
Not open for further replies. has been stated by some pretty high level gov officials that they believe multiple races if aliens have been visiting the the earth...the "tall whites" are very interesting to me..sounds like what Hitler was looking for lol..but iv always thought that the earth has had an advance human race of some kind ..a very long time ago..or something with more intelligence than us has been here...I'm kinda thinking these tall whites could be them...maybe coming back to see the home land..its kinda crazy to think of but I like exploring all kinds of theories about information spread on aliens...the government officials that mentioned these races def mentioned the tall whites...have u ever thought of anything like this.. or came to a theory on why they are visiting.
This thread is full of my speculations about why they might want to keep an eye on us.
This thread is full of my speculations about why they might want to keep an eye on us.
Well you will have to excuse me..I kinda got off track after this thread was littered with flat earth (god I hate even saying that) bs...and I forgot what points were made by everyone
tall whites

Travis Walton said that he interacted with what appeared to be humanoids, which meet the description of "tall whites", and I believe Travis Walton is telling the truth of his encounter. There could very well be a genetically designed "liaison" team responsible for interacting with the ethnically appropriate human counterpart, so "tall whites" with whites, etc....
Iv thought that the Nazis when in search for information on different involving Nordic or Aryan super races..came across something that sparked their curiosity ..this super race seems like an ancient race of us from a long time ago..kinda like I described..they really got into this shit..I know the white thing was also backing for the propaganda but it makes me wonder if they found something in history that made them really feel this way
Travis Walton said that he interacted with what appeared to be humanoids, which meet the description of "tall whites", and I believe Travis Walton is telling the truth of his encounter. There could very well be a genetically designed "liaison" team responsible for interacting with the ethnically appropriate human counterpart, so "tall whites" with whites, etc....
Iv also though if this theory sorta they basically make a race to integrate with or interact with us...I know the alien hybrid thing is supposed to be that..but maybe that is how the greys do it ..maybe the tall whites are a race of their own or an engineered race..who knows..I'd lean toward a race of their own...iv also seen where the small greys are like workers..and there are tall greys that are leaders of some sort..
Iv also though if this theory sorta they basically make a race to integrate with or interact with us...I know the alien hybrid thing is supposed to be that..but maybe that is how the greys do it ..maybe the tall whites are a race of their own or an engineered race..who knows..I'd lean toward a race of their own...iv also seen where the small greys are like workers..and there are tall greys that are leaders of some sort..

From the docs I watched, supposedly atleast 12 species have visited.

The ex military minister of Canada says 4 types have been visiting for thousands of years.

Wikipedia has an alleged list of some.
I'm not convinced that humanoid aliens will be the norm. That form works here on Earth but there's no reason to expect it to be a universally applicable solution.
Yea iv seen a lot of interviews w him speaking on it..and I highly doubt the norm for alien life is humanoid..hell it may be..who knows...
There are no secret Tesla technologies. There is no free electricity

This all sounds like a cool story and so it is perpetuated. That is all.

There are millions of electrical engineers - they’re not all suppressing info.

We have to be a little reasonable
There are no secret Tesla technologies. There is no free electricity

This all sounds like a cool story and so it is perpetuated. That is all.

There are millions of electrical engineers - they’re not all suppressing info.

We have to be a little reasonable
Tesla was a genius and a little bit crazy and he knew it. He wasn't afraid of stepping outside the boundaries of what was known because sometimes he discovered amazing things. Just as often or even more so, he realized that he was barking up the wrong tree. That's science.
Neuschwabenland. Look it up. Advanced technology craft tap into the earths natural electromagnetic fields for propulsion. Electromagnetic propulsion craft have been reversed engineered since 1947 when a thunderstorm in New Mexico caused one to crash. Outer space does not exist. A vacuum can not exist with out solid barriers. So how can you have a vacuum of space? The ionosphere you choose to keep ignoring is used to reflect radio and radar waves. So it has to be a solid barrier. Therefore this advanced humanoid race is either below or beyond Antarctica. Your welcome.
There are no secret Tesla technologies. There is no free electricity

This all sounds like a cool story and so it is perpetuated. That is all.

There are millions of electrical engineers - they’re not all suppressing info.

We have to be a little reasonable
The earth has natural electromagnetic fields. Tesla knew how to tap into them and discovered how to utilize wireless energy. Rrog you are by far and without a doubt the stupidest person at rollitup.
I don't think the engineers are suppressing it as much as other are..some maybe..but I dont know how you can say there are no secret technologies or inventions from can't prove it one way or another...he had wittiness see him be able to jump electricity far distances..he had to keep all this under raps beacuse of the funding ..beacuse he was not using money for what he was supposed I'm sure u know..but he was over looked by the top scientists and the world...hestated things that wwon ppl Nobel prizes way before they ever came up with the ideas...but once again I'm not gonna argue over Tesla here..I have already went back on that once now but this isn't the u can get the last word in if that's what u want lol
Donal Trump's grandfather was one of the main figures in the US that confiscated Teslas left over things after his death...
I get a kick out of the alt-science that's thrown around here. You can just make shit up as you go.

None of this shit is true, but it makes great stories. Like jesus.
OK..if u say so...what do u have to discuss about e.t...anything u have wondered about and thought others may if had that thought or theory as well...what do u think of ancient man or past advanced civilizations being here on earth..anything but things to start a bicker fest..that had been going on way to long
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