Alex Grey - Ganesha / Shiva Blotter Artwork LSD


Well-Known Member
i got a hold of some of this at wakarusa this year.....

im not kidding....
ONLY 2 tabs will get you rocked.

and when I say rocked....i mean rocked!!!!

i believe each tab had at least 150-200 micrograms each.

was this the first time I got a hold of some needlepoint or fluff????
i think soooooo!!!!





the above image is what the back looked like
Nice Job buddy ...
Before the dark forces make a reply and tell YOU that the RED Shiva are better that the BlUE ones ... it is not true !!
Great Find buddy ... I am so stoked FOR YOU !


Same tabs that I have, I`m no acid pro but I keep wanting to say these tabs are over 100ug! They are quite popular in the UK and guys on bluelight were talking about then being 150ug`s too. One of them rocks me off, maximum I took was 1.5... 0.5 at first and 1 an hour later. It was a nice ride for me :)

They have exactly the same print and the ganesha on the back. VERY good stuff IMO :)

My friend has took 2.5 of these tabs along with 3 datura seeds about 4 hours ago from now. He came on chat at one point said "wow" and dissapeared. I`m quite interested as to what hes going to experience, its going to be very intense for him for sure!! His phone is now off and I am slightly worried!! He is fairly experienced and into the whole yoga thing too, I have a strong feeling his having fun and a slight worry in me. I have an exam so couldn`t join him, just let him know I would come over and sit him if he was in need.

I`ll keep it updated on how he does when I find out though :)
My friend brought 25 of these home for me from a roadtrip out west, I haven't gotten them yet but they are supposedly waiting just twenty minutes away in a tupperware in a fridge.

I didn't know they were that high, I'll let you all know how mine turn out in a bit when I get some time to my own.
god its been years ... you think 44 is too old for acid ? havnt done any since like 1986 lol

hell i'd probally have a coronary or something :roll:
god its been years ... you think 44 is too old for acid ? havnt done any since like 1986 lol

hell i'd probally have a coronary or something :roll:

I don't think you can ever be too old for L.

If you look back upon the memories with wonder and interest, then I'm quite sure you will have another amazing experience.

It's all about if your UP for it or not.
Yeah, look at Albert Hoffman. He did LSD many times after his 40th and he lived to 102 years old.

Not saying it will impugn longevity, but it does necessarily not.
god its been years ... you think 44 is too old for acid ? havnt done any since like 1986 lol

hell i'd probally have a coronary or something :roll:

I believe YOU should EAT Some LSD Immediately SIR !!
OR ALL is Lost 4 EVER for YOU ... !!


No one gets coronary from LSD !!

god its been years ... you think 44 is too old for acid ? havnt done any since like 1986 lol

hell i'd probally have a coronary or something :roll:

I always wonder what my stance on psychedelics will be when I am a fully matured adult with children... It wasn't until my freshman year of college that I realized that psychedelics do not turn you into a dirty hippy! And it wasn't until 2 years ago that I had my first experience with hallucinatory substances, so I'm fairly new in the field.

I must say, I am in love with acid. It has everything I am looking for in a substance. Pot used to be my only true love, but I realize it isn't all that insightful of a substance to take. It does smell and taste great, though, of course. I think i will be smoking pot for the rest of my life. I'm not sure if I will have the desire to trip when I'm older. My parents smoked weed when they were my age. I'm pretty sure they were stoners like myself. Now, my mom smokes regularly and my dad will occasionally take a puff. I suspect that they have dabbled with acid, but they won't admit it.

I don't remember who said it, but there was a great quote that I read on this forum... It went something like... "in the sixties, we used to take drugs to make the world seem strange. Now we take drugs to make the world seem more normal"
i love every single one of your responses....EVERYONE.



i also came back with some kool aid man blotters.
i ate two the last day at wakarusa and didnt do shit.
im writing it off to my tolerance being shot from the festivities. after all. i did eat a lot of lsd and molly the few days before.
i got about 20 hits left.
anyone heard anything about these lil fuckers?
i know its kind of up in the air but i thought id ask.
i just hope these kool aid tabs are not bunk.
Same tabs that I have, I`m no acid pro but I keep wanting to say these tabs are over 100ug! They are quite popular in the UK and guys on bluelight were talking about then being 150ug`s too. One of them rocks me off, maximum I took was 1.5... 0.5 at first and 1 an hour later. It was a nice ride for me :)

They have exactly the same print and the ganesha on the back. VERY good stuff IMO :)

My friend has took 2.5 of these tabs along with 3 datura seeds about 4 hours ago from now. He came on chat at one point said "wow" and dissapeared. I`m quite interested as to what hes going to experience, its going to be very intense for him for sure!! His phone is now off and I am slightly worried!! He is fairly experienced and into the whole yoga thing too, I have a strong feeling his having fun and a slight worry in me. I have an exam so couldn`t join him, just let him know I would come over and sit him if he was in need.

I`ll keep it updated on how he does when I find out though :)

theres dots and hoffmans about in uk atm ;) come to london for a party :)
BBQ did YOU take the product for a test RUN ?
IS how is it at bar with House WOW ?


i did take the product for a test run when i believe my tolerance was shot.
so I definately am going to wait a week before I test the product again.

IS how is it at bar with House WOW ?
im not understanding your above sentence
im sorry.
i got confused with HOUSE.

i know what wow is kind sir.
thank you for clarification.
but I have never gotten wow, fluff, white fluff, or even needlepoint.

i believe this to be the first time.
so i cannot compare.

lets just say the LSD i am used to...
you need to take 3 or 4 hits to get an effect compared to ONE alex grey blue shiva blotter tabs.