AK 47 (HGS Seeds)


Active Member
I think that putting the screen lower, and training her a bit more would give you way more bud sites. (seeing how bushy she was)

still looking good.


Well-Known Member
I think that putting the screen lower, and training her a bit more would give you way more bud sites. (seeing how bushy she was)

still looking good.
You're right. The trouble was that I did these from seed. Had to wait 4-5 weeks for the girls to show themselves and toss the boys before I put the screen over them so... it's my first go on scrog... lots to learn yet. And this was lesson one...LOL


Well-Known Member
Day 78 Flo 12 left top.jpgDay 78 Flo 12 mid bot.jpgDay 78 Flo 12 left bot.jpgDay 78 Flo 12 mid top.jpgDay 78 Flo 12 right bot.jpgDay 78 Flo 12 right top.jpg So day 78 from seed and 12 days into flower. Finally have the fist white pistils hairs coming. The pistils are a little late compared to past grows. Also, tremendous re-growth of foliage. You'd never guess they were shaved just 7 days ago. As shown by the pics I'm losing control of the undergrowth. I don't want to chop too much under there now for fear of stressing then too much as they start to bud. And with all the foliage it's hard to tuck them under and stretch them out through the screen. As was mentioned above, the screen was set too high... another lesson learned - scrogging from seed isn't wise because waiting for the girls to show themselves allows them to get too big before putting the screen over them. Anyway, hope the stretch doesn't last much longer...


Well-Known Member
Day 83 Flo 17 mid top.jpgDay 83 Flo 17 left canopy.jpgDay 83 Flo 17 left top.jpgDay 83 Flo 17 mid.jpgDay 83 Flo 17 right top.jpg Day 83 Flow 17 - So finally things are starting to get interesting. 17 days after flipping the lights the budlets have arrived. Temps around here have dropped outside and that has allowed me to turn up the lights from 600w to 750w, while still keeping the canopy temp around 78-79ish. They got a colossal dose of the nutes last night. I fucked up the math and they got 112% of recommended dosage, which was around 1450 ppm. Hope I didn't roast them...


Well-Known Member
Day 90 Flo 24 middle.jpgDay 90 Flo 24 middle profile.jpgDay 90 Flo 24 left.jpgDay 90 Flo 24 left franken bud.jpgDay 90 Flo 24 left bud.jpgDay 90 Flo 24 right.jpgfranken bud.jpg ..... Day 90 from seed, Day 24 from start of 12/12. Well after some bad math and hitting the girls with nutes at 112% (1450PPM) of manufacturer recommended strength they are doing just fine. Not a hint of burn. Been usually getting a ton of run-off when feeding them so today I figured I'd cut back on the amount. I may have went too far because two of them barely had any run-off and the middle one didn't have any. Can only hope the nutes got down to the bottom of the pot on that one. Anyway... they are starting to frost up nicely. In fact, the first sign of trichs came 18 days after flipping the lights. That's fast, in my experience. I did some White Russian, which is off-spring of this strain, that showed trichs after 22 days. Check out the close up of a franken bud I have going. Underneath it has a rectangular stalk rather than a round one... it's like Siamese stalks grown into each other just like this bud....


Well-Known Member
So starting to wonder what kind of yield I'm going to get. Vegged for 8 weeks plus all those bud sites....hmmmmm..... any guesses? I'm hoping for 10 zips per plant, but thinking it'll probably only be about 8 zips per because I put the screen too high and lost out on some bud sites...


Well-Known Member
Day 97 Flo 31 left franken bud.jpgDay 97 Flo 31 left vs mid tops.jpgDay 97 Flo 31 mid bud.jpgDay 97 Flo 31 right buds dirict light.jpgDay 97 Flo 31 right vs mid tops.jpg So 97 days after starting the seeds and 31 days into flower now and the girls are getting really frosty, stinky and fat. :) While we all know how important light is, in this grow I am seeing it first hand. It's my first grow with more than one light and when I set up the tent with the lights end to end I tried to position them to cover the space as evenly as possible. Apparently, I didn't do a great job of that...lol As you can see in the pics, the plants on the left and right have bigger buds than the one in the middle, which I think is because I didn't put the lights close enough together to get a strong enough over-lap. So that middle plant has significantly smaller buds than the other two plants, which are more directly under the lights. Also, the buds on the outer ends of the middle plants are closer to the lights and are bigger than the buds in the centre of that plants, which are probably furthest away from the lights. The difference is really dramatic live, nit so much in the pics. Anyway, while it is all no surprise it is cool to see first hand how much difference light really makes. will have to do a better job with light placement next round.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me what the finish time is on this strain? I've read anywhere from 45-50 days to 70-75 days depending on the phenol. Not having done a sativa dominant strain before I'm not really sure what pheno I have...guessing I have sativa on two and indica on one, but.... if anybody can tell by my pics here it'd be a great help...


