Yes i also think i have a normal tolerance because i go very positive into it and embrace the high, but that dalai lama trip was just weird and different from all the other trips..i remember rolling two huge joints on the onset of some very good pakistani hash..and then smoking a few more joints along the trip.
i have read around the internet that weed/hash boosts the high but can also mush it up and many times i have felt like it did not mix well with the acid, like the negative things from weed like paranoia or confusion kind of hazed the lsd by bringing negative vibes..thats the only explanation i find for that weird high..because i have always took one hit and always got very different results depending on how much i have smoked.
At the end of that trip things started getting weird like i was on it for a long time and i wanted to get out..i did and came back to normal reality but accidently my small freak out, freaked a friend out and things did not end well for him tripping badly thinking he needed medical assistance, because just like him i felt a sort of physical pain at the end but just coped with it remembering it was the acid.
So whats your opinion on combining lsd and weed? might i be on to something that could explain why i cant take more than one hit?
The last time I tripped I was smoking some hash in a glass on a pin. Took half of those shivas and didn`t feel it in an hour so I said fair enough and took close to another tab, I was confused on the dose and time the whole time, found a piece of lsd on the floor in the morning and never worked out quite what I took and what I didn`t

I still had intent to go to my lessons the next day (which never happned). I kept on smoking and then the half tab was up and running and I realised the next one was yet to kick in. Was quite the ride for me but I finished at least a gram of hash that night, it was lovely to have the hash, it was the mellow kind

It was a little tricky to start the trip high though, but nothing that much, just had to lie down on the ground, face all my thoughts, then boat afloat again and smoke coming out the chimney

Wasn`t quite what I wanted indoors at night though, having the chance to step outside is much better

Inside seems to be comfortable, but its more fun to face the outdoors and hold onto your trip when your around people

End up meeting my flatmates when I`m walking down to the park with their parents while tripping balls... "Oh hey guys, hey!! I`m just going to the park for a walk"

Mr. Obvious
I do agree that LSD and weed don`t agree sometimes though, I have lit a spliff and put it out after 2 drags just from the feeling of a bad vibe. Its like Lucy saying I want you, whose that other girl your hanging out with?! She be up for threesomes sometime but she don`t like that crazy skunk girl too much