Agent's 2nd Organic Grow- Pineapple Chunk, LSD, Euforia 200wCFL/600HPS

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin Agent, i think the yellowing is a lack of Nitrogen, im having the same poroblem with a couple of mine at the minute, im ordering some bat crap tea, laz fingerez, westy n the crew swear by it.

it usuallly rights itself as the plant gets further into flower it needs less N but the less deficiency i guess the better development.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
mornin Agent, i think the yellowing is a lack of Nitrogen, im having the same poroblem with a couple of mine at the minute, im ordering some bat crap tea, laz fingerez, westy n the crew swear by it.

it usuallly rights itself as the plant gets further into flower it needs less N but the less deficiency i guess the better development.
Blimey Nitrogen eh? im feeding as per the biobizz schedule + more always 1 ml grow ( 8.2.6) with about 5 mls of bloom (2-6-3.5) even upped the grow on last few waterings. Do you suggest feeding bat shit on top or upping biogrow? Just im running low on funds before xmas dont think the kids will be impressed with a tub of bat shit in their stocking lol as i've run outta money lol hehe :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah try upping the grow nutes a ml or 2. see what happens id hold off on the bat poop brew n try that first. aye it could possibly be worse than finding coal in your stocking bat shit?!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i mixed a little bat crap in with my coco but i think the best way is to brew it up like donny said. have u got any compost laying around? u could make a tea out of that it would give it all the vitamins and minerals that she needs if she's lacking in a micro deficiency?

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
i mixed a little bat crap in with my coco but i think the best way is to brew it up like donny said. have u got any compost laying around? u could make a tea out of that it would give it all the vitamins and minerals that she needs if she's lacking in a micro deficiency?
i have got a spare bag of biobizz still, so do i just add some water and let it fester for a bit? OR is there special instructions i need to follow? :D cant hurt to try, thanks :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
we i make my tea up i use 42 grams of bat poo to one litre of water and dose it out in 50ml servings, I would imajin mixing compost with water in similer quantitys would do silimler effects lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i have got a spare bag of biobizz still, so do i just add some water and let it fester for a bit? OR is there special instructions i need to follow? :D cant hurt to try, thanks :D
have u got an old pillow case? and some string? i put about 3-4 handfuls of bio-bizz (all mix) compost inside then tie it up. have u got a spare fish tank air pump? if not regular stirring i think would do it. u want oxygen in the water for the magic to take place. leave for 24 hours and feed. i top mine up with formulex but i have an ec pen to keep an eye on the strength.

hope this helps?

edit - just latley i've been adding a heaped table spoon of bat crap to the 5L of water

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Cool ty for the responses guys mucho appreciated :D shall i jut feed that on the next watering or add my usual nutes on top/lesser amount etc? Or no additional nutes?

Many thanks :D

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
unless u got a ec pen i would be vary wary adding more nutes as u could end up burning them :(

my last batch ended up at about 1.6ec which is an average feed for ur ladies, not to strong not to week.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Agent. Thought I'd stop by for a look.
Looks as if you have a lot of suggestions...
Have a good weekend

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hey Hemlock, just started my Compost tea- its not going well atm lol, filled cool box up with tap water and put air stone in it from pond and left to evaporate chlorine - came back this morn and its frozen over lol. Decided to bring it inside and add the compost and molasses ( that bit of info came from a website) and stirred. 4 hrs later and there is still icebergs floating in it- even next to the radiator, so i cant imagine theres much microbial magic going on in there atm. Plus i cant put the air stone in it either as thats out doors firmly attatched to my fish pond lol, so im stirring it periodically like a witches cauldron- only minus the bubbling. Dont know if this will do but hey ho :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Hemlock, just started my Compost tea- its not going well atm lol, filled cool box up with tap water and put air stone in it from pond and left to evaporate chlorine - came back this morn and its frozen over lol. Decided to bring it inside and add the compost and molasses ( that bit of info came from a website) and stirred. 4 hrs later and there is still icebergs floating in it- even next to the radiator, so i cant imagine theres much microbial magic going on in there atm. Plus i cant put the air stone in it either as thats out doors firmly attatched to my fish pond lol, so im stirring it periodically like a witches cauldron- only minus the bubbling. Dont know if this will do but hey ho :D
Bubble bubble boil and trouble..LOL...Well all you do is try....Damn that ice.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lmao @ the witch's cauldron.

just give it another day or so stirring so the ice can melt and the water can return to room temp, i'm sure it will be fine???

hehehe good luck

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
lmao @ the witch's cauldron.

just give it another day or so stirring so the ice can melt and the water can return to room temp, i'm sure it will be fine???

hehehe good luck

Lol, yeah it was nice and warm by time i took it to the garage :D Fed plants with it accordingly- i was a bit lazy and didnt really sieve the compost out, but im thinking it shouldnt matter as my soil level has dropped in my plant pots anyway, so a bit of soil slurry cant do any harm :D Now to wait to see the results and whether plants improve, or whether i'll notice anyway cos now i've got some hands on some stash im a bit half soaked :P

Anyways thanks for looking in guys and all the advice you have given me so far :D And damn some swine has outbid me on ebay for some bubble bags- How sodding dare they!!!!

Agent xx

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok so i've left them for a few days and i can see some improvements, the pineapple Chunks are throwing off better green new growth, however the browning of pistils on the one seems to be at a more advanced stage than the other whereas the other seems to be fattening up instead while staying mainly white. The Euforia is showing the best pick up i think with nice green growth evident against the purpling. The LSD and its younger sister are still looking quite poorly sick, some green growth is there but the buds seem really underdeveloped to me, even the bud leaves are small and purpling :( Well behind in the maturity stakes is the WW weedling which i was initially gonna throw out cos it was always droopy. However it is now the healthiest looking plant out of the lot - just behind as it always has been with the lsd weedling due to when it finally sprouted. Heres some pics - let me know what ya think :D


Agent xxx

in order-

Pineapple Chunks
Euforia ( Short and bushy madam! :)
Lsd + LSD weedling
WW Weedling
