AK47 auto day 22

I know you are all probably sick of my questions but, this where I’m at, as you can see I have 3 nodes? Stems? taking off. I have 4 that are about 5 inches shorter. My LED calls for 14”-18” at flowering. The tallest 1 is at about 13” away(used hand technique to make it wasn’t to hot), the other 2 both far behind, making the 4 others about 18” away. Question: should I be moving my lights up to let the 3 main ones grow taller and bigger, or do I leave the light so I can let the other shorter ones catch up? And will they be able to catch up? Or is my logic incorrect. Thanks for any insights for this newbie! Using a viparspectra p1500, in a 2x2 area, if that helps.



Well-Known Member
I know you are all probably sick of my questions but, this where I’m at, as you can see I have 3 nodes? Stems? taking off. I have 4 that are about 5 inches shorter. My LED calls for 14”-18” at flowering. The tallest 1 is at about 13” away(used hand technique to make it wasn’t to hot), the other 2 both far behind, making the 4 others about 18” away. Question: should I be moving my lights up to let the 3 main ones grow taller and bigger, or do I leave the light so I can let the other shorter ones catch up? And will they be able to catch up? Or is my logic incorrect. Thanks for any insights for this newbie! Using a viparspectra p1500, in a 2x2 area, if that helps.
Do you have more than this one plant?
Do you have more than this one plant?
i started off with 2, but the second one is a runt, it’s off to the side getting minimal lighting, with this girl getting the whole light to herself. The main cola stalk is to tough to bend, but I might be able to tie down the other two more, but what the point if I still have a cola that I can’t tie down? Any helps is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
i started off with 2, but the second one is a runt, it’s off to the side getting minimal lighting, with this girl getting the whole light to herself. The main cola stalk is to tough to bend, but I might be able to tie down the other two more, but what the point if I still have a cola that I can’t tie down? Any helps is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I can’t seem to get that even canopy, I think I started too late, just wondering what I can do to make the most of what’s going on.


Well-Known Member
I know you are all probably sick of my questions but, this where I’m at, as you can see I have 3 nodes? Stems? taking off. I have 4 that are about 5 inches shorter. My LED calls for 14”-18” at flowering. The tallest 1 is at about 13” away(used hand technique to make it wasn’t to hot), the other 2 both far behind, making the 4 others about 18” away. Question: should I be moving my lights up to let the 3 main ones grow taller and bigger, or do I leave the light so I can let the other shorter ones catch up? And will they be able to catch up? Or is my logic incorrect. Thanks for any insights for this newbie! Using a viparspectra p1500, in a 2x2 area, if that helps.
Looks over watered a little bit
I’m still having some minor issues. See pic. 2 leaves have this yellow spot starting in the middle, and a few are showing yellowing on the tip. I’m at day 18 of flower, seems to be doing pretty good as far as formation, but I’ve also noticed a few of the pistil turning town on the very ends. Any help or advice is always welcomed. I would lst that top more, but it’s super woody.

