Alaskan Medical Users who need medicine

Dude wtf?! I understand your concern, but why do you always have an underlying negative tone?

If you are still needing help, I know a few caregivers here in anchorage that could potentially take new patients. Even beyond that, though the transfer of or sale is still frowned upon, finding a doob:joint: in a parking lot isn't;-)... And I know a few parking lots in anchorage where its easy to just find it "laying around":wink:.... I would personally love to help a fellow Alaskan get past the pain and get outside into this gorgeous summer! PM me sometime and we can arrange from there; even if that means getting you set up in your apartment. Trust me apartment growing isn't that bad, even if space is an issue. I, as a matter of fact am going to be selling my SUPER STEALTH mini-fridge cfl grow cabinet soon, and that is PERFECT for any size apartment, would even be fine in an efficiency or studio.... like I said PM me, we can work something out.
And in the mean time:
KEEP CALM AND IGNORE kalooko, He's about as useless as a pecker on the pope!
I can also help out OP. Ive got some gear layin around.

Kalooko ya did come off a little strong there bro. Hit that wax and chill man
He pm's me wanting to start drama...
What an ignorant person, this forum is here to help people, not to as a place to start confrontation. I merely pointed out that for you to be so ignorant, disrespectful, and aggressive toward someone who is honestly seeking help, is sickening.
This is not the first time that I have noticed this, and am done standing aside. More so than anything else, I think that I have not seen constructive words come from your profile name ever. It is always arguing or conflict, and mostly from a closed point of view. It would be different if you were open minded, but that's not the case is it....
In short, please keep your ignorant, self absorbed, closed minded, confrontational comments to yourself. We would ALL appreciate it !;-)
I heard from another MMP that the sugargreen lady got busted last month. This is what keeps me from being a caregiver. At this time I can't afford the added expense in lighting, nutrients, coco, containers, blumats and whatever to grow 6 plants for someone else when NO compensation is legal. No sale,barter,trade allowed. Messed up laws we got here. My friend has all kinds of other patients that want him to grow for them also. He also can't afford the extra cost to do it. My brother is a MMP also and the cost to set up our combined grow including the MM cards was $3k and costs about $150 more each month in lighting, nutes etc to grow. No position $$$wise to double my costs to help anyone for free.
I heard from another MMP that the sugargreen lady got busted last month. This is what keeps me from being a caregiver. At this time I can't afford the added expense in lighting, nutrients, coco, containers, blumats and whatever to grow 6 plants for someone else when NO compensation is legal. No sale,barter,trade allowed. Messed up laws we got here. My friend has all kinds of other patients that want him to grow for them also. He also can't afford the extra cost to do it. My brother is a MMP also and the cost to set up our combined grow including the MM cards was $3k and costs about $150 more each month in lighting, nutes etc to grow. No position $$$wise to double my costs to help anyone for free.
I think she was finally SENTENCED last month. Im pretty sure she was busted a while ago. And she was not just being a caregiver she was trying to use a donation loop hole to provide meds to the entire community. While the feds will let us have our meds they still dont want someone like this running around showing them to be dumb for being lenient to med states. The first to act almost always get made an example of... thank these pioneers for paving our way
I still believe you could be compensated for all of your expenses EXCEPT the final product which you would give away. But whats not to say you dont resell your nutes dirt water, etc (except for electricity) at a hefty markup like the store would? This could compensate for the actual donation of medicine?
I still believe you could be compensated for all of your expenses EXCEPT the final product which you would give away. But whats not to say you dont resell your nutes dirt water, etc (except for electricity) at a hefty markup like the store would? This could compensate for the actual donation of medicine?
California has a similar rule that you cannot "buy" your medication, but you are allowed to donate money to your caregiver to help them recoup some of the costs associated with the high energy bill from indoor lights. I'm not sure if it works the same in Alaska
Im almost positive when I got my card I can remember reading or being told by the owner of t.h.c. that it was the acceptable way to recoup for services
Im almost positive when I got my card I can remember reading or being told by the owner of t.h.c. that it was the acceptable way to recoup for services

Why would you believe t.h.c? It's pretty easy to find all the laws and everything else written about the alaska MM laws. You can't barter, sell, trade the weed in alaska and there is NO provision for it in the MM laws. NONE- you CAN'T receive compensation for being a caregiver, emphasis on the word "GIVER". .
Why would you believe t.h.c? It's pretty easy to find all the laws and everything else written about the alaska MM laws. You can't barter, sell, trade the weed in alaska and there is NO provision for it in the MM laws. NONE- you CAN'T receive compensation for being a caregiver, emphasis on the word "GIVER". .
I call bullshit. Why the hell couldnt I just sell my Time to this person as a personal consultant. Your thinking inside the box man. And plus why cant these people who your cg for buy alllllll the nutes pay for alllll the electricity and buy allll the dirt? Sounds like perfectly legal compensation to me.
I call bullshit. Why the hell couldnt I just sell my Time to this person as a personal consultant. Your thinking inside the box man. And plus why cant these people who your cg for buy alllllll the nutes pay for alllll the electricity and buy allll the dirt? Sounds like perfectly legal compensation to me.

Your thinking will get you locked up inside the box. You have 3 or 4 other posts asking people to tell you it's OK even though it's clearly illegal to barter, sell or trade any amount of Marijuana in Alaska and it doesn't matter if you are a MMP or not. How come no one posts up to confirm what you say? Why don't you show me the laws saying you can legally do any of those things you say because I can show you the laws where it says you can't barter, sell, trade MJ. Worse yet some of these actions would be considered a drug conspiracy. You are just spreading bum info that "might" get someone busted.
Your thinking will get you locked up inside the box. You have 3 or 4 other posts asking people to tell you it's OK even though it's clearly illegal to barter, sell or trade any amount of Marijuana in Alaska and it doesn't matter if you are a MMP or not. How come no one posts up to confirm what you say? Why don't you show me the laws saying you can legally do any of those things you say because I can show you the laws where it says you can't barter, sell, trade MJ. Worse yet some of these actions would be considered a drug conspiracy. You are just spreading bum info that "might" get someone busted.
Show me where I ONCE said to sell or barter the weed? I said to recoup for services you could have your patients pay for OTHER items in the grow.
Show me where I ONCE said to sell or barter the weed? I said to recoup for services you could have your patients pay for OTHER items in the grow.
"Sir I see you sold some dirt to a fellow mmj patient, please come w me" Sorry dont see that one stickin me in a box brotha
I heard from another MMP that the sugargreen lady got busted last month. This is what keeps me from being a caregiver. At this time I can't afford the added expense in lighting, nutrients, coco, containers, blumats and whatever to grow 6 plants for someone else when NO compensation is legal. No sale,barter,trade allowed. Messed up laws we got here. My friend has all kinds of other patients that want him to grow for them also. He also can't afford the extra cost to do it. My brother is a MMP also and the cost to set up our combined grow including the MM cards was $3k and costs about $150 more each month in lighting, nutes etc to grow. No position $$$wise to double my costs to help anyone for free.
If the person you were caregiving for bought your 3 G's of gear and paid your electricity bill you could give quite a bit to some needing med patients brotha... just sayin. Loop holes MADE this country!!

Also not trying to start a dumb argument here. Just trying to talk about this shit.
... just sayin. Loop holes MADE this country!!
Bottom line: the sale, barter, trade, gift, or possession is FEDERALLY ILLEAGAL
Alaska says possession and growth are fine up to a certain point (see Ravin V. State 1975 )
Obeezy (Obama) says he wants states to govern themselves regarding MMJ...

so take what you will from this but no matter what ANYONE THINKS,

I am a life long Alaskan, and from my point of view (as well as most of the munis and buroughs in ak) marijuana is not a "problem" in Alaska. As long as one uses DUE DILIGENCE retaining some form of "secrecy" they should not have any problems with the "law men" of our great state. Smoking marijuana in Alaska is like prostitution in Nevada, as long as no one is getting "hurt" the state sees no problem with it (to a certain point)

personally I know more than a DOZEN persons who grow medically for others, and a few have been for nearly 10 years. They have whats called a "gentlemans agreement" for compensation. More so, as long as those people can use due diligence with their form of secrecy, they will NEVER have any interaction with any LEO (law enforcement officer) concerning their use of MMJ....
Bottom line: the sale, barter, trade, gift, or possession is FEDERALLY ILLEAGAL
Alaska says possession and growth are fine up to a certain point (see Ravin V. State 1975 )
Obeezy (Obama) says he wants states to govern themselves regarding MMJ...

so take what you will from this but no matter what ANYONE THINKS,

I am a life long Alaskan, and from my point of view (as well as most of the munis and buroughs in ak) marijuana is not a "problem" in Alaska. As long as one uses DUE DILIGENCE retaining some form of "secrecy" they should not have any problems with the "law men" of our great state. Smoking marijuana in Alaska is like prostitution in Nevada, as long as no one is getting "hurt" the state sees no problem with it (to a certain point)

personally I know more than a DOZEN persons who grow medically for others, and a few have been for nearly 10 years. They have whats called a "gentlemans agreement" for compensation. More so, as long as those people can use due diligence with their form of secrecy, they will NEVER have any interaction with any LEO (law enforcement officer) concerning their use of MMJ....
I agree federally everything we are doing is illegal. But again I never once said that anyone should compensate for the actual product. However I do believe compensation for EVERYTHING else in the grow could be compensated by the patient your cg'ing for. There is no payment for actual marijuana. LEGAL as far as I know.