AK 47 (HGS Seeds)


Well-Known Member
that's not all that unusual, kind of a 'packing it on' trait
i've had one like that, can't recall at the moment which strain it was


Well-Known Member
Day 129 Flo 63 leaf damage a.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 leaf damage b.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 leaf damage c.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 leaf damage d.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 left franken nug.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 Left top.jpgDay 129 Flo 63 mid prize nug b.jpg 9 weeks now. The trichs are about 10% amber...getting close to chop time. About two weeks ago the lower fan leaves started to discolour a bit. Then shortly after that I started cutting back on the N and the lower fans started to discolour a lot, while the upper fan leaves started to discolour on the tips and edges. But otherwise the girls still look pretty lush. This is the longest I have kept them green... think I can keep em green longer with some cal and mag maybe... Anyway, the buds exploded since the last pics here's a couple pics of the prize nugs. I'm getting confident that each of these girls has close to a 1/2 lb on them... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Harvest day!!!! Funny thing....the girl that I thought struggled the most seems to have yielded the most. I'm going to guess 1.5 lbs total dry weight. We'll see in a few days when I weigh and jar it all up....



Well-Known Member
Forgot to say... Chopped at 71 days of 12/12. And....got a pile o trim with tons of lower popcorn buds in it for making hash. The last grow I yielded 1.5 lbs with four plants and got 41 grams of hash using the dry ice method. I have way more and higher quality trim this time so I think I'll probably get close to 70 grams of hash. But we'll see....


Well-Known Member
I'm blown away. When I decided to do this grow as a scrog it was because a guy was saying I should get 10-12 ounces per plant if done correctly. I screwed up a bit, as mentioned in the thread a couple times, a didn't get the screen low enough, which cost me a ton of bud sites. So I thought I'd be lucky to 8zs per. BUT after all is said and done my TOTAL WEIGHT on this grow is 34.75 ounces!!!
Holy fuck...
Scrog is the way to go. Just have to dial my method in and correct a few things and I think I can get 1lb per plant next time out.
Pics to follow when the hash is made. Doing it dry ice style and have 3/4 lb of trim to do.


Well-Known Member
So...the hash.... 360g of fresh frozen trim made 42g of hash (the scale pic shows less cause I blazed a gram before hand...lol). And that is really dry. Last time, I pressed it while it was still damp and had to toss 35g because it went mouldy. Anyway, IMHO the dry ice method is best for making hash. It's way less messier, faster, yields more and is purer. This hash here is probably 98% trichs.



Well-Known Member
Smoke report: tastes just like all the seed companies say it will...super smooth, with hints of sandalwood. The high is not the "heady," "creative" deal that the seed companies claim. It's more like an indica couch-locker... must be the pheno I have, maybe. Easy to see why this strain has won awards. As for the hash... took it to poker last night and NUKED a half dozen "chronics!" Turned them into stammering morons...hahahaaha But did that to myself too so didn't walk away with all the money. :P