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no, i mean like believing that mile high giants once existed on the earth....believing that egyptian kids making gliders shaped like birds means they saw aliens ships....i mean like otherwise reasonable people making ridiculous, fantastic leaps to try to justify an insane idea

and i don't think i'm making any kind of mistake. i think i'm firmly based in reality, and don't have time to believe ridiculous, retarded, stupid shit that can never be proven or disproven. there's enough natural, real, observable wonder in the world for me, i don't have to invent fantasies to explain things i don't understand
no, i mean like believing that mile high giants once existed on the earth....believing that egyptian kids making gliders shaped like birds means they saw aliens ships....i mean like otherwise reasonable people making ridiculous, fantastic leaps to try to justify an insane idea

and i don't think i'm making any kind of mistake. i think i'm firmly based in reality, and don't have time to believe ridiculous, retarded, stupid shit that can never be proven or disproven. there's enough natural, real, observable wonder in the world for me, i don't have to invent fantasies to explain things i don't understand
That's the demarcation line between science and religion for me; science can be tested, repeated, verified, and therefore trusted as the basis for engineering.

Religion is none of those things.

Science built the modern world from telescopes to internal combustion engines, from power grids to smart phones.

What has religion done? Besides 'justify' killing a lot of people, that is?

Those pushing an idea with unverifiable assertions are acting like religious fanatics, which is exactly where I categorize flat Earth 'theorists'- it isn't a theory because it doesn't square with anything else we know and it isn't reproducible.

Gravity exists, for example and we can measure it so accurately we know the gravitational pull of a large wrecking ball. Satellites orbiting the Earth have mapped zones of high and low gravity (differences of a few thousandths of a percent) around the planet, telling us about the composition of rocks deep beneath the surface.

Believing in the possibility of alien life does not take a leap of faith. Today, we have more evidence than ever; we're discovering planets where life like ours could originate literally daily now. Believing in God, heaven or a flat Earth does require faith and a suspension of belief in the physical, verifiable world. Einstein famously believed in God, but he was very clear about the difference between his faith and his assertions about the physical workings of the universe.
no, i mean like believing that mile high giants once existed on the earth....believing that egyptian kids making gliders shaped like birds means they saw aliens ships....i mean like otherwise reasonable people making ridiculous, fantastic leaps to try to justify an insane idea

and i don't think i'm making any kind of mistake. i think i'm firmly based in reality, and don't have time to believe ridiculous, retarded, stupid shit that can never be proven or disproven. there's enough natural, real, observable wonder in the world for me, i don't have to invent fantasies to explain things i don't understand

.. what about inventing fantasies to rationalize your current beliefs?

You know water doesn't curve you know we don't spin a thousand miles an hour through the air without air pressure destroying everything instantly, and you know mass and density is real and gravity is a lie, but admitting it is a whole different thing, because a lot of responsibility comes with this. I was where you are once, so forget about it, took me two years and I've seen things way past that UFO picture, things you wouldn't believe my friend, so might take you four years, maybe more maybe less but you'll get there good luck and God bless!
no, i mean like believing that mile high giants once existed on the earth....believing that egyptian kids making gliders shaped like birds means they saw aliens ships....i mean like otherwise reasonable people making ridiculous, fantastic leaps to try to justify an insane idea

and i don't think i'm making any kind of mistake. i think i'm firmly based in reality, and don't have time to believe ridiculous, retarded, stupid shit that can never be proven or disproven. there's enough natural, real, observable wonder in the world for me, i don't have to invent fantasies to explain things i don't understand

.. over 2 miles tall

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.. what about inventing fantasies to rationalize your current beliefs?

You know water doesn't curve you know we don't spin a thousand miles an hour through the air without air pressure destroying everything instantly, and you know mass and density is real and gravity is a lie, but admitting it is a whole different thing, because a lot of responsibility comes with this. I was where you are once, so forget about it, took me two years and I've seen things way past that UFO picture, things you wouldn't believe my friend, so might take you four years, maybe more maybe less but you'll get there good luck and God bless!

.. over 2 miles tall

I bet their penises were huge...ya?

Is that why earth is flat? So the giants had a flat spot to fuck with their huge vagina penises.
apophenia is a generalized term for seeing patterns in random data.

Pareidolia is specifically seeing faces and physical forms in random patterns and formations.

they have a name for what you have....i have it too. i see faces looking at me out of all kinds of patterns, woodgrain, swirls in stone, stains on old wall paper....but they don't talk to me, they don't wink at me, and they were never alive.
.. what about inventing fantasies to rationalize your current beliefs?

You know water doesn't curve you know we don't spin a thousand miles an hour through the air without air pressure destroying everything instantly, and you know mass and density is real and gravity is a lie, but admitting it is a whole different thing, because a lot of responsibility comes with this. I was where you are once, so forget about it, took me two years and I've seen things way past that UFO picture, things you wouldn't believe my friend, so might take you four years, maybe more maybe less but you'll get there good luck and God bless!

.. over 2 miles tall

Speaking personally, I know you're full of shit. It doesn't take a leap of faith for me because all of my knowledge of the physical world squares perfectly with the standard model. By contrast, all the explanations you've put forward do not.

This isn't about 'faith' or 'belief' for me, because there is lots of supporting evidence for spherical Earth (and other planets, moons, stars, etc) and none that contradicts it.

Now GTFO of the aliens thread with your flat Earth bullshit. We're trying to have a the topic discussion on the topic and your insecure need to be believed is disruptive and disrespectful.
it's all a matter of scale, ten feet sounds pretty big, but when you put it on a 5000 foot tall giant, we're talking nubby pencil dick all the sudden
So let me get this straight. The government has lied and covered up the discovery of aliens and UFO's. But has been open and honest about landing on the moon and the shape of the earth. Makes sense only to the mentally challenged Globetards. MmmmmK
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