

Well-Known Member
killhit iam not to sure about it that shit freaks me out bad! where to do u order from? send me a link i will look into do u order with credit card or money order what?


Well-Known Member
got some of those Y sockets.iam going to put them in those two clamped on the side of then ill have 2 lights in each one + the other 5 total



Well-Known Member
SICC all right man cant wait to see some pics! your plants got up there fast wish mine would grow that fast


Well-Known Member
killhit thanks man i just looked at page looks safe but i just dont want to ship them to where my plants are and i dont have any other place to mail them to


Active Member i think most seedbanks that sell to us are legitimate
dont use dr. chronic ... they've not only ripped me off but several of my friends ... i got my first order fine ... it was SUPPOSED to be white widow ... it was some kind of bagseed ... not even good stuff ... when i complained they told me they sent me the right seeds ....

a friend of mine also ordered from Dr. Chronic ... once again ... first order came fine ... was supposed to be lemon haze .. grew the same weed as the whitewidow i ordered ...

so thinking this was a fluke on my order not yet knowing about my friend ... i order a second set of seeds ... this time automatic ak-47 seeds ... this was 3 months ago ... still havent recieved my seeds ...

in summary ... dr chronics is bad joo joo ...

i am in no way a paid spokesman ... but there are 3 sites i continue to use due to them always giving me the right seeds in a timely manner as well as being stealthy ...

cannibeans ...

you can find all 3 of these companies on google ...

all deliver on day of payment ... i actually have a credit account with 2 of them due to the amount of business i do with em ... and if you can get em to trust you they might work the same kind of ship on order deal out that they have with me ...

Docta Greenthumb


Well-Known Member
ok man i will look at those pages but...the whole idea kind still freaks me out man iam a very parinoid person!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
19th day seem to be growing a little faster.they took forever to shed their seeds and should i wait till next set of leaves to start topping?what does everyone think



Well-Known Member
look good, a tad yellow.

I agree, they dont grow fast enough for me.. Im an instant gratification kinda guy lol. But i'll wait for something like this.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, you still need alot more nodes before you top, your pH still seems high


Well-Known Member
SICC last i checked ph it was at about 6.0 but i went and got some new test strips today and i will check it when i get home from work. i may need to just change water i normally do that on fridays and add nutrients. what do u think


Well-Known Member
SICC last i checked ph it was at about 6.0 but i went and got some new test strips today and i will check it when i get home from work. i may need to just change water i normally do that on fridays and add nutrients. what do u think

yea that sounds good man, keep us posted


Well-Known Member
I had to find something to clamp the new clfs to the only thing i had layin around was this skateboard!well it works so f$Ck IT so now i have 4 clfs and the 3 aerogarden was at about 6.2 and the temp in res was right at 80 for some reason dont know why cause i got a big fan going in the room.



Well-Known Member
haha what ever works man, there lookin better, just keep that pH under control and they should be fine, 80 is pretty high for the water