air cooled lights V non air cooled lights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WeeGogs
this is great mister, i was going to exhaust it straight through a hole i cut in the brickwork at the top of my unused central heating chimney in my attic, it was used in the seventies to the nineties as an air intake for blow central heating, do you think that would be ok? heat leaving a central heating chimney.
do you think that a cop in a helicopter would be wise enough to know that heat couldn`t be expelled from here.

we have an instant hot water and radiater heating boiler now with exhaust going through kitchen wall to outside.

here is a picture of the chimney.

Originally Posted by WeeGogs
this is not my fucking house you numpty.....

this is a similar house about 5 fucking miles away.

i need a little input to help me but do you think i am off my fucking head altogether.

i wish these were brains creative innovative.jpg


Well-Known Member
forget it. i dont care what color they are. no tits in the world are worth putting up with that mouth.
I assumed it was a somewhat clever dude. If it's a woman, bitch cusses like a dude and knows a lot more than the average chic about her heating and ventilation over the history of the last several decades. lol.


Active Member
that would be enough to make me move
move where? move to the firearms happy usa, why would you want to move from here to there, not enough guns and murder for you here ?

how many people got shot in your last little episode, fuck me, you cannot even go to the cinema without the risk of getting your head blown off.

no thanks. i will happily live here without guns on the streets.


Well-Known Member
move where? move to the firearms happy usa, why would you want to move from here to there, not enough guns and murder for you here ?

how many people got shot in your last little episode, fuck me, you cannot even go to the cinema without the risk of getting your head blown off.

no thanks. i will happily live here without guns on the streets.
aha you seem pretty pissed off in that great little country of yours....come to think of it i bet that kid that pulled that shooting was pretty angry too :wall:


Well-Known Member
i am thinking about using air cooled shades. ( not cool tubes )

anybody got an inkling on how much cooler my 10` x 6` x 6` room will be with my 4 x 600w lights.

i am using 6" fans just now.

at the moment it is about 91f (33c) just now in the room...... but it is not hot outside......yet.

i want to get the temps down as much as possible.

has anybody else went from normal shades to air cooled and noticed a great difference.

Happy Days.

the member that gives me the best answer can rip my beatles t-shirt off and then my pink and white bra and suck on my puffy nipples.

i would love to suck your puffy nipples and rip that beatles t-shirt off an your pink bra hmmmm

hope your from UK


Well-Known Member
Air cooled makes all the difference in world omg specially with like 4x 600watters. Also run ur lights at night besides paying for cheaper off peak power, it will help keep the temps down. And of course intake and exhaust is super important.....

All the hot air in the world being pushed out your hoods is worthless if not being vented out properly.... I can tell you right now in my old flower room which was 6x 600's all aircooled, you wouldnt even notice a temp change.... unless we shut the exhaust fan off then it would heat up fast...... otherwise it was perfect.....

If you don't wanna buy an aircooled hood or 4, there is always A.C. units.

I love pink and black btw...... yummerz..... :P

kbo ca

Active Member
move where? move to the firearms happy usa, why would you want to move from here to there, not enough guns and murder for you here ?

how many people got shot in your last little episode, fuck me, you cannot even go to the cinema without the risk of getting your head blown off.

no thanks. i will happily live here without guns on the streets.
now don't get your knickers in a twist. I like my right to weapons just because of the fact there are folks out there that don't care what the laws are and own guns to use them illegally IN EVERY COUNTRY!!!! Plus it's nice to have the option to defend myself from a shitty government like yours. Not saying America has the best gov at all but they don't tell me i'm not responsible enough to handle a firearm like where you live.