

Well-Known Member
Yea man there doin alot better, still got some recovering to do but i kno with will be green in no time, just gotta take care of em, nurse em bac to health :weed:


Well-Known Member
yea they are doing alot better my roots are nice and white except for the 1 one the front left some of that 1 is kind of brown and white but for the most part there lookin better!Hey when should i add nutrients again?should i just do it on fridays one time a week or 2 times or what?


Well-Known Member
yea grower they had probs sheding there seeds for some reason!it took forever even with me helping them


Well-Known Member
Thanks SICC thats what i have been doing.So this friday i should maybe put 1/4 more than 1/8 in? cause last friday i put 1/8 in for 1st time


Well-Known Member
Thanks SICC so every friday move it up a little till i reach 1 teaspoon or tablespoon or how much?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks Sicc that sounds much longer do u think they have till i can start topping them a couple look like they are ready but iam not sure what do u think



Well-Known Member
I would wait a couple more weeks, so they can recover, they seem a lil stunted in growth, but you jus gotta be patient and make your way thru the grow


Well-Known Member
yea i will wait a little longer i wish there was somin else i could do to make them recover faster u know of anything?they are some slow ass growers!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks SICC yea iam about to start maybe 2 or 3 plants in soil start them inside under lights then move them outside cause where iam at its time to start outside.thats how i use to do it before i got the aerogarden


Well-Known Member
hey SICC i looked at ph earlyer today and it was way off then again 2hours i flushed res and re added my nurients now ph seems alot better was this the right thing to do?


Well-Known Member
how long ago did you add the last nutes? should be fine, jus keep an eye and you should be good homie bongsmilie