Afghan landrace yields?

That's sweet, always good to make seeds with these heirloom strains! Tony Green recently released PTKxGorrilla Bubble F2 called Pine Tar Gush, and it looks freaking amazing. I wish I had picked some up last year-you can see pics of the cross at Great Lakes Genetics, and probably on the Tony Green thread on Overgrow.
That is one of the sexiest looking plants I have ever seen, wow
Sup y'all! I got my hands on four types of afghan landrace seeds (Balkhi, Mazar-i-Sharif, Badakshan, Kunduz). Balkhi and Mazar-i-Sharif both seemed to yield heavy from google searches, but I've heard from people that landraces generally don't yield much.

I wanted to know if anybody has grown these puppies before and could talk a little about their experience?
Thats not true tho in good soil good climate etc mazari especially gets massive
What problems did you have with the milk?
I have sprayed milk before for PM prevention, and it worked really well against the mildew; the smell from the milk disappeared over time.
I didn't dilute it enough and there was some long term residue left on the plant. I used full strength whole milk from a farmer friend. It was outdoors and there were no aroma issues. Zerotol from Biosafe is my go to PM treatment these days.
I didn't dilute it enough and there was some long term residue left on the plant.
I did get the residue as well, but I really did not mind it. It was not visible on the flowers when I harvested, and it doesn't matter if it's on the leaves that are thrown away anyway.

Zerotol from Biosafe is my go to PM treatment these days.
I've found a scientific survey of the available measures, and surprisingly the milk application was one of the best methods available. It is not even known how exactly it works. The milk should be applied in full sunlight, because apparently the intense light transform something in the milk into a substance that is anti-fungal.
I did get the residue as well, but I really did not mind it. It was not visible on the flowers when I harvested, and it doesn't matter if it's on the leaves that are thrown away anyway.

I've found a scientific survey of the available measures, and surprisingly the milk application was one of the best methods available. It is not even known how exactly it works. The milk should be applied in full sunlight, because apparently the intense light transform something in the milk into a substance that is anti-fungal.
Having done both, the zerotol has proven to be more effective for me. Biosafe has a cannabis protocol, which I benefited from the last 2 years, and I don't think I would have gotten nearly as much success outdoors in Oklahoma without their products. No financial interest. Fellow Okie growers know what I am talking about. We have every pest and every disease! I would use milk again if need be, just trying to evolve with the problems I will see this coming year.