Aerogarden club


Active Member
Moved the Big Bud girl under 400 HPS. Looks like she is going to be all by herself for this first grow. The two Widows in the 2nd AG appear to be boys. I was hoping for one girl and one male to make Widow and Widow X Big Bud seed. I'll have to settle for Widow X Big Bud seed to try after I flower the four Big Bud clones cooking on the Easy Cloner and after I germ and flower the remaining Widow seeds.

I will also need to jury rig a new bottom for her as she is drinking close to 2/3rds of the res per day and will definitely start running dry before she's done. I can see why they call this strain big bud. Two weeks into flower and she already has urchin action all over. Also stretching a bit. Might add some CFLs in the mix.

Very exciting.



Well-Known Member
Moved the Big Bud girl under 400 HPS. Looks like she is going to be all by herself for this first grow. The two Widows in the 2nd AG appear to be boys. I was hoping for one girl and one male to make Widow and Widow X Big Bud seed. I'll have to settle for Widow X Big Bud seed to try after I flower the four Big Bud clones cooking on the Easy Cloner and after I germ and flower the remaining Widow seeds.

I will also need to jury rig a new bottom for her as she is drinking close to 2/3rds of the res per day and will definitely start running dry before she's done. I can see why they call this strain big bud. Two weeks into flower and she already has urchin action all over. Also stretching a bit. Might add some CFLs in the mix.

Very exciting.
Very Very Nice!


Well-Known Member
and the first hairs show! 1 confirmed female please keep your fingers crossed on the second one, when i can get some pictures ill get a journal going it should be soon


Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".


Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".
and you should change your username to "i give my negative opinion to people that don't give a shit to hear it." it's great to learn on, for personal, and it's perfect for spaces where you can't fit a 5 or 10 gallon res. if you don't like something, why waste your time telling those who use it that they're stupid for doing it? go grow your own way and enjoy the esperience like everyone else. this site is for learning and sharing knowledge, not to put others down

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".

Hi hater bongsmilie

AG works magik. If you couldnt pull it off yourselve then dont hate on other people that can :leaf:

:weed: Happy Growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".



Well-Known Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".
He mad because he cant afford one haha... serious AG hater!!


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah huh.. I think its a real easy way to grow u hardly have to do anything jus basically set and check it once in a while.. Or Maybe cuz I got mine for free I'm not worried about it ...


Active Member
Ok so i dont understand, why do people buy aerogardens? Why pay 120 dollars for a basic dwc system with 2 shitty fluoros? Just baffles my imagination..... should change the name of the club to something like "Shit, i wasted my money on an aerogarden".
Because I have the money, time and motivation to try whatever the fuck I want. I could have easily put the weed in my EuroGrower seen here just before harvest of my Hybrid F1 Trust greenhouse tomatoes. Or in one of my three ebb and flows or one of two aeroponic systems, all of which are sitting idle.

Seeing what others were doing with the AG motivated me to skip the cherry tomatoes and see how far I could take cannabis on this low-end DWC bubbler and aeroponic wannabe. If you imagination is baffled its probably because theres not much there, thus easily baffled.

The price of the AG is the price of admission for someone who knows squat about gardening, growing, hydroponics, let alone plant biology and physiology. This is the same person which would never even remotely contemplated taking on growing their own tomatoes, eggplants or marijuana yet are now masters of fruit, veggie or bud production. All thanks to the lowly wannabe Aerogarden. Idiots need not apply.



Well-Known Member
The AG is the best learning tool there is out there.Teaches you all the basics.I am by far an ag hater i own one myself and have had very succesfull grows and that will later be used for clones,but it just doesnt have a big enough rez for marijuana in other words it is not designed to grow marijuana.These plants need room to GROW.Its just too small.Yes it is way overpriced and there is alot of shit that it needs but.....its small,very efficient and perfect for small crops.I upgraded to the bubbleponics system(i could have made one for a lil less) but it has a bigger rez and thats what i needed.Example.;i had 4 2 ft. moms in the ag.decided to go on a trip for the weekend.Leave early friday and came back early Sunday.i made damn sure the rez was as full as it could go.In just that small amount of time,,they drank all the water and were too far dead to bring back.i thought i was coming home to start the flowering phase,but they didnt make it.But i encourage people to grow in the ag.just watch it closely and add more cfl;s(as many that will fit around the ag!Peace and happy harvesting!



Well-Known Member
The AG is the best learning tool there is out there.Teaches you all the basics.I am by far an ag hater i own one myself and have had very succesfull grows and that will later be used for clones,but it just doesnt have a big enough rez for marijuana in other words it is not designed to grow marijuana.These plants need room to GROW.Its just too small.Yes it is way overpriced and there is alot of shit that it needs but.....its small,very efficient and perfect for small crops.I upgraded to the bubbleponics system(i could have made one for a lil less) but it has a bigger rez and thats what i needed.Example.;i had 4 2 ft. moms in the ag.decided to go on a trip for the weekend.Leave early friday and came back early Sunday.i made damn sure the rez was as full as it could go.In just that small amount of time,,they drank all the water and were too far dead to bring back.i thought i was coming home to start the flowering phase,but they didnt make it.But i encourage people to grow in the ag.just watch it closely and add more cfl;s(as many that will fit around the ag!Peace and happy harvesting!

amen purp. it's the perfect learning tool before you upgrade to something bigger. i knew the basics of growing, but now i know all that i need to upgrade to a bigger operation. all b/c of this site and the AG


Active Member
As far as removing the battery backup goes, that did work for me, however, the pumps and everything all came on /off at one time. So that was not as good of a solution as my current one, which allows the light hood to be controlled seperately by a timer (and a long 6' cord, in case you need to raise it), while the base unit is plugged directly into the wall as normal.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. All i have instaleld on my PC at the moment is Paint, here ya go!

Larger View:

---- Im new to this whole growing i have been using dirt to grow my shit would it be better to grow in an aerogarden??
---- Also wut if you took the lights right off of the aerogarden and used a better light all together would that be a better alternative to going through all the trouble of getting these timers with the figure eight shit??


Well-Known Member
Yea you can but you if your buying the AG you might as well use the light, i mean you paid for it haha


Active Member
yeah i no but wut is the point of using the shitty flouro's that come with it lol
i mean if you hooked up an led panel or something ... i heard led was a good way to grow