Alleviate anxiety and sleep issues ?


Well-Known Member
my experience with the newer strains is limited(older smoker rediscovering new medicine)
i have had some luck with nirvana PPP, probably the least anxious smoke i've had
does have a quick tolerance build though, such is life i guess, nothing is perfect
but some have had different experiences with it and did find it anxiety producing
this is a tough topic, people just react differently to the cannabinoids
I've heard you mention PPP in another thread discussing anxiety. I'd like to try that one out. What sort of anxiety do you suffer from grow?? is it just generalized or more of a panic disorder?


Well-Known Member
I've heard you mention PPP in another thread discussing anxiety. I'd like to try that one out. What sort of anxiety do you suffer from grow?? is it just generalized or more of a panic disorder?
not panic disorder, lucky in that respect i guess
i do have moderate depression symptoms, and anxiety seems to be a manifestation of mania for some people
that's my best guess so far, i don't get social anxiety at all, i find other people calming
it's when i'm alone that it creeps in
from what i've read and experienced with the PPP, i suspect it is the White Widow in the genetics that has the anti anxiety properties
i have seen others mention that White Widow can be calming, but others describe it as boring
but boring can be much better than anxiety
on the OP's original topic, the problems sleeping can be a depression symptom, fairly classic actually
i have used St John's Wort which does help with depression symptoms, but not with anxiety
i actually suspect it pushes the anxiety buttons a bit


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for a good over the counter herb that deals with anxiety, you might try Kava Kava. It works wonderfully for anxiety, especially the kind where you get short tempered and blow up at people. You can buy this at most vitamin stores. I don't recommend you use it every day because heavy use can be hard on the kidneys and liver. The negative is that is can cause you to be more depressed if you are inclined that way. The nice thing about Kava is it doesn't effect your working ability, which means you can use it at work to alleviate stress and anxiety. Whereas with cannabis, it usually doesn't mix with work. St. John's Wort by comparison doesn't do a damn thing for anxiety or depression, at least in my experience.

I find cannabis works pretty good for depression because it forces you to live in the moment and enjoy even the most mundane tasks. Depression many times can be directly traced to worrying about the past or the future and not living in the moment. Cannabis doesn't to this as much. To quote a friend, it makes everything more fun. When you are having fun, it is pointless to be depressed.


Well-Known Member
^^^ i tried kava kava myself, and it was pretty damn good on anxiety
i got wary of using it after i had read up on how it affects the liver
i thought it had been taken off the market, maybe that was hubbub that died down over time


Active Member
What does your doctor say? Have you tried SSRIs and/or benzos. I'm not so sure weed will help you that much (perhaps make you worse). Some weed makes some people very paranoid, which isn't good for someone suffering panic. It's a matter of your own unique brain chemistry. If you find a particular strain that alleviates the panic/paranoia, please share the information. Good luck.


Active Member
What does your doctor say? Have you tried SSRIs and/or benzos. I'm not so sure weed will help you that much (perhaps make you worse). Some weed makes some people very paranoid, which isn't good for someone suffering panic. It's a matter of your own unique brain chemistry. If you find a particular strain that alleviates the panic/paranoia, please share the information. Good luck.
Seriously? Im not even gonna waste may breath by responding to something so ridiculous.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I do have a friend whose paranoia and anxiety is only worsened by weed...

....However I really enjoy Thai and White Rhino for de-stressing. I usually have a joint just before bed and just melt into my sheets enjoying the body stone. Best dreams ever aswell.


Active Member
I do have a friend whose paranoia and anxiety is only worsened by weed...

....However I really enjoy Thai and White Rhino for de-stressing. I usually have a joint just before bed and just melt into my sheets enjoying the body stone. Best dreams ever aswell.
There is a strain out there for him. You just have to find. Brick top is who you need to talk to. He seems to be a medical marijuana guru. Medical growers have been breeding
And refining strains for a long time now for every issue under the sun. I was diagnosed with ptsd and restless leg syndrome after I returned from overseas and with a little research and sampling I have found the strains that work for me.


Well-Known Member
What does your doctor say? Have you tried SSRIs and/or benzos. I'm not so sure weed will help you that much (perhaps make you worse). Some weed makes some people very paranoid, which isn't good for someone suffering panic. It's a matter of your own unique brain chemistry. If you find a particular strain that alleviates the panic/paranoia, please share the information. Good luck.
By "benzos" you must mean stuff like Valium and Xanax. Run from these drugs. While they certainly work for anxiety, they are nasty deadly addictive. Just try stopping them after you have taken them for a few days. SSRIs like Prozac are also crap. Stay away from these unless you are desperate. I tried Prozac one time and it was like drinking espresso all day. By the end of the night I was dead tired. Only I would wake up about three hours before I should and could not go back to sleep. Reverse insomnia is what I called it. Stay the hell away from these. While the prozac did work with depression, it destroyed my sense of humor. People didn't like being around me. Nasty crap. Cannabis beats the shit out of these types of products, with almost no side effects.


Well-Known Member
What does your doctor say? Have you tried SSRIs and/or benzos. I'm not so sure weed will help you that much (perhaps make you worse). Some weed makes some people very paranoid, which isn't good for someone suffering panic. It's a matter of your own unique brain chemistry. If you find a particular strain that alleviates the panic/paranoia, please share the information. Good luck.
FUCK .... i just had a three paragraph reply to this post and hit the back button.
advice ... try and find a good strain, try and stay away from the benzos and ssri/snri anti-depressants.
But if you can't handle everyday activities such as: eating, sleeping, socializing, working, etc. I'd suggest you go to the MD and see how he/she can help you if you can't find a strain.
I understand how it is not to be able to function due to panic disorder, I take xanax but it's just an addiction with very little help at this point, due to it's tolerance level...i'm just saying if things are TOOO unbearable don't be ashamed to have to get on some anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication for a short time.


Active Member
Seriously? Im not even gonna waste may breath by responding to something so ridiculous.:wall:
Please do stop wasting your breath. NObody gives a fuck about you kid. Why are you trolling me and attempting to contradict every thing I post? Atypical of child with problems. I hope you realize how easy it is to spot a maladjusted teenager. Obviously - through your weak attempt to communicate on a mature, clear thinking level. Stop jacking other folks legitimate threads and trying to start a friggin beef with me. The information I post is from experience, and that speaks for itself. Would I listen to a Doctor? Yep in most cases, I would.

jeff f

New Member
What does your doctor say? Have you tried SSRIs and/or benzos. I'm not so sure weed will help you that much (perhaps make you worse). Some weed makes some people very paranoid, which isn't good for someone suffering panic. It's a matter of your own unique brain chemistry. If you find a particular strain that alleviates the panic/paranoia, please share the information. Good luck.

best question so far. its iffy with weed and depression. i suffered with depression for a long time. i also take ssri's and had a hell of a time switching around with them until i found one that works. after i got that leveled out i then used weed and it was even better. i wouldnt recomend doing it the other way around. get tuned into an ssri first. then see if weed helps too. depression is caused by variations in levels of seretonin. ssri's stabalize the chemical and ease the depression. you will still have bouts but they wont be as bad, thats where the weed can help. depression is nothing to mess with my friend. when you are depressed you can go from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.....and thats when the bad things happen.

jeff f

New Member
Please do stop wasting your breath. NObody gives a fuck about you kid. Why are you trolling me and attempting to contradict every thing I post? Atypical of child with problems. I hope you realize how easy it is to spot a maladjusted teenager. Obviously - through your weak attempt to communicate on a mature, clear thinking level. Stop jacking other folks legitimate threads and trying to start a friggin beef with me. The information I post is from experience, and that speaks for itself. Would I listen to a Doctor? Yep in most cases, I would.
i was thinkin the same thing when i read what he said. what a little douchebag. if he knew shit from shinola he would have realized you gave very sound advice for someone suffering from a serious condition/disease. little fucking putz, go clean your room.

jeff f

New Member
FUCK .... i just had a three paragraph reply to this post and hit the back button.
advice ... try and find a good strain, try and stay away from the benzos and ssri/snri anti-depressants.
But if you can't handle everyday activities such as: eating, sleeping, socializing, working, etc. I'd suggest you go to the MD and see how he/she can help you if you can't find a strain.
I understand how it is not to be able to function due to panic disorder, I take xanax but it's just an addiction with very little help at this point, due to it's tolerance level...i'm just saying if things are TOOO unbearable don't be ashamed to have to get on some anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication for a short time.
i dont know about benzos but ssri are very effective at handling depression. way better than weed. and in most cases weed makes depression worse. there is quite a bit of science to support this.
cadenel has a valid point. there are different strains for different things. ive been on different meds and they all have bad side effects.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about benzos but ssri are very effective at handling depression. way better than weed. and in most cases weed makes depression worse. there is quite a bit of science to support this.
I totally agree with you that ssri/snri are great for depression... that's why billions of pills are dispensed each year. Better than marijuana ... well that's a grey area that i may have to disagree with there....
I guess it depends on your take of using ganja as medicine or a mask for depression.... I personally whether the onset of the high be good or bad get more relaxed after it levels out. Like most my mood is elevated, a bit more introspective, and since i started smoked my level of aggression greatly decreased.. Due to a chemical reaction of course
But with that ... I can even admit that i turn to ganja is a crutch sometimes. bad day? smoke. nice sunset? smoke. day off? smoke myself stupid. and of course this routine can be repeated/and has been for us .
man i could go on for hours but i feel like i get on a soapbox when cannabis, anxiety, and pharmaceuticals come up..
But while i believe you about the science of cannabis making depression worse... i'm sure there's another study contradicting that fact. .... I don't disagree... but i have yet to be convinced.
forgot to add ... benzos aren't good for depression. But if you suffer from sever panic disorder, there's really no other choice .... Until i find or make the right strain.:leaf:


Active Member
....and i have news for anyone that thinks doctors know best. ive been seeing doctors since i returned fro Iraq and been perscribed everything in the book and none of them has done me any good. I also had a son that was born with a heart defect. I spent the last 15 weeks in the hospital with my son dealing with doctors on a daily basis. Some of them being the best heart surgeons in the world. I heard more than once from the main heart surgeon, and i quote, " thats why we call it practicing medicine". I remember as a kid i told my mom i had a ear ache and couldnt go to school. She brought me to the doctor and we told the doc what was wrong, he looked in my ear and to my surprise told my mother i ha d an inner ear infection. Of course i know that was bullshit. I learned then, dont always believe what the doctors tell you.


Well-Known Member
....and i have news for anyone that thinks doctors know best. ive been seeing doctors since i returned fro Iraq and been perscribed everything in the book and none of them has done me any good. I also had a son that was born with a heart defect. I spent the last 15 weeks in the hospital with my son dealing with doctors on a daily basis. Some of them being the best heart surgeons in the world. I heard more than once from the main heart surgeon, and i quote, " thats why we call it practicing medicine". I remember as a kid i told my mom i had a ear ache and couldnt go to school. She brought me to the doctor and we told the doc what was wrong, he looked in my ear and to my surprise told my mother i ha d an inner ear infection. Of course i know that was bullshit. I learned then, dont always believe what the doctors tell you.
Of course doctors aren't geniuses.... I'm not saying they are the most trustworthy source .. most doctors get kickbacks from pharma companies to prescribe their specific medicine. These docs get cash, trips, lot's of incentives to give out their medicine. Have you ever noticed that the medicine one dr. is prescribing is the same but different from the one the other is prescribing. If you go for depression will give you free samples of Cymbalta. another will give you free samples of Lexipro.
But in any event ...if the dude is having trouble in his life and needs immediate help .. and doesn't have the ttime to go strain through strain to get there .... He should go to a dr. and get something to help him.
These pills are proven to help with certain ailments. Just like MJ. Only not as good, more expensive, and more dependent.
I would in no way advise someone in desperate need of some mental help to say "fuck the doctor, I'll smoke a joint".