Active Member
hard to tell by the pics, specially without any close up of the trichs. Your best way after all this time/effort and care you gave them I think you need to get a 40x micro and harvest when you have your desired cloudy/amber trichs.

props on a great run so far! can't wait for the upcoming weeks.


Well-Known Member
Day 106 from seed and 40 days since flipping to 12/12. The girls are still very green and healthy, but the pistils are starting to shrivel. Thinking the girls might be a bit too green so going to cut back on the N. Now that I figured out how to work my camera, here's some close up bud shots. Check out the franken bud... it's two buds mashed into one, like Siamese twins. Day 106 Flo 40 franken bud side.jpgDay 106 Flo 40 franken bud top.jpgDay 106 Flo 40 mid bud b.jpgDay 106 Flo 40 mid bud.jpgDay 106 Flo 40 right bud.jpg


Well-Known Member
An exciting, but problematic development - after exactly 6 weeks in bloom a significant amount of amber trichs have shown on two of the plants, which is a HUGE surprise. Everything I have read about this strain has said 9 weeks to finish. The the third girl still has predominantly clear trichs with plenty of them cloudy. Very exciting.... But the problem is that I haven't even started flushing. AND after harvesting I dry the buds in the tent...so harvesting two and letting the third finish presents a problem... Another weird thing is that I have never seen trichs go amber BEFORE the pistils started turning colour. I wonder if there's a problem there?


Well-Known Member
that is interesting, i'd be sceptical of an early cut, 8 weeks finishers aren't really all that common
and those that finish at less than 8 weeks are even fewer
i've found sampling side buds to be so-so for gauging what the ripeness is, but it's better than nothing


Well-Known Member
Ya i have never finished anything in 8 weeks....fastest finisher i had was northern lights 5 and i took it down a little early at 9.5 weeks...i probably should have waited another week on that run at least. But going to keep a close eye on the trichs o this one....see how it goes


Well-Known Member
Day 112 Flo 46 - What a difference 6 days makes. Since the last pics the buds are starting to chunk up nicely. Pistils are starting to turn...usually at this stage I've run into some minor nute probs as indicated by various types of leaf discolouration. Nothing worth worrying about... but this time I'm not getting that at all. Just a tiny bit of cupping and twisting in hot spots. The girls couldn't be healthier, apparently. But I think the buds should be bigger... so... I dunno... Anyway, some bud porn ....Day 112 Flow 46 bud d.jpgDay 112 Flow 46 bud right.jpgDay 112 Flow 46 franken bud.jpgDay 112 Flow 46 left top.jpgDay 112 Flow 46 mid top.jpgDay 112 Flow 46 right top.jpg


Active Member
:clap: what a view! good job on an even canopy!! Hope mine gets as good as this one. Can I ask you what dimensions are you using on your scrog? (from top of pot to screen)


Well-Known Member
patience is often rewarded, and this looks like a very nice reward
you put a lot of effort in here, glad to see pics like these


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. :) I have to say it was a good bit of work to keep things even in veg and then through stretch once I flipped to 12/12. BUT it paid off because I've hardly had to do anything since. Just keep feeding them... and they keep getting fatter and stinky...lol The screen is a lot higher than I wanted. It's about 16" from the top of the pot, so I lost out on some bud sites above. That was because I went from seed and before I could set the screen up I had to wait for the girls to show themselves, at around 4-5 wks of veg. Then I vegged 8 wks total. Not sure how to tackle that prob next time...maybe some super cropping in veg to spread them out a bit...dunno if that's a good idea though...


Well-Known Member
Day 118 Flo 52 mid bud.jpgDay 118 Flo 52 mid biggest bud.jpgDay 118 Flo 52 left bud.jpgDay 118 Flo 52 right bud.jpgDay 118 flower 52 .... some bud porn... weird thing I've never seen before: the calyxs have swelled up nicely, but in the last few days they've started to grow outward from the buds like branches from a tree. Not sure if that's a strain/phenol thing or an indication of a problem. Girls look supper healthy otherwise so not too worried about. Very curious though...if anybody can shed some light on that please do... check the pics...