Yes I liked it as well. The old blotter and sugar cubes were good for a 12-14 hour trip. That was the only draw back for me, it lasted too long sometimes

! MDA was a nice one too

PS I thought I was a grand master chess player lol. And yup camping was a hoot.
My funny story of the day

Yea, the length of the trip could be problematic as I found out the hard way.
I don't know if you every heard of or saw any Orange Sunshine 4 way barrel acid (It was the brightest orange I ever saw), it was only avaiable in the late 60's/early 70's & it was the purest acid out there unless you could find some liquid LSD-25, the stuff Owsley made.
Anyway, one tab of it was good for 4 trips/4 people (you cut it) which at that point I didn't really understand what the effect would be if I ate a 1/2.
I had only smoked up until then & had no fucking idea what I was in for..
My friends parents were away for the night & we figured all is good, 6 hours is enough time to get high & come back.
Oh boy was I wrong
There were 5 of us who ate it & we were sitting around this guy's pool waiting for it to kick in when I did a dumb as fuck rookie move and figured that I didn't eat enough so I ate another 1/4
Then 5 minutes after I ate the 2nd dose the 1st kicked in.
So, there I was, 16 years old weighing 135 lbs and had just eaten enough acid to fuck up a fucking gorilla.
I spent most of the night in my friends den sitting on his sofa staring at/waching a wall in his room that was around 10-15" long & 8' high painted white (for a lilttle while at least)
Ok, envision a flat screen 4K plasma TV that was 15'x8' and you might come close to what I was watching on that wall/screen.
And then the show began.
The wall became a portal to another place & that place was fucking Disneyland.
I was in Disneyland, for real.
I had intimate converstions with Mickey Mouse/Snow White & her Dwarfs & every other character that Disney drew.
Oh my God, I was sooo fucking high!!!!!
So, it's like 12:00 and the parents were coming home & we had to get the fuck out of there.
We drove around for about 3 hours & then we all decided we had to go home before our parents called the cops.
My friends guided me to the kitchen door, knocked on it & ran.
My Pop & Mom were there waiting for me (it was 3:30 AM & I had never been out later than 12 before)
Oh boy, I was fucked.
Then my parents turned into monsters visually & my Pop became something like Frankenstein & my mother Medusa with the snakes & everything.
They tried talking to me to figure out what the fuck was up wih me, but I was basically catatonic so they gave up & I went to bed and eventually passed out.
Then to complete my 1st of many adventures on acid, at 7:00 AM on that Sunday morning I awoke to banging on my door with the greeting "Get the fuck out of bed and get dressed, it's time for church"
Shit, fucking church.
So, here/there I was sitting in a pew in church between my parents stlll tripping 12 hours later, with the priest changing colors & the stained glass pulsating & the choir singing in tongues.
Nice, right?
But I didn't flip out.
Amazing, right?
This is what I spent around 7 hours watching in my head that night
and this