I tried a few varieties outdoors this year that frankly I am very disapointed with. I planted a few Ice, Arjans Haze and other varieties. But those two strains had extremely light and airy buds that where completely unusable for smoking purposes. I will probebly make edibles or hash out of the resulting flowers. I planted them in a compost/worm castings base that was amended with blood and bone meal, pearlite, azmax ( trace elements ) and composted cow poop, and fed a worm castings tea throughout the grow. Some where directly in the ground and others where in 45 gal. smart pots.
My concern is that this not happen again and am wondering if it was the strains, or something else that causes such a airy bud to form. Lighting was good to very good as I had at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight throughout the grow. I can cut a few trees down if needed to supply more light if it is deemed neccessary.
This is not the first year I used Worm casting tea for my grow. I did the very same regime last year and had much better results. Maybe the 'brand' of worm castings wasn't up to par.
The only thing I did any different was in using the composted cow poop that I got for free from a neighbors farm. Can cow poop be bad for pot?
I'm stumped as to the cause, and I just know that somebody, out in the great beyond, knows why this is happening to me.
Thanks in advance for any input.
My concern is that this not happen again and am wondering if it was the strains, or something else that causes such a airy bud to form. Lighting was good to very good as I had at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight throughout the grow. I can cut a few trees down if needed to supply more light if it is deemed neccessary.
This is not the first year I used Worm casting tea for my grow. I did the very same regime last year and had much better results. Maybe the 'brand' of worm castings wasn't up to par.
The only thing I did any different was in using the composted cow poop that I got for free from a neighbors farm. Can cow poop be bad for pot?
I'm stumped as to the cause, and I just know that somebody, out in the great beyond, knows why this is happening to me.
Thanks in advance for any input.