Alaska's legal and now everybody's brother wants clones

recreational type dispensary ..... yeah i believe you should be paid for the hard work

but for actual sick people not stress but like cancer or other life threatening conditions or wheel chair ridden then.......

fuck no im with @rory420420 on this one

if or when we get medical and rec im starting a dispensary with some folks and where gonna set actual sick people up with a free and safe grow room all they gotta do is water it

ill sacrifice going on vacations and expensive shit to make sure people who are at there last days spend it more comfortably

even if its only a couple people

im ty "THE" guy

thats singular

so if its only two people then thats fine

two lives are worth more then mine and this isnt even a life or death situation for me so why be selfish????

i know there's different point of views but it sickens me to see fuckers in cali charging 20 or 25 a gram to people who have 500,000+ dollar medical bills
cool story bro.
ill sum it up in two lines:

its medically worthless to someone with $500,000+ medical bills when its super expensive

but for rec smokers id gladly charge them 15 a gram
I charge 10 a gram all the way to a quarter. Halfs run 100 to 120, ounces from me can be between 180 to 225. But that sucks for me because I use to get 400 a ounce and 20 a G, and I've got better but prices jeep going down.. smh
Not including my 1,900 dollar rent that I pay on my two houses either nor the risk that I take growing for it, that could cost between 5 to 99 years of my life to imprisonment
But the fact that people get sick.. (it's inevitable) means you should forget about your compensation and worry about strangers!

I call bologna.
I've never cried anything I could care less if it's legal or not...In fact I hope it's not so I can make more money off're looking at it threw the eyes of a hippie everything cost money ...for example water is just water but we still pay for that shit....u need to stop thinking like a long hair!
You imply I know nothing of the overhead associated with grows..I have two,and it cost me the 20watts of electricity on my pump in the cloner for clones..
Argument null...
if i were you and had people willing to buy clones, i would just sell them unrooted for 10$. I would think trying to always have rooted clones on deck for sale would be alot of bs work. Sell it cheap, let them deal with getting it rooted, if they fail, they can always buy another one from you :D and all you have to do is snip.
I give em away rooted..2ft of pearly whites.:-)
I've never cried anything I could care less if it's legal or not...In fact I hope it's not so I can make more money off're looking at it threw the eyes of a hippie everything cost money ...for example water is just water but we still pay for that shit....u need to stop thinking like a long hair!
Also,wasn't directed toward you,the quote under was bro...part about the prohibition state..tried to get them separate...
recreational type dispensary ..... yeah i believe you should be paid for the hard work

but for actual sick people not stress but like cancer or other life threatening conditions or wheel chair ridden then.......

fuck no im with @rory420420 on this one

if or when we get medical and rec im starting a dispensary with some folks and where gonna set actual sick people up with a free and safe grow room all they gotta do is water it

ill sacrifice going on vacations and expensive shit to make sure people who are at there last days spend it more comfortably

even if its only a couple people

im ty "THE" guy

thats singular

so if its only two people then thats fine

two lives are worth more then mine and this isnt even a life or death situation for me so why be selfish????

i know there's different point of views but it sickens me to see fuckers in cali charging 20 or 25 a gram to people who have 500,000+ dollar medical bills
My precise point..long hair,compassion,and all:-)
Dickish is SELLING medicine to SICK patients who CANT get out of wheelchairs ect to GROW and PLANT...
DICKISH is also a hypocritical statement within itself,as I'm not calling names,hmm?
I need not to resort to that to prove my point.

Not everyone that smokes weed is dying of cancer and bed ridden.

I don't see an issue with charging money for clones. If the price is too steep that person is free to say no.... no?
Don't charge Em bro ,just give away your hard work. There sick!

oh no i said id charge em like 5 a gram

i said id set them up with a safe and free grow set up for a couple plants and personally make sure everything is going smoothly

maybe 10 is a better price for both rec and med

i reckon im not with the current times but i was raised to not be selfish

maybe thats just a non realistic concept to others