

Well-Known Member
serpo is not science - he takes well known scientific principals then using various assumptions, fallacies, and some absurdities, obfuscates the message so badly it becomes incomprehensible. It isn't even good science fiction let alone good science.

He has done this for years and years so it would take some dedicated scientists years and years to go through everything debunking. But since a cursory reading of the "theories" is so absurd, it would be akin to making sure Uri Geller is still a fake and faith-healers are making it up. another words, to even debunk the ridiculous lends credence to its claims.


Master of Mayhem
Man these new porn avatars people are using is killing me. How am I supposed to think straight looking at that shit.......


Master of Mayhem
serpo is not science - he takes well known scientific principals then using various assumptions, fallacies, and some absurdities, obfuscates the message so badly it becomes incomprehensible. It isn't even good science fiction let alone good science.

He has done this for years and years so it would take some dedicated scientists years and years to go through everything debunking. But since a cursory reading of the "theories" is so absurd, it would be akin to making sure Uri Geller is still a fake and faith-healers are making it up. another words, to even debunk the ridiculous lends credence to its claims.
So basically your saying it's all bullshit right?


Well-Known Member
So basically your saying it's all bullshit right?
not really. i am saying he is taking real scientific things and twisting them into - if not actual bullshit - something close enough to smell the same.

There is enough accuracies in there to draw you in - but after you realize some of the assumptions he is drawing and conclusions he jumps to - its true pseudo-scientific nature becomes more pronounced. But that doesn't mean some legitimate science isn't there - it is his conclusions that are faulty.

That's why i wouldn't say it is all bullshit - just the important parts.


Master of Mayhem
OK Med, I just got to page 19 and have found the first references to the US using alien technology.


According to, ECHELON is a highly secretive world-wide
signals intelligence and analysis network run by the UK-USA Community.
ECHELON can capture radio and satellite communications, telephone calls,
faxes and e-mails nearly anywhere in the world and includes computer
automated analysis and sorting of intercepts.

ECHELON is estimated to intercept up to 3 billion communications every
Some of the known or suspected ground stations belonging to or
participating in the ECHELON network include the following:

Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S. (headquarters of the NSA)

Geraldton (Western Australia, Australia)

Menwith Hill (Yorkshire, UK)
Misawa Air Base (Japan)
Morwenstow (Cornwall, UK)
Pine Gap (Northern Territory, Australia - close to Alice Springs)

Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico - U.S.)
Shoal Bay (Northern Territory, Australia) Sugar Grove (West
Virginia, USA)
Yakima (Washington, U.S.)
Waihopai (New Zealand)
West Cape, Western Australia (Exmouth Gulf, Australia - U.S.)

Patriot Act possibly?


Well-Known Member
Of the trillions of planets orbiting stars that exist within this particular universe are we the sole planet with life upon it? Not by a long shot

In fact to believe so would be highly naive and egotistical to an extreme extent in my personal opinion.

Is it possible that these life forms possess technology that far surpasses our own due to elements and physical forces we have not yet witnnessed upon this particular planet? yes of course it is. To say we understand the entire universe as vast as it is again would be naive.

Its a fact we all must face. Time to loosen up and realize we arent alone in this universe. And yes some of them may be hostile just as we are and have been toward each other.

Some of them may be peaceful. No one ever said our existence will be defined simply by the planet on which we exist. Just like no one every said life is easy.

Like anything else we accept it and deal with it as events unfold. Better to accept the truth then live in denial. Fear gets us nowhere...accepting reality, understanding or attempting to understand solves problems.


Well-Known Member
I agree its conjecture but for some strange reason I continue to believe the odds are highly against life upon other planets that is


Well-Known Member
I agree its conjecture but for some strange reason I continue to believe the odds are highly against life upon other planets that is
in case you're wondering... I deleted my post after i re-read yours. it became obvious to me that you already understood what i wrote in my post and i was being unnecessarily nit-picky.

i agree - the odds are in favor of life on other planets. though i don't believe they are currently visiting (at least with any human's knowledge).


Master of Mayhem
So if you have Google Earth check this shit out. I'm anxious to hear some peoples "explanations" of this.

Edit: WTF happened to the files I uploaded? Will it not take Google Earth bookmarks?


Asshole Patrol
So if you have Google Earth check this shit out. I'm anxious to hear some peoples "explanations" of this.

Edit: WTF happened to the files I uploaded? Will it not take Google Earth bookmarks?
Hehe, The Men in Black must be watching... :twisted::twisted: