Alaska's legal and now everybody's brother wants clones

Cover your costs,that's it.
You'd be a dick to dangle the medicine carrot in front of a broke sick donkey...
Some can't afford meds...

Who said anything about a "broke sick donkey?"

So after you plant a PLANT,and WAIT for it to grow..and then get high and place your mystical seal of cool on it,THE COOL makes snips so heavy that you gotta charge $50 to put em in a collar..I see...
Good thing I went to med school,I'd HATE to work THAT HARD....

And why be dickish? :roll:

Anyway, got a point, say it, but lots of us put lots of time/$/effort into dialing out our grows and nothing wrong with others acknowledging that. Yes perhaps a heartfelt "thanks!" is good enough from some, but these friends of friends I barely know? They'll obviously have lots of other costs with their grow (just like any of us), and genetics are part of killer garden. This particular "broke sick donkey" you bring up actually brings in nearly 6 figures a year, so???

You saying you get all your genetics for free or what?
Who said anything about a "broke sick donkey?"

And why be dickish? :roll:

Anyway, got a point, say it, but lots of us put lots of time/$/effort into dialing out our grows and nothing wrong with others acknowledging that. Yes perhaps a heartfelt "thanks!" is good enough from some, but these friends of friends I barely know? They'll obviously have lots of other costs with their grow (just like any of us), and genetics are part of killer garden. This particular "broke sick donkey" you bring up actually brings in nearly 6 figures a year, so???

You saying you get all your genetics for free or what?
Clone for a salmon sounds good.
Dickish is SELLING medicine to SICK patients who CANT get out of wheelchairs ect to GROW and PLANT...
DICKISH is also a hypocritical statement within itself,as I'm not calling names,hmm?
I need not to resort to that to prove my point.
Dickish is SELLING medicine to SICK patients who CANT get out of wheelchairs ect to GROW and PLANT...
DICKISH is also a hypocritical statement within itself,as I'm not calling names,hmm?
I need not to resort to that to prove my point.
Are you drunk?
Who said anything about a "broke sick donkey?"

And why be dickish? :roll:

Anyway, got a point, say it, but lots of us put lots of time/$/effort into dialing out our grows and nothing wrong with others acknowledging that. Yes perhaps a heartfelt "thanks!" is good enough from some, but these friends of friends I barely know? They'll obviously have lots of other costs with their grow (just like any of us), and genetics are part of killer garden. This particular "broke sick donkey" you bring up actually brings in nearly 6 figures a year, so???

You saying you get all your genetics for free or what?
And yes,I get ALL my genetics for little or nothing..recently payed 1$ a seed for cherry pie x chem 4,white rink,alculpolco gold,lemon diesel and more...
Play the 'flavor of the week' game if you want,its all hype,and for dupes...
Play nice around most parts and the right people fall over themselves to trade,or gift,the good good...
Play nice.
Dickish is SELLING medicine to SICK patients who CANT get out of wheelchairs ect to GROW and PLANT...
DICKISH is also a hypocritical statement within itself,as I'm not calling names,hmm?
I need not to resort to that to prove my point.
I guess.. but every time I get sick I pay to see a Dr then I pay for the medicine he prescribes. why should someone pay pharmaceutical companies but not Honest hardworking growers??
Dickish is SELLING medicine to SICK patients who CANT get out of wheelchairs ect to GROW and PLANT...
DICKISH is also a hypocritical statement within itself,as I'm not calling names,hmm?
I need not to resort to that to prove my point.

I never mentioned SELLING medicine.
She's not SICK.
She's not in a wheelchair.
She grows plants, indoors, under a light, just not ganja, yet.

Your attitude and your assumptions made me read your words as dickish. Maybe it the all caps.
Sorry,I don't see eye to eye with everyone,as I'm sure in your arguments for freedom,you've cried 'its just a plant'...,but NOW you can make money on it so the tables turned...
How very fortunate for you:-)
Cover your expenses as needed,then,give clones away.
Because some people had to Go to the Dr.,and pay for medicine,at an exorbanant rate,to be well,and can't afford $50 a clone..might as well buy a gram of bubble...
I never mentioned SELLING medicine.
She's not SICK.
She's not in a wheelchair.
She grows plants, indoors, under a light, just not ganja, yet.

