (presumable) junkie who can't be bothered with tin foil to smoke his heroin on a PUBLIC FORUM.*

if he kept his dilemma PRIVATE, i would keep my opinion about heroin junkies PRIVATE.

but that is not what happened.

thus, i will feel no shame in sharing my suggestions on how he partake of his heroin, as well as share my experiences about the lives that heroin has ruined and is ruining.

no preaching, just sharing how sad it is to see people lose their lives due to this scourge and how comical it is to mock junkies who simply can't be bothered to go get some fucking foil.
see you're really not even funny though. the only comical thing here is your extremely flawed logic. you might want to read aknight's post and learn from it. otherwise you're just going to continue to be annoying; nothing more than that.


Well-Known Member
see you're really not even funny though. the only comical thing here is your extremely flawed logic. you might want to read aknight's post and learn from it. otherwise you're just going to continue to be annoying; nothing more than that.
i read and addressed what aknight had to say.

with the OP gone, the only comical thing left is your annoyance at my ridicule of a heroin junkie.


Active Member
Suggest skipping the heroin and moving straight onto methadone ...
Having abused both H and Methadone. Don`t do methadone. You can`t stay awake EVER while you are taking Methadone doses. Methadone also takes a LOT longer to get out of your system when you finally decide to stop taking it. You can`t dose down off Methadone like you can Heroin. Your bones will hurt for two weeks trying to get off Methadone...meanwhile you may only have the worst withdraws of your life for a few days on H...that feeling like your falling off a building over and over again. It is not fun either way.

But yeah since no one really answered the OP` s question. You can smoke it out a one hitter and I used to do it that way occasionally when I wanted to mix pot and H together. The hassle of always carrying around teeners in your wallet all the time and dosing every six hours just to feel normal isn`t worth it. If you get to that point you DON`T get high anymore. It is not fun.

H is just a bad scene in general.


And I would suggest trying bupe first simply because going to a dr once a month is way more convienient than going to a clinic daily. Not to mention bupe is far easier to stop.
listen to the duck here guy, suboxone will save your life. dont waste your time with sched 2 drugs like oxy, methadone etc and heroin(shed1 in usa), they are useless eventually man, it might work for you now, but there will come a time when you have synthetically released all the dopamine and serotonin your body and those drugs can produce and your body will eventually fail to make its only natural pain killer (dopamine) after this happens, you will most likley want to stick a garbage bag over your head and put a gun in your mouth a pull the trigger, if you do, dont leave a mess behind. but you can skip ALL of that and just go to a sub dr or goto rehab and TOTALLY quit and have your life back, the choice is not ours to make, but one thing we can tell you here from experience, opiates will ruin your day, night, your life, your families life and anyone connected to of luck to you friend ..:peace: