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I haven't read into this too much, a d idk why not, but what do u think about the fact the chief scientist at NASA says we will find alien life within 10 to 20 years..i know this is kinda old news but I need to read and see if she is saying we will make contact..or just find some lifeforms...idk...if it's contact it makes me wonder about things a lot if they have already established relationships with them and they are just going to mentally prepare us until that point ..beacuse that is def one of the bigger worries of the government in alien life being out in the open..a mass cluster fuck
This is so outlandishly stupid. It's NASA's method of operation to get Doritos eating, mouth breathing Globetards to believe in a non-existent outer space. They have been caught lying and faking shit again and again. They only have credibility with the mentally ill or people who are gullible and stupid. That's why you are referred to as Globetards. Still waiting for the curving of standing water. Physics is science and it says its impossible. Just like this alien non- sense. NASA has a studio in Hollywood just so you know. Globetards are a drain on valuable resources and should be eliminated from the gene pool. Mooooo hahaha
This is so outlandishly stupid. It's NASA's method of operation to get Doritos eating, mouth breathing Globetards to believe in a non-existent outer space. They have been caught lying and faking shit again and again. They only have credibility with the mentally ill or people who are gullible and stupid. That's why you are referred to as Globetards. Still waiting for the curving of standing water. Physics is science and it says its impossible. Just like this alien non- sense. NASA has a studio in Hollywood just so you know. Globetards are a drain on valuable resources and should be eliminated from the gene pool. Mooooo hahaha

It's all fake, lightspeed, black holes the whole fucking thing pal, it's all fake!

I don't know how the gorilla knows but I know believe me I've been dealing with this shit all my life

..and you know to now Rodger because you know simple physics (and you know it can't be both ways) you just can't admit it to yourself yet, relax it takes ..time took me two years
light still sets the speed limit in this reality.
As far as we know.

However, the space we've labeled as "vacuum" isn't quite the "vacuum" we once believed. It's filled with virtual fields and particles that appear and disappear seemingly out of nowhere. I hold the position that the "speed limit" of light, among other things, is simply limited in space by things we have yet to identify and understand. Even "space" itself might be manipulated in ways that would allow us to travel using methods we haven't even contemplated yet.

As far as we know.

However, the space we've labeled as "vacuum" isn't quite the "vacuum" we once believed. It's filled with virtual fields and particles that appear and disappear seemingly out of nowhere. I hold the position that the "speed limit" of light, among other things, is simply limited in space by things we have yet to identify and understand. Even "space" itself might be manipulated in ways that would allow us to travel using methods we haven't even contemplated yet.

To have or create a vacuum you need solid barriers with no leaks. Where are these solid barriers? NASA has already stated 1,000's of times that space is a vacuum so.....
It's so funny how people like you completely contradict yourselves ....and call people stupid ...I think you people are bread from a few different don't. trust government and things like NASA or anything generation a lot of money beacuse that usually comes with lies and deceit...the government has been caught lying and doing horrible things ...I also have very little faith in gov find theories or ideas of complete nonsense and just beacuse you have one or two highly questionable statements or come up with something that can't be proven ..beacuse nobody in their right mind would try to prove or disprove something like that from being so ..well..quite frankly stupid ...u just run with it..when you combine just the two things it makes for some very .... interesting??... people..and even then I could MAYBE take u with some seriousness..prob not..but when you have a shitty attitude and you criticize people who are stateing FACTS ...and then u try to shove it in people's faces ..and then you say you don't..that's who ignorant you are spewing your fucking bs in a thread that doesn't involve that..form what I hear u have your own bs thread ..what?..not enough ppl to try to push your bs on in that thread ?..nobody wants you here .. you completely prove to be pure assholes and stupid ones at that...not only for your stupid ass believes ..but for not just quitting...and what did NASA benefit from a globe earth when it was proven 100s of years ago..what did ANYONE benefit from it..except not being sacered they will fall off when boating....there are conspiracy theorists..then there are you people....
Has anyone ever heard of the Flawoods's kinda far out but it has always kinda been interesting to me since it was supposed to if started in Appalachia...I seen some stuff in Mexico about a "witch" that was supposed to resemble it...growing up around here you always hear stories about monsters or something..99.9% is just that..a story..but it makes me think sometimes if they saw something that they just didn't know how to explain ..I have heard stories of people seeing lights of all different things... rockets coming out of the mountain or something coming out if the mountains like a rocket...I wonder how often.. especially long long ago..things may have been seen and didn't know how to explain..I truly bbelievethat quite a few religions have formed by either people coming from the sky or something similar that were much more knowledgeable than states just that in so many of them but I truly believe something happend basically just like they said..
It's so funny how people like you completely contradict yourselves ....and call people stupid ...I think you people are bread from a few different don't. trust government and things like NASA or anything generation a lot of money beacuse that usually comes with lies and deceit...the government has been caught lying and doing horrible things ...I also have very little faith in gov find theories or ideas of complete nonsense and just beacuse you have one or two highly questionable statements or come up with something that can't be proven ..beacuse nobody in their right mind would try to prove or disprove something like that from being so ..well..quite frankly stupid ...u just run with it..when you combine just the two things it makes for some very .... interesting??... people..and even then I could MAYBE take u with some seriousness..prob not..but when you have a shitty attitude and you criticize people who are stateing FACTS ...and then u try to shove it in people's faces ..and then you say you don't..that's who ignorant you are spewing your fucking bs in a thread that doesn't involve that..form what I hear u have your own bs thread ..what?..not enough ppl to try to push your bs on in that thread ?..nobody wants you here .. you completely prove to be pure assholes and stupid ones at that...not only for your stupid ass believes ..but for not just quitting...and what did NASA benefit from a globe earth when it was proven 100s of years ago..what did ANYONE benefit from it..except not being sacered they will fall off when boating....there are conspiracy theorists..then there are you people....
Who you calling ignorant? You don't know the difference between "bread" and bred. beacuse and because and stateing and stating. You took in heliocentric ism on blind faith. It's all made up on mathematical assumption upon mathematical assumption. I could give you a lesson on computational physics, thermal dynamics and the seismographic study of tectonic plates but you would continue to ignore profound evidence of a flat earth. Well cultured and the more intelligent know. The media props up pseudo scientist who toe the company line and regurgitate garbage to perpetuate the status quo. I'm still waiting for one of you globetards to make standing water curve into a 360 degree angle. Now that is....quite frankly..STUPID. Reversing a conditioned brain from indoctrination and mainstream media propaganda is frustrating and hard work. Most of the unbelieving world will reject the message of the messengers.
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the day you show me anything even closely resembling proof of anything.....i'll still say you're full of shit
You have been deceived by the great deceivers. In your heart of hearts you know standing water does not curve. You have seen the sun's reflection cast across a calm flat ocean haven't you? Ships don't disappear over the horizon pickup ye ole pirates telescope and bring them back into view ....arrr arrrr
You have been deceived by the great deceivers. In your heart of hearts you know standing water does not curve. You have seen the sun's reflection cast across a calm flat ocean haven't you? Ships don't disappear over the horizon pickup ye ole pirates telescope and bring them back into view ....arrr arrrr

.. exactly! And it starts even before formal indoctrination in kindergarten, fake pictures and false theories every time you put on a TV (media, one of the five pillars)

Come out of confusion, seek truth, find it, and the truth will set you free (if you let it)
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i've sought truth my whole life. i've found it in the wisdom of others, i've found it in nature, i've found it in moments of clarity. and none of that has ever made me believe any of the shit you're trying to sell....
As far as we know.

However, the space we've labeled as "vacuum" isn't quite the "vacuum" we once believed. It's filled with virtual fields and particles that appear and disappear seemingly out of nowhere. I hold the position that the "speed limit" of light, among other things, is simply limited in space by things we have yet to identify and understand. Even "space" itself might be manipulated in ways that would allow us to travel using methods we haven't even contemplated yet.


The notion that we have all the answers is unbelievably arrogant.

Before Ben Franklin's time, the entire electronic spectrum was an unknown quantity. People saw light and lightning but did not understand anything about them.

I think the same is true today; that there is much in our universe that's undiscovered and therefore its potential cannot be guessed at.

What I wouldn't give for a glimpse, a hint... Nevermind a ride!
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