Your attitude and your assumptions made me read your words as dickish. Maybe it the all caps.
I guess.. but every time I get sick I pay to see a Dr then I pay for the medicine he prescribes. why should someone pay pharmaceutical companies but not Honest hardworking growers??

I help vets in a prohibition state out of compassion and kindness..maybe smoke a few more of your clones and you'll get in the same mindframe as well...
I laugh also hearing of 'I tossed ten clones cause they weren't catching up as fast'..
Like a buffet throwing away all the leftovers instead of going to the salvation army...
if i were you and had people willing to buy clones, i would just sell them unrooted for 10$. I would think trying to always have rooted clones on deck for sale would be alot of bs work. Sell it cheap, let them deal with getting it rooted, if they fail, they can always buy another one from you :D and all you have to do is snip.
if i were you and had people willing to buy clones, i would just sell them unrooted for 10$. I would think trying to always have rooted clones on deck for sale would be alot of bs work. Sell it cheap, let them deal with getting it rooted, if they fail, they can always buy another one from you :D and all you have to do is snip.
Great idea...
I just remembered my uncle telling me years ago, a number one combo meal at mcdonalds in alaska is like 20$, over here its like 7$. So if thats the case, maybe 20-30$ per unrooted clone would be more suitable.
Sorry,I don't see eye to eye with everyone,as I'm sure in your arguments for freedom,you've cried 'its just a plant'...,but NOW you can make money on it so the tables turned...
How very fortunate for you:-)
Cover your expenses as needed,then,give clones away.
Because some people had to Go to the Dr.,and pay for medicine,at an exorbanant rate,to be well,and can't afford $50 a clone..might as well buy a gram of bubble...

I help vets in a prohibition state out of compassion and kindness..maybe smoke a few more of your clones and you'll get in the same mindframe as well...
I laugh also hearing of 'I tossed ten clones cause they weren't catching up as fast'..
Like a buffet throwing away all the leftovers instead of going to the salvation army...
I've never cried anything I could care less if it's legal or not...In fact I hope it's not so I can make more money off're looking at it threw the eyes of a hippie everything cost money ...for example water is just water but we still pay for that shit....u need to stop thinking like a long hair!
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Sorry,I don't see eye to eye with everyone,as I'm sure in your arguments for freedom,you've cried 'its just a plant'...,but NOW you can make money on it so the tables turned...
How very fortunate for you:-)
Cover your expenses as needed,then,give clones away.
Because some people had to Go to the Dr.,and pay for medicine,at an exorbanant rate,to be well,and can't afford $50 a clone..might as well buy a gram of bubble...

I help vets in a prohibition state out of compassion and kindness..maybe smoke a few more of your clones and you'll get in the same mindframe as well...
I laugh also hearing of 'I tossed ten clones cause they weren't catching up as fast'..
Like a buffet throwing away all the leftovers instead of going to the salvation army...
Don't get me wrong I agree with you to a certain extent .I'm from California our shit goes for cheap. simply saying if someone is willing to pay more that's great.and if the price isn't right and you decide not to sell your proven genetics that's ok..I can't tell people what they should be doing with their possessions. Sorry if I came off rude I'm just naturally an asshole like that...
I guess.. but every time I get sick I pay to see a Dr then I pay for the medicine he prescribes. why should someone pay pharmaceutical companies but not Honest hardworking growers??

recreational type dispensary ..... yeah i believe you should be paid for the hard work

but for actual sick people not stress but like cancer or other life threatening conditions or wheel chair ridden then.......

fuck no im with @rory420420 on this one

if or when we get medical and rec im starting a dispensary with some folks and where gonna set actual sick people up with a free and safe grow room all they gotta do is water it

ill sacrifice going on vacations and expensive shit to make sure people who are at there last days spend it more comfortably

even if its only a couple people

im ty "THE" guy

thats singular

so if its only two people then thats fine

two lives are worth more then mine and this isnt even a life or death situation for me so why be selfish????

i know there's different point of views but it sickens me to see fuckers in cali charging 20 or 25 a gram to people who have 500,000+ dollar medical bills