Afganistan Collapse

@5 minutes is the problem I have with jumping to the conclusion that we know what happened. I would hope that if they observed the 4 men carefully loading 'wrapped packages' into the car that it was recorded, so hopefully we get to see that eventually, because the cameras going dark is enough to not know.

I am heartbroken about these children being murdered. Horrifying.
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@5 minutes is the problem I have with jumping to the conclusion that we know what happened. I would hope that if they observed the 4 men carefully loading 'wrapped packages' into the car that it was recorded, so hopefully we get to see that eventually, because the cameras going dark is enough to not know.

I am heartbroken about these children being murdered. Horrifying.
Would people gingerly loading wrapped packages into a car be enough to kill people over?

Its a good watch. The Military personal involved should be all tried for war crimes in a perfect world.
Would people gingerly loading wrapped packages into a car be enough to kill people over?

Its a good watch. The Military personal involved should be all tried for war crimes in a perfect world.
If that is all they had, no. Not for me, not by a mile.

But I am willing to consider that our military may have far more information. And don't just buy into the calls of American military being war criminals any time someone calls them one.

If they were loading bombs, and was the white Toyota that was firing rockets at the airport, would that be enough for you to think it was a legitimate stop of another suicide bomber? If there was a second explosion and all those holes were the result of a shrapnel bomb?
The 60's sucked
They really did when you think about it.
The "American Dream" exploded with the reality of a Modern World, which brought a shitload of wars, riots, assassinations, poverty & general revolution & mayhem.
That envoirment spawned the Hippie/Envoirmental/Equal rights/Black Panthers/PLO/SDS/Weathermen/Viet Cong/Baader Meinhof groups to name a few, a counter-culture so to speak.
Yea, the 60's were interesting, that for sure, but peace & love?
Not really that much.
The Beatles sang about it here :)

This was more my style :) (check out 1:15 into it. Acid anyone? :) )

Ya it was a fucked up time for finally seeing what the States was about and what they were becoming. It was about finally saying enough by some. Those people were catagorised as commies...... hmmm seems we’re there again.
You forgot hallucinatory substances.
I'm a firm believer in my body being under my control, not someone else who doesn't know me.
All drugs should be legal in my opinion, ingesting them is a personal choice.
If you don't know what your doing or lack awareness of the consequences of your actions & hurt/kill yourself, my immediate thought is oh well, you fucked up & now your dead.
That's life, or death in this case.
Drug use is sorta like sky diving I think.
You know it's dangerous to do (legal/physical consequences), or you con yourself into believing that they're not dangerous (all, and I mean all drugs are dangerous in some capacity), but there's an alure in it simply being that in some scary way, at least for me. (Is 6 grams too much? :) )
I was alway's like "What's behind that door, what are they hiding/doing in there?"
So, at around 12 or so I started to open doors to see what was in that room.
1st door was glue (I had tons of it/I made a lot of models :) )
Then I moved on to Door # 2, which was marihuana & it's derivatives.
Anyway, I opened every fucking door I could find, traveling near & far to obtain hopefully "that" drug, the "perfect drug for a perfect high"
It really doesn't exist, never did & never will (but the search is fun :) ) but in the meantime I feel it's my right to open as many fucking doors that I want.
I’m a big fan of Ketamine ;). I was in a spaceship last time, sooo cool lol. Grow old, never grow up Jim ;).
Are you saying that you don't see the difference between a all out effort to create and propagate a scam on the scale that the Republicans have as their political platform and what you just claim that Democrats have done?

Im not saying that any individual in the Democratic party can't be a giant douche scam artist, they are just humans, but as a political party I call bullshit on your 'both sides' nonsense. The Democrats have 100% of the nation's population that they are legislating for, that makes for a lot more competition in their party, and that competition forces people out when they get caught doing stupid shit time and again.

And there are no Democrat in office that I have seen out there trying to scam their cult by selling them coins and snake oil. It is hard to take people seriously when they refuse to acknowledge the difference between today's political parties and instead just try to troll and pull out the 'both sides' shit.

Of course I see a difference, but its like saying this wife beater hits his wife more than that wife beater, congrats, at the end of the day you're all happy because your behind the less violent wife beater. You are just as radicalized as the people you cry about but you don't get it. Go chase some Russian Trolls from the boards protector of.....wait what the fck are you protecting? Nothing. Just another internet radicalized fool who thinks skins or shirts is doing something good for humanity. Seriously dude, if you turn around will we see a wind up key protruding from your back?
Of course I see a difference, but its like saying this wife beater hits his wife more than that wife beater, congrats, at the end of the day you're all happy because your behind the less violent wife beater.
I would look at it as the difference between someone who may have yelled at their wife in the past being compared to someone who beats their wife daily.

But I understand that the wife beater has also been spreading lies about the person who might have yelled at their wife in the past as being just as bad as them so much that people have been brainwashed into believing the lie.

You are just as radicalized as the people you cry about but you don't get it.
lol sweet troll try.

Go chase some Russian Trolls from the boards protector of.....wait what the fck are you protecting?
Is this an example of you (someone trolling this board) deflecting and trying to minimize the importance of the fact that the Russian military is attacking our citizens?

You might not be a paid Russian troll, but you are spouting their same spam.
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 9.00.02 AM.png

Nothing. Just another internet radicalized fool who thinks skins or shirts is doing something good for humanity.
It is funny how worked up you are about someone posting in one sub-forum of a pot website.

