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If the Tesla concepts were useful, they would be used. Tesla has become another incorrect example of government tech suppression
Oh I highly disagree with that...u mean to tell me that u think giving free electric wouldn't be useful..of course it would..and it was diminstrated he could do what he was setting out to do...he was stopped beacuse it would break the pockets if the rich..I don't want to get into all this on this thread but I think Tesla was one of if not the most brilliant mind in the last 200 yrs
That's what I asked u before ..I asked what u thought it could be..from the studies done in it apparently the combination of things found when combined I'm asking u what u think
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but our own early spacecraft used ablative heat shields, meaning that it would burn off as the spacecraft re-enters the atmosphere. Could easily be that.
Oh I highly disagree with that...u mean to tell me that u think giving free electric wouldn't be useful..of course it would..and it was diminstrated he could do what he was setting out to do...he was stopped beacuse it would break the pockets if the rich..I don't want to get into all this on this thread but I think Tesla was one of if not the most brilliant mind in the last 200 yrs
Don't you think it would make MORE money and do would have been exploited by now?
No I dont think we fully know everything he wanted the public to know...and a lot if brilliant ppl are a but crazy...I think he was suppressed..but let's not argue about Tesla here lol
Don't you think it would make MORE money and do would have been exploited by now?
No..I don't..anyone could tap into the source from the air..that was the point behind it basically..not all as plain as that..but Tesla envisioned a world that is moving forward without interfering with nature so much...and what the super rich are involved in is what is killing the planet....this is why I think he was suppressed and the reason his inventions were not put into play
No I dont think we fully know everything he wanted the public to know...and a lot if brilliant ppl are a but crazy...I think he was suppressed..but let's not argue about Tesla here lol
Not here to argue about him. He was a brilliant mind who advanced out technology.

I think we need more like him.
No..I don't..anyone could tap into the source from the air..that was the point behind it basically..not all as plain as that..but Tesla envisioned a world that is moving forward without interfering with nature so much...and what the super rich are involved in is what is killing the planet....this is why I think he was suppressed and the reason his inventions were not put into play
And now it's looking like we need his tech more than ever lol
Do you have any more detail about these? Have you seen any discussion of what the trace materials are?
Yes I have quite a few discussions..I can't look up anything to put it on here cause my data is about gone as far as scientific analyses have been done numbers of times... collections and samples still exist also..another case involves a piece of molten metal that was spotted falling from a craft that was studied and had multiple tests ran..afterr publicity was gained the story changed's pretty interesting
I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but our own early spacecraft used ablative heat shields, meaning that it would burn off as the spacecraft re-enters the atmosphere. Could easily be that.
I don't think it would be anything like that personally...the Delphos ring was left after the craft let off a huge amount of light ...and the orb that hit the woman's car was supposedly very very bright...another thing involved in some trace and other cases is where the soil becomes coated almost and extremely water resistant...nothing grows in it..the Delphos ring wouldn't grow anything for yrs
Yes I have quite a few discussions..I can't look up anything to put it on here cause my data is about gone as far as scientific analyses have been done numbers of times... collections and samples still exist also..another case involves a piece of molten metal that was spotted falling from a craft that was studied and had multiple tests ran..afterr publicity was gained the story changed's pretty interesting
What kind of metal was it?
Ill have to check ..but I think it had a lot of aluminum ..but it had something funny in it..I'll look for it
The chemical analysis report you linked above was interesting as it seemed to show evidence of an ionizing drive using carbon. I wonder what power source could produce that kind of energy?
It's the Bob White UFO artifact...the story is worth hearing..if u Google it you will see it I'm's a good trace case but the white powdery substances left behind and the soil samples with different chem reactions are what I like...I would love to go out into the MTNs way away from civilization ..or in the deep woods way away from lights and stay for a season with a telescope to just look at stuff at night lol....after the weird ass thing I seen I don't put anything out of the realm of possibility when it comes to crafts
The chemical analysis report you linked above was interesting as it seemed to show evidence of an ionizing drive using carbon. I wonder what power source could produce that kind of energy?
I have no idea...but I know for a fact that the Delphos case we are taking about ..and I seen this somewhere..also on a TV show..but the Delphos chem analysis isn't the only case that had a chemical analysis that had the same result or a very similar I mean I think that is something to look into for sure..I remember the ppl researching the cases filed for a freedom of information act on what the government was concluding and it was laughable it was so blacked out...just like the majority of them
I also wondered if the carbon that was in the soil had anything to do with the stuff laying on the ground ..maybe it fused into the soil...I mean something very strange happend over a foot deep in that ring..the soil was completely hydrophobic...that makes me think more than anything
I also wondered if the carbon that was in the soil had anything to do with the stuff laying on the ground ..maybe it fused into the soil...I mean something very strange happend over a foot deep in that ring..the soil was completely hydrophobic...that makes me think more than anything
They're all clues to the radiation that was present. Not all radiation is radioactive, visible light is one example of many.
FOIA documents that are heavily redacted don't sound like they meet the letter or the spirit of the law.
Right!?!...I mean if they are going to intentionally cover up information..then give it to us,etting us know it is being held from us..wouldn't that just make the public think..umm..what are they withholding that we have no idea about ...I mean like information we basically have no way if even knowing..idk..just seems to defeat it's purpose imo
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