recreational type dispensary ..... yeah i believe you should be paid for the hard work
but for actual sick people not stress but like cancer or other life threatening conditions or wheel chair ridden then.......
fuck no im with
@rory420420 on this one
if or when we get medical and rec im starting a dispensary with some folks and where gonna set actual sick people up with a free and safe grow room all they gotta do is water it
ill sacrifice going on vacations and expensive shit to make sure people who are at there last days spend it more comfortably
even if its only a couple people
im ty "THE" guy
thats singular
so if its only two people then thats fine
two lives are worth more then mine and this isnt even a life or death situation for me so why be selfish????
i know there's different point of views but it sickens me to see fuckers in cali charging 20 or 25 a gram to people who have 500,000+ dollar medical bills