Based on your sexist/racist postings though I guess I could see why reality seeping into life would make you feel bad enough to trigger like you are.

lol at your still pushing the 'both sides' troll.

Seriously dude, if you turn around will we see a wind up key protruding from your back?
Nope, no wind up key in my back.
lol, Russian trolls on pot boards. You have to be one of the most gullible people I've read. Pot growers are the most unmotivated people on the planet. Same reason most of them suck at growing, they can't take the few minutes you need each day to take care of a plant and you think they are going to go out and vote? I would be shocked if on average pot growers don't vote less than the national average. I'm assuming Russian trolls get paid right? And you think they are going to waste money on this demographic? Really? I have a bridge to sell you.
America dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians twice and didn't bat an eye. Someday history will be rewritten and America will rank up there with Germany as far as war crimes go, but we are a hundred years off I'd guess.
Using two nuclear bombs to compel a quick end to the war in the Pacific cannot be compared with the systematic enslavement and killing of over nine million people.

Those two bombs left millions alive who would have died if plan B had been used: invasion of the home islands. So your implying that the nukings were war crimes is an instance where I disagree.
Using two nuclear bombs to compel a quick end to the war in the Pacific cannot be compared with the systematic enslavement and killing of over nine million people.

Those two bombs left millions alive who would have died if plan B had been used: invasion of the home islands. So your implying that the nukings were war crimes is an instance where I disagree.

Agreed. That whole Pearl Harbor thing he’s forgetting about was the “war crime”
lol, Russian trolls on pot boards.

You have to be one of the most gullible people I've read.
I did buy speakers out of the back of a truck once.

That was back before I realized the easiest way to get scammed is to think that you are smart to do shit that is wrong.

lol are you trying to pretend like the Russian military is not attacking our citizens using every online platform that is freely available to them?

Pot growers are the most unmotivated people on the planet. Same reason most of them suck at growing, they can't take the few minutes you need each day to take care of a plant and you think they are going to go out and vote?
The actual voting results of the cannabis laws prove your bullshit assumption wrong.

Yes I do think that pot growers vote. Even casual ones.

I would be shocked if on average pot growers don't vote less than the national average.
I wouldn't be.

I'm assuming Russian trolls get paid right?
In 2016 they were operating on about $1.25 million monthly budget, so yeah my guess is that they are getting paid. Also based on the different interviews with the trolls show that they were doing it for the money too.

And you seem to really try to be dismissing the Russian militaries threat, but you should not get so hung up on one group of people attacking us online. There are troll farms all over the world at this point, even here in America we have all sorts of right wing propaganda scams like the nazi's who are paying kids looking to pay for church camp to troll 'the libs'.

And you think they are going to waste money on this demographic? Really?
A website with about 600-1500 people logged in at all times and the ability to make free accounts?

Yeah of course.

Shit they were attacking little kids on Pokemon Go, there is not a comment section/forum that is safe from the cat fishing bullshit. Pretending otherwise makes you a sucker IMO.

I have a bridge to sell you.
That is nice, I am not buying what you are selling though man sorry.

America dropped nuclear bombs on innocent civilians twice and didn't bat an eye. Someday history will be rewritten and America will rank up there with Germany as far as war crimes go, but we are a hundred years off I'd guess.
We also genocided the original people in our nation, and then tortured there children, and enslaved other groups of humans. There is plenty of bad shit we have done as a nation.

That is because like every other nation on the planet, we are comprised of human beings.
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lol, Russian trolls on pot boards. You have to be one of the most gullible people I've read. Pot growers are the most unmotivated people on the planet. Same reason most of them suck at growing, they can't take the few minutes you need each day to take care of a plant and you think they are going to go out and vote? I would be shocked if on average pot growers don't vote less than the national average. I'm assuming Russian trolls get paid right? And you think they are going to waste money on this demographic? Really? I have a bridge to sell you.
I resent your use of the “lazy pot smokers” stereotype. I feel a need to straighten you out and make you realize that some of us are energetic, ambitious and hardworking

Did you know Benjamin Franklin and John F Kennedy smoked pot? I could give you more examples of successful people who have ingested cannabis but I’m not that interested in educating you anymore.

Fuck it. I’m gonna sit on the couch now and watch TV.
I resent your use of the “lazy pot smokers” stereotype. I feel a need to straighten you out and make you realize that some of us are energetic, ambitious and hardworking

Did you know Benjamin Franklin and John F Kennedy smoked pot? I could give you more examples of successful people who have ingested cannabis but I’m not that interested in educating you anymore.

Fuck it. I’m gonna sit on the couch now and watch TV.
I didn’t say pot smokers, I said pot growers. Pot growers are lazy by large. My evidence? All the amazingly shitty weed out there. Case closed.
I didn’t say pot smokers, I said pot growers. Pot growers are lazy by large. My evidence? All the amazingly shitty weed out there. Case closed.
lol @ case closed. How do you know what my weed is like? I have some Do-Si-Dos I just harvested that will knock your socks off.

One bowl in the bong is all I need for hours and I’ve been a chronic most of my adult life.
My repose was in jest at him even invoking the word “war crimes” and that somehow history will be re written.

World War II is in my opinion, was the last legal/justifiable/necessary war the US has been a part of.
My choice is Desert Storm. We were there as part of a UN-approved force and operated within shared rules of engagement. Everything since, especially Operation Desert Why-are-we-back, was unilateral and a waste of lives and resources.