Well-Known Member
So I popped the second bean of my 3 pack and it has turned out to be something of a fail. About half the plant ,the lower half , looks great..nice frosty dank solid looking buds, but the top of the plant was all scraggly, stemmy, ditch weed looking nonsense. I actually chopped the entire top of the two worst colas as they were just an eyesore, weren't even maturing and were wasting my time. I reckon I've lost between a half to an ounce because of it. I left one of the cruddy colas in tact as most of the way up it's ok looking then it just goes to shit right at the top.
I'm going to blame ruderalis for this and I think it has somewhat put me off . Thankfully it looks like I'll pull at least 30 to 40 GS of good bud off this one so all's not lost.
Good buds

And an example of the shit it turns to at the top, the colas I chopped off were much worse looking

I'm going to blame ruderalis for this and I think it has somewhat put me off . Thankfully it looks like I'll pull at least 30 to 40 GS of good bud off this one so all's not lost.
Good buds

And an example of the shit it turns to at the top, the colas I chopped off were much worse looking